Imatges de pàgina

THOU, O Lord, art our Father, though Abraham acknowledge us not. Thou wast the God of his posterity. They had light while other nations sat in darkness; but now the light of life shines in Gentile lands and in every nation. He that feareth thee and worketh righteousness is accepted by thee. We adore the mercy which has sent us the gospel and induced us to receive it. Thou hast taken us into thy family, and blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly things in Christ Jesus. We were lost, but thou didst find us-ignorant, but thou didst instruct us-far off from thee by wicked works, but thou didst bring us nigh. We adore the riches of thy grace; and we thank thee, that in him by whom we draw nigh to God, thou hast treasured up all the gifts we need. We come to-night to ask for supplies out of his fulWe ́e pray that we may have in him righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption. May every sin be subdued, every want be supplied, and may we be filled with all the fulness of God.


We thank thee for the temporal mercies of this day; for our health-for our reasoning faculties-for food and raiment. We bless thee that domestic favours are continued to us. Affliction has not filled our house with sadness; and death does not make us mourners. Thou givest us employment to engage our thoughts and fill our hands; and through thy mercy we have social pleasures without stint. Accept our thanks for

these tokens of thy goodness; but what shall we render for the spiritual blessings we receive? We have thy word, and the opportunity of drawing nigh to thee in humble prayer. We are companions of them that fear thee, and we can go to thy sanctuary and worship from time to time before thy mercy-seat. We pray for grace to improve these great and undeserved favours. Often do we come short in this respect, and if thou, Lord, shouldest mark iniquity we must be condemned. Remember not against us our short-comings. Blot out our sins for thy mercy's sake, and help us always to come to the fountain opened for sin and for uncleanness. Let the transgressions of this day be purged away, and take us kindly under thy protection for the night. Spread over us thy wings of love, that no evil may harm us. Let all the members of our household be defended, and sanctified, and guided in thy service. Let such who love Christ increase in holiness and usefulness. Grant to all bishops and evangelists the healthful influences of thy Spirit, that they may labour successfully; and let the churches of the Redeemer every where be as well-watered gardens. Let those that be planted in the house of the Lord flourish in the courts of our God. Be gracious to the afflicted, and so accompany their sorrows with thy blessing, that they may have to say, It was good for me that I was afflicted. Mercifully prepare us for whatever awaits us. Long as we live may we live usefully. Whensoever we die may we die in peace; and at last may we be presented, through the rich merits of the Saviour's blood, before thy throne, redeemed, sanctified, and made eternally happy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.



"The Lord is in his holy temple, let all the earth keep silence before him."

THE Lord is in his holy throne,

He sits in kingly state,

Let those who for his favour seek,

In humble silence wait.

Your sorrows to his eye are known,
Your secret motives clear,

It needeth not the pomp of words
pour them on his ear.


Does death thy bosom's cell invade?
Yield up thy flower of grass;
Swells the world's wrathful billows high?

Bow down, and let it pass.

Press not thy purpose on thy God,

Urge not thine erring will, Nor dictate to the Eternal mind,

Nor doubt thy Maker's skill.

True prayer is not the noisy sound
That clamorous lips repeat,

But the deep silence of a soul,
That clasps Jehovah's feet.



"Commit thy way unto the Lord, and he shall bring it to pass."

GIVE to the winds thy fears;

Hope, and be undismay'd;

God hears thy sighs and counts thy tears;

God shall lift up thy head.

Through waves, through clouds, and storms,

He gently clears thy way,

Wait then his time; so shall thy night

Soon end in joyous day.

Leave to his sovereign will

To choose and to command;

With wonder fill'd, then thou shalt own,

How wise, how strong his hand.

Thou comprehend'st him not;

Yet earth and heaven tell,

God sits as sovereign on the throne,
He ruleth all things well.

Thou seest our weakness, Lord,
Our hearts are known to thee;
Oh, lift thou up the sinking hand,
Confirm the feeble knee.

Let us, in life and death,

Boldly thy truth declare,

And publish with our latest breath

Thy love and guardian care.

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O LORD God Almighty, we would adore thee as the eternal, the unchangeable, and the holy Lord of heaven and earth. Thou art the source of being and of blessedness, the God in whose hands our breath is, and whose are all our ways. Grant us grace to worship thee in spirit and in truth. May we draw nigh to thee in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water; and do thou, for the sake of our great Intercessor, receive our praises and answer our petitions in the bestowment of all needful good.

We come to thee this morning because we know not how to guide our own steps, and because thou art the guide of them that call upon thee. Lead us in thy truth and teach us, and suffer us not in thought or word or deed to transgress against thee. The time past of our lives is sufficient to have employed in sin. We are ashamed and humbled; nor could we hope for mercy, but that Christ died for us and rose again. For his sake pardon our iniquity, for it is great. Give us his righteousness to justify us, and may thy Spirit create in us a clean heart and renew a fixed spirit within us. O Lord, help us to go to the business of life to-day depending on thee. Mould our dispositions and sanctify our conduct, and may we be in the fear of God all the day long. Give success to our business to-day if it please thee; or if disappointment

and adversity befall us, may we submit to it with

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