Imatges de pàgina


nay, almost daily in Bristol, during the first summer which I spent there.

12. Upon the whole, I declare once for all, (and I hope to be troubled no more upon the subject,) I look upon some of those bodily symptoms, to have been preternatural or diabolical; and others to have been effects which in some circumstances naturally followed from strong and sudden emotions of mind. Those emotions of mind, whether of fear, sorrow, or joy, I believe were chiefly supernatural; springing from the gracious influences of the Spirit of God, which accompanied his word.

13. I believe this is all the answer I need give to the severe accusation you have brought against me: for which I trust men of candour will discern there was not the least foundation. With respect to the first point, despising learning, I am utterly clear. None can bring any proof, or shadow of proof, that I do not highly esteem it. With regard to the assurance of faith and hope, I have spoken as clearly as I can: and I trust serious men, who have some experience in veligion, will not find much to condemn therein. And with respect to inward feelings, whoever denies them in the sense wherein alone I defend them, must deny all the life and power of religion, and leave nothing but a dead, empty form. For take away the love of God and our neighbour, the peace of God and joy in the Holy Ghost, or (which comes to the same) deny that they are felt, and what remains but a poor, lifeless shadow ?

14. This is what I do, and must contend for. "I thought you had contended for quite another thing." If you had only thought so, or only said so in private conversation, it had been of no great consequence. But it was of consequence, when you not only brought a false accusa accusation against your brother before so venerable an assembly, but also published it to all the world. Surely the first step was enough and more than enough. Was there nothing more important wherewith to entertain the 'stewards of the mysteries of God,' than the mistakes, if they really had been such of the Methodists, so called? Had they no enemies more dangerous than these? Were they not in more imminent danger, if of no outward sin, nothing in their behaviour or conversation unworthy of their calling; yet of neglect, of remissness, of not laying out all their time, and care, and pains, in feeding the sheep which Christ had purchased with his own blood? Were none of them, in danger of levity, of pride, of passion, of discontent, of covetousness? Were none of them seeking. the praise of men more than the praise of God? O Sir, if this was the case of any of them, I will not say how trifling, how insignificant; but how mischievous to these, how fatal, how destructive must a charge of this kind be! By which they were led, not to examine themselves, to consider either their own hearts or ways, but to criticise on others, on those with whom nine in ten had no manner of concern? Surely so solemn an opportunity might be improved to far other purposes! Even to animate every one present, to offer up himself a living sacrifice to God, that so he may be ready to be offeredi

up, on the sacrifice and service of his faith; to have one thing only in his eye, to desire, to aim at nothing else, not honour, not ease, not money, not preferment; but to save his own soul and them that hear him.

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Limerick, June 8, 1750.

1. WHY do you not subscribe your name to a performance so perfectly agreeing both as to the matter and form, with the sermons you have been occasionally preaching, for more than a year last past? As to your seeming to disclaim it, by saying once and again, "I am but a plain, simple man ;" and, "the doctrine you teach is only a revival of the old antinominian heresy, I think they call it ;" I presume it is only a pious fraud. But how came so plain and simple a man, to know the meaning of the Greek word Philalethes? Sir, this is not of a piece. If you did not care to own your child, had not you better have subscribed the second (as well as the first) letter* George Fisher?

2. I confess you have timed your performance well. When the other pointless thing was published, I came unluckily to Cork on the self-same day. But you might now suppose I was at a convenient distance. However, I will not plead this as an excuse, for taking no notice of your last favour: although, to say the truth, I scarce know how to answer it, as you write in a language I am not accustomed to. Both Dr. Tucker, Dr. Church, and all the other gentlemen, who have written to me in public for some years, have written as gentlemen, having some regard to their own, whatever my character was. But as you fight in the dark, you regard not what weapons you use. We are not, therefore, on even terms. ]

* The letter thas subscribed was published at Cork, on May 30 last.

cannot answer you in kind. I am constrained to leave this to your good allies of Blackpool and Fair-lane.*

I shall, first, state the facts, on which the present controversy turns, and then consider the most material parts of your performance. First, I am to state the facts. But here I am under a great disadvantage, having few of my papers by me. Excuse me, therefore, if I do not give so full an account now, as I may possibly do hereafter; if I only give you for the present the extracts of some papers, which were lately put into my hands.

Thomas Jones, of Cork, merchant, deposes,

That on May 3, 1749, Nicholas Butler, ballad-singer, came before the house of this deponent, and assembled a large mob; that this deponent went to Daniel Crone, Esq. then Mayor of Cork, and desired that he would put a stop to those riots; asking, at the same time, whether he gave the said Butler leave to go about in this manner? That Mr. Mayor said, he neither gave him leave, neither did he hinder him that in the evening Butler gathered a larger mob than before, and went to the house where the people called Methodists were assembled to hear the word of God, and as they came out, threw dirt and hurt several of them.

That on May 4, this deponent with some others, went to the mayor and told what had been done, adding, "If your Worship pleases to speak only three words to Butler, it will all be over: that the mayor gave his word and honour, "There should be no more of it, he would put an entire stop to it: that, notwithstanding, a larger mob than ever came to the house the same evening: that they threw much dirt and many stones at the people, both while they were in the house, and when they came out that the mob then fell upon them, both on men and women, with clubs, hangers, and swords, so that many of them were much wounded, and lost a considerable quantity of blood.

That on May 5, this deponent informed the mayor of all, and also that Butler had openly declared, There should be a greater mob than ever there was that night that the mayor promised he would prevent it; that in the evening Butler did bring a greater mob than ever: that this deponent, hearing the mayor designed to go out of the way, set two men to watch him, and when the riot was begun, went to the alehouse, and inquired for him that the woman of the house denying he was there, this deponent insisted he was, declared he would not go till he had seen him; and began searching the house that Mr. Mayor then appearing, he demanded his assistance, to suppress a riotous mob; that when the mayor came in sight of them, he beckoned to Butler, who immediately came down from the place where he stood: that the mayor then went with this deponent, and looked on many of the people covered with dirt and blood: that some of them still remained in the house, fearing their lives, till James Chatterton and John Reily, esquires, sheriff's of

* Celebrated parts of Cork.

Cork, and Hugh Millard, junr. Esq. alderman, turned them out to the mob, and nailed up the doors.

2. Elizabeth Holleran, of Cork, deposes,

That on May 3, as she was going down Castle-street, she saw Nicholas Butler on a table, with ballads in one hand and a bible in the other that she expressed some concern thereat; on which sheriff Reily ordered his bailiff to carry her to Bridewell; that afterward the bailiff came and said, "His master ordered she should be carried to jail: and that she continued in jail from May 3, about eight in the evening, till between ten and twelve on May 5. 3. John Stockdale, of Cork, tallow-chandler, deposes,

That on May 5, while he and others were assembled to hear the word of God, Nicholas Butler came down to the house where they were with a very numerous mob: that when this deponent came out, they threw all manner of dirt and abundance of stones at him; that they then beat, bruised and cut him in several places: that seeing his wife on the ground, and the mob abusing her still, he called out and besought them not to kill his wife: that on this one of them struck him with a large stick, as did also many others, so that he was hurt in several parts, and his face in a gore of blood.

4. Daniel Sullivan, of Cork, baker, deposes,

That every day but one from the 6th to the 16th of May, Nicholas Butler assembled a riotous mob, before this deponent's house; that they abused all who came into the shop, to the great damage of this deponent's business: that on or about the 15th Butler swore he would bring a mob the next day and pull down his house: that accordingly on the 16th he did bring a large mob, and beat or abused all that came to the house: that the mayor walked by while the mob was so employed, but did not hinder them, that afterwards they broke his windows, threw dirt and stones into his shop, and spoiled a great quantity of his goods.

Daniel Sullivan is ready to depose farther, that from the 16th of May to the 28th, the mob gathered every day before his house that on Sunday the 28th, Butler swore, They would come the next day and pull down the house of that heretic dog:' and called aloud to the nob, Let the heretic dogs indict you; I will bring you all off without a farthing cost.'

That, accordingly, on May 29, Butler came with a greater mob than before: that he went to the mayor and begged him to come, which he, for some time, refused to do; but, after much importunity, rose up, and walked with him down the street; that when they were in the midst of the mob, the mayor said aloud, 'It is your own fault, for entertaining these preachers; if you will turn them out of your house, I will engage there shall be no more harm done; but if you will not turn them out, you must take what you will get:' that upon this the mob set up an huzza, and threw stones faster than before: that he said, This is fine usage under a protestant government; if I had a priest saying mass in every room of it, my house would not be touched; that the mayor replied, The priests are

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tolerated; but you are not; you talk too much; go in, and shut up your doors:' that seeing no remedy, he did so, and the mob continued breaking the windows and throwing stones in till near twelve at night.

That on May 31, the said Sullivan and two more, went and informed the mayor of what the mob was then doing: that it was not without great importunity, they brought him as far as the exchange : that he would go no farther, nor send any help, though some that were much bruised and wounded came by: that some hours after, when the mob had finished their work, he sent a party of soldiers to guard the walls.

5. John Stockdale deposes farther, that on May 31, he, with others, was quietly hearing the word of God, when Butler and his mob came down to the house: that as they came out, the mob threw showers of dirt and stones; that many were hurt, many beat, bruised, and cut, among whom was this deponent, who was so bruised and cut, that the effusion of blood from his head could not be stopped for a considerable time.

6. John M'Nerny, of Cork, deposes,

• That on the 31st of May last, as this deponent, with others, was hearing a sermon, Butler came down with a large mob: that the stones and dirt coming in fast, obliged the congregation to shut the doors, and lock themselves in: that the mob broke open the door, on which this deponent endeavoured to escape through a window: that not being able to do it, he returned into the house where he saw the mob tear up the pews, benches and floor, part of which they afterwards burned in the open street, and carried away part for

their own use.

7. Daniel Sullivan is ready to depose farther,

That Butler with a large mob went about from street to street, and from house to house, abusing, threatening, and beating whomsoever he pleased, from June 1st to the 16th, when they assaulted, bruised, and cut Ann Jenkins; and from the 16th to the 30th, when a woman whom they had beaten, miscarried, and narrowly escaped with life.

Some of the particulars were as follows.
Thomas Burnet, of Cork, nailor, deposes,

That on or about the 12th of June, as this deponent was at work in his master's shop, Nicholas Butler came with a great mob to the door, and seeing this deponent, told him, he was an heretic dog, and his soul was burning in hell: that this deponent asking, Why do you use me thus?" Butler took up a stone and struck him so violently on the side, that he was thereby rendered incapable of working for upwards of a week: that he hit this deponent's wife with another stone, without any kind of provocation, which so hurt her, that she was obliged to take to her bed, and has not been right well since. Ann Cooshea, of Cork, deposes,

That on or about the 12th of June, as she was standing at her father's door, Nicholas Butler, with a riotous mob, began to abuse

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