Imatges de pàgina

brought. Clothe thy priests with salvation, and let thy people shout for joy. Shed down upon all pastors and teachers, on all bishops and evangelists, those holy influences which shall enable them to preach as with an unction from thee. May our own beloved minister have the tongue of the learned to-day, so that he may speak a word in season to those who are weary; and may such as attend with us, who are far off from thee, be converted from the error of their ways. Spirit of the Lord, let thy word run and be glorified. Heal the wounds of the broken-hearted, and give joy for grief. Let thy power and thy glory be known throughout thy sanctuary; and may the hearts of thine enemies be subdued under thee.

We ask for the gracious presence of the Lord with us in all the engagements of the day. In the sanctuary and in our own abode may we feel that thou art with us. Let our conduct be such as thou wilt approve Preserve us from wandering and worthless thoughts, and help us to wait upon thee without distraction. May we enjoy a holy Sabbath of the Spirit; and may every member of our household rejoice in Christ Jesus and love him with the whole heart. Let none of us be far from thee by wicked works. Grant to every one of us repentance towards God, and faith in the Lord Jesus. Oh save us with an everlasting salvation, for thy name's sake.

Hear us, O Lord, in heaven thy dwelling-place, and grant us acceptance, forgiveness, and all spiritual blessings, for the sake of our adorable Mediator Jesus Christ, to whom, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, be glory everlasting. Amen.

O THOU who art high over all the earth, the God of grace, the giver of every good and perfect gift. We approach thee to-night thankful for the engagements in which we have been occupied during the day. Thine house has been a delight to us; thy word has been sweet to our taste, and we have been glad to worship thee with thy saints. We beseech thee that our worship may be accepted through the Mediator. Follow with thine Holy Spirit's blessing the instructions with which we have been favoured; hear our prayers, and let our praises come up an offering wellpleasing in thy sight. We are astonished that thou shouldest accept such services as we render, so cold, so imperfect do we feel them to be. Sin stains even our best performances, but thou art merciful. We come to thee through thine only Son Christ Jesus our Lord; and blessed be his name, he offers our prayers and praises with the incense of his intercession. We desire ever to be found in Christ, to present all our worship in his name. Look, we beseech thee, upon him, thine Anointed, and through him upon us, and grant us the favour thou bearest to thy chosen.

We thank thee for the circumstances in which thy providence places us. We have the comforts of this life; our family complains not of lingering disease, or of racking pain. We are within reach of thy sanctuary; and thou permittest us to read thy wonderful works in thine own word. We have a goodly heritage.

Thou hast taught us to prefer Jerusalem above our chief joy, and we desire thy word above thousands of gold and of silver. We thank thee for renewing grace. We devoutly acknowledge the means by which our characters have been improved, and by which holy purposes have been kept alive in our hearts; we have been preserved from wandering in forbidden paths, and reclaimed when we have gone astray. O Lord, be pleased still to guide us with thy counsel. Sanctify us by thy Spirit. Continue to us the ordinances of thine house; and make every dispensation of thy providence towards us the means of increasing our faith and patience, and hope and love. We place ourselves in thine hands. Whatever may be thy discipline over us, may we profit by it, and be moulded according to thy will. Help us to serve and glorify thee in this world, and at length may we be prepared for the better service and the holier enjoyments of heaven.

Let all our family be thus blessed, and each of our beloved relations and friends. Pour out of thy grace upon our neighbours, and teach the ends of the earth to fear thee. Follow with thy Spirit's power the word of truth wheresoever it has been proclaimed to-day, that sinners may be converted; and send out that truth where as yet it has not gone. Let the know

ledge of the Lord cover the earth.

O Lord, we fall into thy hands to-night. Watch over our repose. Preserve us from harm, and fit us for the duties and the toils of the week. At all times may we set the Lord before us; and do thou direct our steps. We ask in the Redeemer's name, and for his sake. Amen.



"To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved."

Of all the gifts thy hand bestows,

Thou Giver of all good,

Not heaven itself a richer knows
Than my Redeemer's blood.

Faith, too, the blood-receiving grace,
From the same hand we gain;
Else, sweetly as it suits our case,
That gift had been in vain.

Till thou thy teaching power apply,
Our hearts refuse to see,
And, weak as a distemper'd eye,

Shut out the view of thee.

Blind to the merits of thy Son,

What misery we endure!

Yet fly that hand, from which alone

We could expect a cure.

We praise thee, and would praise thee more!

To thee our all we owe ;

The precious Saviour, and the

That makes him precious too.




"Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness."

WHEN morn awakes our hearts

To form the early prayer; When toil-worn day departs,

And gives a pause to care
When those our soul loves best
Kneel with us in thy fear,

To ask thy peace and rest,-
Our God, our Father, hear!

When worldly snares without,
And evil thoughts within,
Of grace would raise a doubt,
Or lure us back to sin;
When human strength proves frail,
And will but half sincere,
When faith begins to fail,-

Our God, our Father, hear!

And when death's awful hand
Unbars the gates of time,
Eternity's dim land

Disclosing dread sublime ;
When flesh and spirit quake,

Before thee to appear,

O then, for Jesus' sake,

Our God, our Father, hear!

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