Imatges de pàgina



"Pass the time of your sojourning here in fear-redeemed-with the precious blood of Christ."

LEAD us, heavenly Father, lead us
O'er the world's tempestuous sea;
Guard us, guide us, keep us, feed us,
For we have no help but thee;
Yet possessing

Every blessing,

If our God our Father be.

Saviour, breathe forgiveness o'er us;

All our weakness thou dost know;
Thou didst tread this earth before us,
Thou didst feel its keenest woe:

Lone and dreary,

Faint and weary,
Through the desert thou didst go.

Spirit of our God, descending,

Fill our hearts with heavenly joy;
Love with every passion blending,
Pleasure that can never cloy.
Thus provided,

Pardon'd, guided,

Nothing can our peace destroy.

ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, the Creator of the universe; thou who holdest our souls in life, and givest us all things richly to enjoy. We adore the condescension which thou showest in making our wants thy care. We are poor and needy, yet thou thinkest upon us. Though thou dwellest on high, yet hast thou respect unto the lowly. Make us thankful in the review of thy goodness through the night; help us to receive with grateful hearts all the blessings of this day, and may we be wise to improve to our spiritual good the mercies thou bestowest. Grant us grace this day, that we may escape the corruptions that are in the world through lust.

Help us to be diligent in business, fervent in spirit, serving thee, and may the word of Christ dwell in us richly, directing our conduct, and sanctifying our thoughts and temper. Let us not offend in word today. Suffer us not to forget thee. Incline our hearts to thy testimonies, and let us not be insnared or defiled by the example of those who forsake thy statutes. O Lord, our hearts are depraved, and ready to start aside; help us to watch over them, and do thou mercifully guard us by thy power, that we may not sin. Enlighten and sanctify our spirits by thy grace, so that we may be filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ to thy praise.

We confess that we have sinned-greatly sinned against thee, and but for thy mercy in Christ Jesus,

we must receive the due reward of our crimes; but our hope is in him. Oh for his sake pardon us, and give us a place among thy children. Let the Holy Ghost form us by his almighty power for thy praise and glory, and condescend to accept the service which we render to thee through the Mediator. Teach us, O Lord, that we may understand thy truth. Help us, that we may press onwards in the heavenward path. Thou art our Father, and we will yield submission to what thou doest. We thank thee for friends, but we would remember that earthly friendships cannot long continue. Oh prepare us, and all whom we love, for the blessed friendship of the skies. We thank thee for our domestic circle, but we would not forget that this may be soon broken by the ravages of death. O Lord, prepare us all for death and heaven. So long as we continue may we be a united and happy family, living in harmony, and in the fear of the Lord, and grant us the well-grounded hope that our union and love below shall prepare us for union and love in heaven.

We commend to thee all thy churches. Smile upon them, and grant them prosperity. We ask mercy on behalf of all around us. Oh for the extension of thy kingdom, that perishing souls may be healed and saved by the Redeemer's blood. Gracious Saviour, thou givest repentance and remission of sins. Oh bestow these blessings on multitudes who are now far off from thee by wicked works. Loose the prisoners; pity the slaves; break off their fetters; bring them to the liberty of thy salvation, that they may be free indeed. Vouchsafe, O Lord, to hear and answer us for thy name's sake. Amen.

O LORD our God, who is like unto thee? thou art high and holy, great and good. Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name? We desire to thank thee, that a way is open into thy presence for sinners, through the precious blood of thy dear Son; and to bless thee for the privilege we enjoy of drawing near to thee, and of making our requests known unto thee. It becomes us, as creatures of a day, whose foundation is in the dust, to feel and confess our nothingness in thy sight; but ever blessed be thy holy name, thou hast given us hope of pardon and salvation in Christ Jesus our Lord. We desire to bless thee, O Lord our God, that thou hast kept us in peace and safety during this day, that goodness has followed us, and that thou hast supplied our wants. Thou hast preserved us from evil and from death, no plague has been near us, and no mark of thy displeasure is on us; what shall we render unto the Lord for all this? Glory to thy holy name, an unbroken course has

thy mercy faileth not, but in followed us all our life. Thou, our God, hast fed and clothed us hitherto, and hast not withheld any good thing from us. But alas, O God, how often have we forgotten thee! how often have our deceitful hearts wandered after vanity, and too far departed from thee, the God of all consolation! O pardon us in this, and every other sin. We feel, and must confess, that we have transgressed against conscience, and against thy holy word; graciously blot out the past, and preserve

us in future. Should any member of the family have failed in the duties he owed to another, we pray thee in thy great mercy to forgive that sin. Remove whatever may have interrupted our mutual peace, comfort, and harmony. We adore thee for the gospel of thy grace, and for the Saviour thou hast sent. Thou didst not spare him, but didst freely give him up to the death for us all. May we confidently repose in him for acceptance and for eternal salvation. In closing the labours of this day, we desire to thank thee, O Lord our God, for the mercy that has sustained us during all its dangers, toils, and cares. If the cares of life, or the love of the world, have had any undue influence on our minds, or caused us to wander from thee, we beseech thee to blot out this iniquity for it is very great, and remember it no more against us. Let our friends and relatives be blessed with thy salvation ; and if we have enemies, may they also be brought to thee by thy mercy. May thy word have free course on earth and be glorified, and let the mountain of the Lord's house be established above the hills, and all nations flow unto it. Oh for the universal prevalence of truth and righteousness.

We commit ourselves to thy care and keeping for the night. May the Divine arm sustain and preserve us, and may we sleep in safety, and be at rest. And, O God, forbid that any of us should be surprised by an untimely or unprepared death. We yield ourselves unreservedly into thy hands, soul and body, for time and eternity. Do for us exceeding abundantly more than we can either ask or think, for the Lord our Redeemer's sake. Amen.

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