Imatges de pàgina
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CHAPTER VII. On the Occupations, Arts, and Sciences of the Hebrews.

SECTION I. Agriculture and Horticulture of the Jews.

I. Agriculture of the Jews.-II. Manures known and used by them.-III. Their

mode of ploughing, sowing, and reaping-IV. Different ways of threshing out

corn.-V. Vineyards, and the culture of the Vine and Olive.-Gardens. 441

SECTION II. On the Arts of the Hebrews.

I. Origin of the Arts.-State of them from the Deluge to the time of Moses.—

II. State of the arts from the time of Moses until the Captivity.-III. State of

the Arts after the Captivity.-IV. Account of some of the Arts practised by

the Jews.-Writing;-Materials used for this purpose ;-Letters;-Form of

Books.-V. Poetry.-VI. Music and Musical Instruments.-VII. Dancing. 454

SECTION III. On the Sciences of the Hebrews.

I. Origin of the Sciences.-II. History, Genealogy, and Chronology.-III.

Arithmetic, Mathematics, Astronomy, and Astrology.-IV. Surveying.-V.

Mechanic Arts.-VI. Geography.-VII. Physics, Natural History, and Philo-

sophy.—VIII. Medicine.-IX. Notice of some particular Diseases mentioned

in the Scriptures, viz. 1. Disease of the Philistines;-2. Of King Saul;--3 Of

King Jehoram;-4. Of King Hezekiah;-5. Of Nebuchadnezzar ;-6. Palsy;

-7. The Disease of Job ;-8. Issue of Blood;-9. Blindness;-10. Demonia-


cal Possessions.

SECTION IV. On the Commerce of the Hebrews.

I. Commerce of the Midianites, Egyptians, and Phoenicians.-II. Mode of trans-

porting Goods.-III. Commerce of the Hebrews, particularly under Solomon

and his successors.-IV. Notice of antient shipping.-V. Money, weights,

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