Imatges de pàgina
[blocks in formation]

(Fol. 1, title aylographically printed in red under a woodcut of the
arms of Aragon :) CRONICA DARAGON (Fol. 2a, within a woodcut
border :) AL Illustrissimo y gran señor Do ñalonso de Aragon.. |
es dirigida la presente Epistola compuesta por el bachiller Iua de
Molina sobre la Coronica de los . . . . reyes de Aragon: cuyas vidas

succession de latin en lē | gua castellana nueuamente ha traduzido.
.. (Fol. 68a :).. Impressa la presente | Cronica enla ciudad de Valen
cia ela casa y oficina dicha al moli dela Rouella por idus | tria d'l
experto y enesta ar te asaz docto Iuan Io- fre señor y maestro ela
casasobredicha. Aca bose a. d' Iuno De nra reparació |

M.D.XXIIII. (Here the small woodcut mark of the printer)

Sm. folio, Gothic letter, 68 leaves, 41 lines to the page, foliated and signatured, with woodcut illustrations and ornamentation; a fine copy in maroon morocco, gilt, with Bunbury's arms on the sides

Valencia, Juan Joffre, 1524 The signatures are A-G in eights, H and I in sixes. The foliation is correct and ends on the second-last leaf with LXVII.

Georg Koch

Zaragoza, 1475


(Fol. 1, title within a fine woodcut border :) Francisco Petrarcha | delos remedios con- | tra prospera y aduer | sa fortuna. (Fol. 176a:) Fue imprimido el libro del fa- | moso poeta y orador Frăcisco petrarca | delos remedios cōtra prospera, z ad- uersa fortua. Enla muy noble,

muy leal ciudad d' Caragoça, por Georgi Coci aleman. Acabose
a doze dias del mes de Nouiembre, Año de mil, y qui- | nietos,
z veyn- te, y tres años. (To the right of this colophon is impressed the
printer's woodcut mark)

Sm. folio, Gothic letter, with woodcut initials, 176 leaves printed in
long lines, 45 to the page, with foliation and signatures; beautiful copy
in brown morocco extra, gilt edges
Zaragoza, Jorge Coci, 1523

The signatures A 6, a-v in eights, and x 10 leaves. The foliation begins on the
seventh leaf (which is the first of the text) with Fol. I and proceeds to Fol. CLXIX
which ought to be CLXX).



(Fol. 1, title within woodcut border :) Libro aureo de Marco aurelio empador y eloquétissimo | orador. Nue uamente | impres SO.:. +++|+| 1529. (On the reverse a large woodcut. Fol. 81b:) Aqui haze fin el libro.. (Foll. 82-83 contain the Tabla, with a woodcut on 83b. Fol. 84 blank)

Sm. folio, in the same type as the Petrarch, 84 leaves, 44 long lines to the page; foliated and with signatures (a-i in eights, k and 1 in sixes); fine copy in red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bozérian

[Zaragoza, Jorge Coci], 1529 The monogram of the printer appears in the woodcut border on the title.

Johann Pegnitzer, about 1490

Seville, 1477


(Fol. 1, title:) Los pu'bios | vtilissimos del ! Illustre cauallero dō Eñigo lopez de medoza marques de santillana con la glosa del dicho marques co la glosa del doctor | Perodiaz de toledo. y vn tractado de prouidencia coōtra fortu- | na (Fol. 32a:).. Aqui se acaban los prouerbios del illustre cauallero don Eñigo | Lopez de mendoça marques de sanctillana. (Fol. 32b:) Aqui comiença el tractado de prouidencia contra fortuna com | puesto por Diego de Valera al |

[ocr errors]


3 3 0

5 5 0


magnifico don Iohan pacheco | marques de villena. |.. (Fol. 34a:)..
Aqui se acaba el tractado de | prouidencia contra fortuna

[ocr errors]

£ d

Sm. folio, 34 foliated leaves, double columns, in Gothic type of two sizes, with woodcut initials; with signatures a-e in sixes, and f in four leaves; green morocco gilt [Seville, Johann Pegnitzer, about 1500] 8 00 Maynard Ungut and Stanislaus Polonus, 1491


(Fol. 1a blank cut away. Fol. 2a (with signature a ij), headline:) Prologo. (The same, col. 1:) Prologo dirigido ala muy alta muy poderosa Señora Doña Ysabel | Reyna de Castilla: z de Leon: de Aragon: z de Cicilia z cetera. Pol el su humil Cronista Alfonso de Pale | cia enla traducció delos siete libros | dela guerra Iudayca delos dos libros cōtra Appion . . (This heading, in sixteen lines, is printed in red. The Spanish translator's Prologue ends in the first column of fol. 3a. On the reverse begins the prologue of Josephus, with a heading of eleven lines in red ink: it ends on the fourth line of fol. 5a, col. 2. Then immediately follows the text :) Comieça el primer libro dela guerra Iudayca: Capitulo primero. | . . (Fol. 185b, col. 1:) Feneçen los dos libros de Iose- | pho contra Appion grammatico z otros philosophos Griegos: alos | quales todos el supo de tal manera | confutar que fizo ser baldios todios | sus falsos argumentos E ala impression de aquestos dos libros preçe- | dio segund el orden acostumbrado | la delos siete libros de la guerra Iu- | daica: fuero todos impressos en Se | uilla Año de não saluador d' mill e q | troçiētos z nouēta z dos años. Por | Menardo Ungut Aleman: E Lan|çalao Polono compañeros. E acabados a veynte siete dias del mes de Março. (Under this the printers' woodcut mark of two shields hanging on a tree, one shield bearing M, the other S. The final blank leaf 186 cut away)

Sm. folio, 184 printed leaves, double columns, in a beautiful rounded
Gothic type, entirely of one size, 49 lines to the column; with signatures
but without foliation; a few leaves slightly soiled; hf. morocco gilt
Seville, Maynard Ungut and Stanislaus Polonus, 1492 10 10
The signatures are a 7 leaves; b-y in eights; and z 9 leaves.

Brunet calls this volume "précieux par sa rareté," and it may be counted rare
indeed since Salvá had no copy. This one belonged to Miro and afterwards to Heredia.
There are two copies in the Madrid National library; and one was in the possession of
Don Pascual de Gavangos. There are no others recorded.

Jacobo Cromberger


(Fol. 1 tille, within a woodcut border :) Prouerbios de dō | yñigo lopez de men doça. (Fol. 32b, col. 2:) Fenescen los prouerbios de don yñigo lopez de mendoça Marques de santilla- | na. Impressos en seuilla por Iacobo crō | berguer alemã a. xxv. dias del mes de mar ço Año de nuestro saluador Iesu christo | de mill quinientos z doze años

Sm. folio, 32 leaves, double columns, printed in Gothic type of two sizes; without foliation, but having signatures a-d in eights; a wonderfully fine copy with many uncut leaves, in brown morocco extra by Clarke and Bedford Seville, Jacobo Cromberger, 1512 267 RODRIGUEZ DE ALMELLA. VALERIO DE LAS HYSTORIAS

(Fol. 1, title within a woodcut border and beneath a woodcut of the author writing his book:) Valerio de las hystorias | scolasticas dela sagrada scritura: y delos hechos despaña cō las batallas | capales. Copiladas por Fernan perez de guzmā. | Nueuaměte corregido. (Fol. 896, foliated on the obverse lxxxvij :) . . Fue impresso en la insigne y muy leal ciudad de | Seuilla por Iacobo cromberger Aleman. | Acabose a.v. dias de Março. Año de la redencion christiana de Mil y quinientos y veynte y siete


Sm. folio, Gothic letter, with woodcut initials, 89 leaves, double
columns, 48 lines to the column, foliated and signatured (a ten, b-k in
eights, 1 seven); red calf gilt
Seville, Jacobo Cromberger, 1527
The real author's name, Diego Rodriguez de Almella, does not appear in the book.

(Fol. 1, title printed within a border, under woodcuts in compart-
ments :) Libro de Iua bocacio que tracta delas illustres | Mugeres. :
(Fol. 86b:).. La presente obra fue acabada enla isigne z muy | noble
ciudad de Seuilla por industria y expensas de Iacobo cromberger |
aleman a.xxiij. dias del mes de Iunio: enel año de la humana saluacion.
Mil quinientos y veynte ocho. (Foll. 87-89 are occupied with a Table
in double columns)

Small folio, 89 leaves, 41 long lines to the page, foliated and having
signatures (a-k in eights, I in nine leaves); calf gilt, from the Salvá
Seville, Jacobo Cromberger, 1528
Juan Varela


(Fol. 1, title:) Palmerin de Oliua. (This printed in red over a large woodcut of a mounted warrior trampling on his · foes. Under the woodcut :) Libro del famoso z muy esfor çado cauallero Palmerin de Oliua z de sus grades | fechos. Nueuamente corregido z hystoriado. (This is also printed in red, with the single exception of the hero's name. On the reverse:) Prologo. Al yllustre z muy magnifico señor don Luys de Cordoua (Fol. 160a) Fue ympressa la psente obra enla muy | noble y muy leal ciudad de Seuilla por Iuan varela | de Salamanca a treynta dias del mes de Ma | yo año del nascimiēto de nuesto (sic) señor Ie | su christo de. Mill & quinientos | veynte y cinco. Años

Sm. folio, 160 foliated leaves, double columns, 48 lines to the column; with numerous woodcuts; having the large woodcut on the title coloured and margin mended; a large and fine copy in a magnificent doublé binding, crimson morocco outside and blue inside, executed by ChambolleDuru and Marius-Michel for Baron Seillière

[blocks in formation]

Seville, Juan Varela, 1525 60 00 The quire-signatures are a-v in eights.

Johann Luschner, 1495

Barcelona, 1478


(Fol. 1, title, above a woodcut of the author and within a woodcut
border:) Comentaria Iaco | bi de Marquilles | super vsaticis | barchiñ.
(Foll. 2 and 3 contain the Table which ends on the ninth line of fol. 4a.
Lower down on the same page :) Reuerendissimo patri et dño do | mino
Petro de Cardona Epo vrgellen. . (Fol. 5a, under a woodcut of the
supreme Court and within a woodcut border:) MAgni- | fice dignitat9
mireq3 pietatis .. (This page is foliated I and signatured a.
402b. col. 2:) . . Insigne hoc atq3 preclaruz | op9 qd Manna d'r Iacobi
d' Marquilles psbyteri sup Vsaticis barchñe vigilanti | cura z diligétia
emēdatū, reuisu3q3 iussu z impensis magnifici Ioh'is andree Ri- |
quer, legu doctoris, z Iudicis Regie cu rie: z de Regio consilio.


Impressum bar- | chinone p Ioh'em luschner alamanu fe- | lici numine
Explicitum est. Anno dñi. | Mod.quito. septima die Mens' septēbr9. |
Deo gratias

Sm. folio, 402 pages, double columns, in Gothic letter, PRINTED ON
VELLUM; 44 lines to the column; with foliation and signatures; brown
morocco, gilt edges, from the Heredia collection

[blocks in formation]

Barcelona, Johann Luschner, 1505 25 0 0
COLLATION: 4 preliminary leaves; a-z, z, ɔ, 4, aa-ff, in eights; gg in four;
A-Q in eights, and R in ten. The foliation is 1-cccxc-VIII, beginning on fol. 5.
The sixteen leaves of signatures A, B, are on paper.

The distribution of types among Spanish printers is a mystery. This book seems
to be printed in characters which Rosenbach had used ten years earlier, yet he was still
an independent typographer and worked on down to 1530.

Toledo, 1486

Unknown Printer



(Fol. 1, title (under a woodcut of the author writing):) Los .v. libros |
de Seneca. (These two lines in thick wylographic letters) Primero
Libro dela vida bienauenturada. | Segundo delas siete artes liberales. |
Tercero de amonestamientos & doctrinas. Quarto el primero de
prouidēçia de dios. Quinto el segudo libro de puidēçia de dios.
(Fol. 8b :).. A loor y gloria de dios todo poderoso se acaban | las
obras de Seneca. Imprimidas enla emperial ciudad de Toledo,
Enel año del nascimiento del se- | ñor. de Mill quinientos diez
Años. A quinze di | as del mes de Mayo

Sm. folio, 89 foliated leaves, printed in Gothic type of two sizes, the
larger for the translation, the smaller for the Gloss which often runs to
56 lines per page; with woodcut initials; red morocco gilt Toledo, 1510
The translator's name does not appear; but he was the famous Bishop Alonso de
Cartagena. The signatures are a-o in sixes, p in five leaves.

(Fol. 1, title (under the same woodcut as used in the Cinco Libros) :) Las epistolas de Seneca co vna summa si quier introducion de philosophia moral en romanze con tabla. (Fol. 73b:) . . Acabanse las epistolas de Seneca con | vna suma siquier introduction de philoso phia moral. Empressas enla muy noble | cibdad de Toledo. Año de Mil. z quinientos z diez años. a veynte siete dias d'l mes de setiembre... (Foll. 74-76 contain the Tabla)

Sm. folio, 76 leaves, double columns, 44 lines to the column, printed
in the larger of the two types used in the Cinco Libros; red morocco gilt
Toledo, 1510

Signatures a-m, of which e and m are in eights, all the rest in sixes.
These two works were printed by the same printer and evidently intended to
accompany each other. The translator of the Epistles is not known.

5 10 D

4 4

Diego de Gumiel

Valladolid, 1492

[ocr errors]

(Fol. 1, title (under a woodcut of the arms of the Gran Capitan) :)
FRANCISCO | PETRARCA Delos remedios contra prospera y aduersa
fortuna con preuilegio. Real. (Fol. 2a blank; 2b :)
Carta para el
Excellente y muy Illustre señor el señor | Don gonçala fernandez de
Cordoua ... ... embiada por Francisco d' Madrid Arcediano
del Alcor.). sobre la traslacion q hizo d' latin en romace | ..
(This heading of ten lines is printed in red ink. Fol. 4a, within a woodcut
border :) comiença la vida del Clarissimo Poeta: | Filosofo y Orador
Francisco Petrarca . . | .. (Fol. 7b and Sa contain the Tabla. On fol. 8b
is a large woodcut of the Crucifixion. Fol. 9a :) Prologo del primero
libro... (Fol. 228b:) A loor. imprimido


enla muy noble villa d' Valladolid por Diego | de gumiel . . |

£ 8. d.

.. xviij. dias del mes de março del año de .M. d. x. (Under this, the
printer's woodcut mark)

Sm. folio, 228 leaves, in handsome Gothic letter, 42 long lines to the page; unfoliated but with signatures; a leaf or two mended and the paper a little discoloured; bound Valladolid, Diego de Gumiel, 1510 The signatures are a-v, u-z, A-F, of which o and B-F are in sixes, all the rest

in eights.

quel de Equia



Los claros Varones dl España. hecho por | Hernado de pulgar dirigido a la | muy alta reyna do | ña Ysa | bel rey | na de | Castille. (Colophon :) Fue Impressa enla noble Villa de Alcala de Henares por Miguel de Eguia, enel año de mil y quiniētos y veinte y


Sm. 4to. Gothic letter, with woodcut initials; the title printed within a border; the blank margins of the title and the following leaf mended; green morocco extra, gilt edges, from the Salvá library

Alcala, Miguel de Eguia, 1526 VERY RARE edition of one of the most important historical prose works of Spanish literature in the fifteenth century.

Orense (Galicia), 1547


(Fol. 1 title (under a large woodcut of two mounted warriors, above whom is the escutcheon of Prince Philip) :) Libro intitulado Palinodia, de la nephanda | y fiera nacion de los Turcos, y de.. | los imperios.. q han subjectado . . | Recopilado por Vasco diaz tanco, natural de Frexinal de la sierra. Dirigido al muy alto y muy poderoso principe, dō Phelippe, nuestro señor. c. Año .M.D.xlvij. (Fol. 10:) EL cuerpo del gran Turco.. (Fol. 11a (within a woodcut border) :) Comieça el libro llamado Palinodia .. (On the reverse a woodcut. Fol. 70b:).. Este libro llamado Palinodia Fue ympresso enla ciudad de Orense que es en Galizia | En la ympression del proprio actor q lo hizo recopila onde al psente haze su residēcia. Acabose de imp'mir a quinze dias de setiembre del año de nuestra redēcion | .m.q.xxxxvij. X

4 10 0


Sm. folio, 70 leaves, double columns, with woodcuts; red morocco extra, the Seillière arms on the sides Orense, 1547 15 0 0

COLLATION title, 1 leaf; signature 8 leaves; El cuerpo, etc. leaf; a 8 leaves; b 8 leaves (of which the first four are marked b ij, iij, iiij, v); c and d 8 leaves each; e 6 leaves; f and g 8 each; h 6 leaves.-The foliation begins with Fo, ij on the twelfth leaf, and proceeds thus: ij-viij, xj-lxij.

Notwithstanding these irregularities the volume is so fine a piece of press-work, that I hesitate in accepting the statement of the colophon, that it was printed at the author's own press in Orense.

Westminster, 1477

ynkyn de Worde, about 1491


(Fol. 1a, title:) polycronicon (This single word above a large woodcut. Fol. 1b:) An Introductorie Anno dñi M.cccc.lxxxxv. (Fol. 2a, headline:) Prohemye (This finishes on fol. 3b. On fol. 4a commences the Table which ends on fol. 49a. Fol. 49b blank. Fol. 50a, headline:) Dyalogue (Fol. 51b, column 2, lines 16-20:) Thus endeth the dyalogue. The epystle syr of Iohan

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