Imatges de pàgina

(10) ON ANGels.

SALKELD (J.) A Treatise of Angels. 8vo. London, 1613. [D. 18. 7.]
A MODEST ENQUIRY concerning a Guardian Angel.

BARKER (Thomas) An Inquiry into the Scripture
Satan, and its synonymous terms "The Devil,"
and The Wicked One." 8vo. London, 1772.

4to. London, 1702.

[M. 15. 21.] meaning of the word or the " Adversary" [P. 306. (4.)]


Eipnvoμaxia. The Agreement and Distance of Brethren: or a Brief Survey of the Judgment of Mr. John] G[OODWIN], and the Church of God walking with him, touching the head of Doctrine on 1. Election and Reprobation; 2. The Death of Christ; 3. The Grace of God in and about Conversion: 4. The Liberty or Power of the Will, or of the Creature Man; 5. The Perseverance of the Saints. 4to. London, 1652. [M. 15. 37.]

SPANHEMII (Friderici) Disputatio inauguralis de quinque articulis controversis, confutata ab A. Poelenburgh. 8vo. Amstelodami, 1658. [F. 7. 47.] EDWARDS (John) Veritas Redux. Evangelical Truths restored, concerning God's Eternal Decress, the Liberty of Man's Will, Grace and Conversion, the Extent and Efficacy of Christ's Redemption, and Perseverance in Grace. 8vo. London, 1707. [M. 6. 8.]

WHITBY (Daniel) A Discourse concerning 1. The true Import of the words Election and Reprobation; 2. The Extent of Christ's Redemption; 3. The Grace of God; 4. The Liberty of the Will in a State of Tryal and Probation; 5. The Perseverance or Defectibility of the Saints. 8vo. London, 1710. [N. 7. 10.]

Two other copies. 8vo. London, 1710.

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[D. 6. 7.
N. 9. 5.]


BATES (Ely) Observations on some Important Points in Divinity, chiefly those in controversy between the Arminians and Calvinists. London, 1793. [Hh. 4. 21.]

Another Copy. Second Edition. 12mo. London, 1811.

[Ii. 3. 43.] SCHLICHTINGII (Jonæ) Quæstiones Duæ: 1. Num in Evangelicorum religione dogmata habeantur, quæ vix ullo modo permittant, ut, qui ea amplectatur, nullo in peccato perseveret? 2. Num, in eadem religione, quædam concedantur Christi legibus inconcessa? 8vo. 1636. [L. 18.4.] ALVAREZ (Didaci) De Auxiliis Divinæ Gratiæ et Humani Arbitrii Viribus, et Libertate, ac legitima ejus cum Efficacia eorundem Auxiliorum concordia. 4to. Coloniæ, 1621. [M. 19. 14.]

(12) ON ORIGINAL SIN AND THE ORIGIN OF EVIL. CASAUBON (Meric) The Originall Cause of Temporall Evils. 4to. London, 1645. [P. 39. (18.)]

CLICHTOVEI (Judoci) De necessitate Peccati Adæ, et fœlicitate culpæ ejusdem Apologetica Disceptatio. 4to. Parisiis, 1519. [Ff. 7. 109.] LEIBNITZ (G. G. Baron de) Essais de Theodicée sur la Bonté de Dieu, la Liberté de l'Homme, et l'Origine du Mal. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1710. [N. 7. 23.]

WHITBY (Danielis) Tractatus de Imputatione Divina Peccati Adami Posteris ejus universis in Reatum. 8vo. Londini, 1711. [N. 9. 5.]

Exemplar aliud. 8vo. Londini, 1711. [R. 9. 71.]

EDWARDS (Jonathan, of Oxford) The Doctrine of Original Sin, as it was always held in the Catholick Church, and particularly in the Church of England, asserted and vindicated from the exceptions and cavils of the Rev. Dr. Daniel Whitby. 8vo. Oxford, 1711. [M. 19. 8.]

Another Copy. 8vo. Oxford, 1711. [N. 9. 5.]

WHITBY (Dr. Daniel) A Full Answer to Dr. Jonathan Edwards's Arguments for the opinion of St. Augustin, concerning the imputation of the first Sin of Adam for Guilt to all his Posterity. 8vo. London, 1712. [N. 9. 5.]


Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1712. [P. 203. (2.)] D'OYLY (Robert) Four Dissertations: on the Fall of Adam; on the Assistance vouchsafed to the first publishers of the Gospel on Revelation ; and on the Resurrection. 8vo. London, 1729. [R. 12. 4.] OAKES (Abraham) A Short Essay on the Creation, Fall, and Redemption of Man. 8vo. London, 1750. [P. 263. (5.)]

TAYLOR (John) The Scripture Doctrine of Original Sin proposed to Free and Candid Examination. 8vo. London, 1741. [F. 21. 6.]

WESLEY (John) The Doctrine of Original Sin, according to Scripture,
Reason, and Experience. 8vo. Bristol, 1757. [Hh. 2. 16.]
EDWARDS (Jonathan, of New Jersey) The Great Christian Doctrine of
Original Sin defended. 8vo. London, 1766. [Ff. 6. 29.]

Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1766.
Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1789.

[Hh. 6. 7.]

[Ff. 5. 30.]

BATE (James) An Essay towards a Rationale of the Literal Doctrine of Original Sin, or a Vindication of God's goodness in permitting the Fall of Adam and the Corruption of our Human Nature. London, 1752. [P. 162. (5.)]

FLETCHER (John) An Appeal to Matter of Fact and Common Sense; or a Rational Demonstration of Man's corrupt and lost Estate. 12mo. Bristol, 1773. [Ff. 8. 110.]

LUX ORIENTALIS: or an Enquiry into the Opinion of the Eastern Sages concerning the præ-existence of Souls; being a Key to unlock the Grand Mysteries of Providence, in relation to Man's Sin and Misery. 12mo. London, 1662. [M. 18. 12.]

CLARKE (John) An Enquiry into the Cause and Origin of Evil. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1720. [R. 12. 47,48.]

KING (Wm. Archbp. of Dublin) An Essay on the Origin of Evil, translated from the Latin with Notes, by Edmund Law, D. D. 8vo. Cambridge, 1758. [D. 27. 3.]

Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1781. [Ff. 4. 17.]

JENYNS (Soame) A Free Inquiry into the Nature and Origin of Evil. 12mo. London, 1758. [Ff. 8. 62.]


[Some of the Treatises upon these subjects might be placed under TITLE VII. infra, of this Class, on account of their controversial nature: as others, however, are entirely doctrinal, it has been judged best to dispose them under the present Head.]

BRADWARDINI (Thomæ, Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis) De Causa Dei contra Pelagium, et de Virtute Causarum Libri Tres. Opera et Studio D. Henrici Savilii. folio, Londini, 1618. [M. 10. 6.]

KNOX (John) An Answer to a great nomber of blasphemous cavillations written by an Anabaptist and adversarie to God's eternal Predestination. 8vo. London, 1560. [I. 18. 24.]

REGINALDI (Gulielmi) Calvino-Turcismus, id est Calvinistica Perfidiæ cum Mahumetana Collatio, et Dilucida utriusque Sectæ Confutatio. 8vo. Coloniæ, 1603. [K. 19. 26.]

CASTELLIONIS (Sebastiani) Dialogi IV. de Prædestinatione, Electione, Libero Arbitrio, Fide; et ejusdem Opuscula. 12mo. Goudæ, 1613. [R. 14. 79.]

Exemplar aliud. 12mo. Gouda, 1613. [S. 3. 25.] BERTII (Petri) Hymenæus Desertor; sive de Sanctorum Perseverantia et Apostasia Libri duo. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1615. [I. 20. 8.]

Bertii (Petri) Scripta Adversaria Collationis Hagiensis, habita anno 1611 inter quosdam Ecclesiarum Pastores, de divina Prædestinatione et capitibus ei adnexis. 4to. Lug. Bat. 1616. [L. 19. 4.]

ABBOT (Roberti, Sarisburiensis Episcopi) De Gratia et Perseverantiâ Sanctorum Exercitationes. 4to. Londini, 1618. [E. 20. 14.]

A DESCRIPTION of what God hath predestinated concerning Man, in his Creation, Transgression, and Regeneration. As also an Answere to John Robinson, touching Baptisme. 12mo. 1620. [K. 18. 40.] MOLINEI (Petri) Anatome Arminianismi; seu Enucleatio Controversiarum in Belgio de Providentiâ, de Prædestinatione, de Morte Christi, de Naturâ et Gratiâ. 4to. Lug. Bat. 1621. [L. 19. 6.] CORVINI (Joannis Arnoldi) Petri Molinai, novi anatomici, Mala Encheiresis; seu Censura Anatomes Arminianismi. 4to. Francofurti, 1622.

[G. 20. 7.] PENNOTTI (Gabrielis) Propugnaculum Humanæ Libertatis; seu Controversiarum pro humani Arbitrii Libertate contra Philosophos, Astrologos Judiciarios, et Hæreticos tuendâ, et, cum certitudine Divinæ Præscientiæ, Immobilitate Divini Decreti, et Efficacia Divinæ Notionis conciliandâ, Libri X. folio, Lugduni, 1624. [H. 9. 7.]

PELAGIUS REDIVIVUS; or Pelagius raked out of the Ashes by
Arminius and his Schollers. 4to. London, 1626.

A SECOND PARALLEL; together with a Writ of Error sued [L. 15.18.] against the Appealer [Bp. Montagu.] 4to. London, 1626.

PRYNNE (William) The Perpetuitie of a Regenerate Man's Estate. 4to.
London, 1627. [E. 1. 42.]

Two Copies. 4to. London, 1627. [Ff. 6. 85,86.]
Another Copy. 4to. London, 1627. [Ii. 3. 16.]

Prynne (William) Anti-Arminianisme; or the Church of England's Old
Antithesis to New Arminianisme. 4to. London, 1630. [Ff. 6. 57.]

Prynne (William) God no Impostor nor Deluder: or an Answer to a
Popish and Arminian Cavill, in the Defence of Free Will and Universal
Grace. 4to. London, 1630. [Ff. 6. 57.]
USSERII (Jacobi, Archiepiscopi Armachanensis) Gotteschalci et Prædesti-
narianæ Controversiæ ab eo mota Historia. 4to. Dublinii, 1631.

[L. 15. 18.] AN HISTORICALL RELATION of the judgement of some most learned and Godly English Bishops, Holy Martyrs and others, concerning God's election and the merit of Christ his death, &c. 4to. London, 1631.

[L. 15. 19.] Francisci à SANCTA CLARA [Johannis DAVENPORTI] Deus, Natura, Gratia: sive Tractatus de Prædestinatione, de Meritis et peccatorum remissione, et de Sanctorum Invocatione. 4to. Lugduni, 1634. [K. 17. 4.]

Exemplaria alia Duo. 4to. Lugduni, 1634.

{[D. 14. 4.

N. 6. 22.]

DE PREDESTINATIONE et Reprobatione, et auxiliis Divinæ Gratiæ Cento Thomisticus. 4to. Parisiis, 1636. [G. 20. 12.]

HOARD (Samuel) God's Love to Mankind manifested, by disproving his absolute decree for their Damnation. 8vo. London, 16—. [R. 13. 69.] DAVENANT (John, Bp. of Salisbury) Animadversions upon a treatise intituled God's Love to Mankind. 8vo. Cambridge, 1641. [R. 13. 66.]

Another Copy. 8vo. Cambridge, 1641. [E. 18. 12.] Spanhemii (Friderici) Exercitationes de Gratia Universali: Accessere Quinquaginta Erotemata auctori proposita, ab eodem decisa, cum Mantissa Centum Anti-Erotematum. 3 tomis, Svo. Lugd. Bat. 1646.

[I. 18. 25,27.] Dallei (Joannis) Adversus Frederici Spanhemii Excercitationes de Gratia Universali. 8vo. Amstelodami, 1655. [I. 10. 28.]

Amyraldi (Mosis) Specimen Animadversionum in Exercitationes de Gratia Universali. 4to. Salmurii, 1648. [L. 19. 26.]

RESBURY (Richard) The Lightless Starre; or Mr. John Goodwin discovered a Pelagio-Socinian: and this by the Examination of his Preface to his Book entituled "Redemption Redeemed." Together with an Answer to his Letter entituled "Confidence dismounted." 8vo. London, 1652. [F. 18. 30.]

DAVENANTII (Joannis, Sarisburiensis Episcopi) Dissertatio de Morte Christi, quatenus ad omnes extendatur, quatenus ad solos electos restringatur. folio, MS. [L. 13. 25.]

Davenantii (Joannis) Dissertationes Duæ: 1. De Morte Christi; 2. De Prædestinatione et Reprobatione. folio, Cantabrigiæ, 1650. [L. 9. 19.] PLAIFERE (John) Appello Evangelium, for the Doctrine of Divine Predestination concorded with the Doctrine of God's Free Grace and Man's Free Will. 12mo. London, 1652. [E. 16. 30.]

Fur Prædestinatus: sive Dialogus inter Concionatorem et Furem ad furcam damnatum. [Auctore Gulielmo SANCROFT, Archiepiscopo Cantuariensi?] 8vo." [P. 347. (4.)]

HAMMOND (Henry) A Pacifick Discourse of God's Grace and Decrees. 8vo. London, 1660. [L. 19. 29.]

DU MOULIN (Lewis) Moral Reflections upon the number of the Elect. 4to. London, 1680. [M. 15. 13.]

A COLLECTION of Tracts concerning Predestination and Providence and the other Points depending on them. 8vo. Cambridge, 1719.

[N. 7. 8.] HEAVEN Open to All: a Treatise in which is proved that all Men shall be saved. 8vo. London, 1743. [R. 12. 9.] FINCH (Richard) Thoughts on the Sovereignty of God, the Doctrines of Election, Reprobation, and Original Sin. 8vo. London, 1745. [R. (115. 11.)] Finch (Richard) A Free Examination of Mr. Cudworth's Free Thoughts on the Doctrines of Election, Fall of Man, and Restoration by Christ. London, 8vo. 1747. [P. 263. (7.)]

EDWARDS (Thomas) The Doctrine of Irresistible Grace proved to have no foundation in the writings of the New Testament. 8vo. Cambridge, 1759. [D. 25. 6.]

TOPLADY (A. M.) Historic Proof of the Doctrinal Calvinism of the Church of England. 8vo. London, 1793. [Ff. 6. 75,76.]

Another Copy. 8vo. In his Works, Vols. I. II. [Hh. 3. 17,18.] WITHERSPOON (John) Essays on important subjects, intended to establish the Doctrine of Salvation by Grace, and to point out its influence on Holiness of Life. 2 vols. 8vo. Bungay, 1800. [Hh. 2. 24,25.] WESLEY (John) Predestination calmly considered. 12mo. London, 1786. [Hh. 4. 37.] FULLER (Andrew) The Gospel of Christ worthy of all Acceptation. 12mo. Northampton. [Hh. 4. 24.] Fuller (Andrew) A Defence of a Treatise entitled "The Gospel of Christ worthy of all Acceptation." 12mo. Northampton, 1787.

[Hh. 4. 24.] TOMLINE (George, Bp. of Winchester) A Refutation of Calvinism. 8vo. London, 1811. [Ff. 6. 70.]

The Fathers, the Reformers, and the Public Formularies of the Church of England, in Harmony with Calvin and against the Bishop of Lincoln. By a Layman. 8vo. London, 1812. [Ff. 6. 71.]

Remarks on Bp. Tomline's Refutation of Calvinism. By Thomas SCOTT. 8vo. 2 vols. London, 1811. [Ff. 6. 72,73.]

A Defence of Modern Calvinism, containing an Examination of the Bishop of Lincoln's Refutation of Calvinism. By Edward WILLIAMS, D. D.. 8vo. London, 1812. [Ff. 6. 74.]


BAXTER (Richard) Apology against the Modest Exceptions of Mr. T. Blake and the Digression of Mr. T. Kendall; whereunto is added Animadversions on a late Dissertation of Ludiomæus Colvinus, alias Ludovicus Molinæus; and an Admonition of Mr. W. Eyre of Salisbury, with Mr. Crandon's Anatomy for satisfaction of Mr. Caryl. 4to. London, 1654. [M. 20. 30.]

CRANDON (John) Mr. Baxter's Aphorisms on Justification exorcised: with a Vindication of Justification by mere Grace from all Popish and Arminian Sophisms. 4to. London, 1654. [E. 20. 29.]

BEDFORD (Arthur) The Doctrine of Justification by Faith. 1741. [P. 97. (1.)]

8vo. London,

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