Imatges de pàgina

If pa is prefixed to a root expressive of a certain manner of placing, the posture, without any reference whatever to the cause, is expressed.

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But if such posture is represented as the effect of some stress is laid on the latter, pa should be prefixed by na.

He fell face-downwards.

I fell down aud remained seated.

Naparapa siyá.
Napaupó acó.

cause and

Pag has already been fully treated of as the proper prefix to form the verbal nouns expressive of the action in um and mag conjugations, the first syliable of the root, for the latter, being repeated as has been explained.

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Pag, as a particle forming, either alone or with sa preceding, adverbial expressions of time, has also been so fully explained in foregoing lessons as to dispense with further explanations.

On his writing.

After my reading the book.

On my finishing the work.

Sa pagsulat niyà.

Pagbasà co nang libro, or, pagcabaà, etc.

Pagtapus co nang trabajo.

By the an passive with na prefixed to a root of a thing or action of anything capable of being exchanged for or of bringing about profit in return, expressions indicative of the way by which the gain has been come at, are formed.

This money I came at by serving. (rendering menial services).

This money he got at by his selling


Napaglicoran co itòng salapí.

Napagbigasan niyà itòng salapí.

Pagea, is for intransitive involuntary actions, what pag is for transitive or for intransitive, but voluntary ones.

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When pagca is prefixed to an active verbal root or to a voluntary action, it. expresses manner, mode, fashion.

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Pagea builds up abstract nouns expressive of what constitutes the essence, the innermost nature constitutive of a quality.


The attributes of God.

What is inherent in mankind.



Ang pagcadios.

Ang pagcadios nang Dios.

Ang pageatauò.

Ang pagcalalaqui.
Ang pageababaye.

Ang pageadúnong.

Pala is prefixed to a verbal or nominal root denoting an action or thing capable of being converted into, or of being object of, a vice, to form adjectival nouns expressive of the habitual indulgence in such vice.

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Pan, prefixed to a verbal root capable of admitting of an instrument for the action or for the thing to be made by, expresses the instrument, when the latter is not indicated by y in the manner already explained.

Pan, being the passive particle for man, drops n and causes the first letter of the root to undergo the same changes which have been spoken of in man conjugation. It is by paying attention to the signification and character of the root, that pan derivatives can, in cases, be distinguished from those formed with pa.

in some

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If pan is prefixed to a root itself an instrument, pan, then, has the same import as pinaca, that is to say, what substitutes for that instrument, is formed.

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The essence

What penalty did the judge inflict upon you.? I have been fined twenty dollars. What legacy did you receive from your uncle.? He bequeathed me a thousand dollars. Is that true.? These words were the contents of his letter. What kind of food is that.? This food is for my breakfast. What has Mr. Such-a-one sent.? This is what he sent. Is that auger yours.? No, it has been borrowed from the carpenter. How shall I do the work.? You shall do it sitting. (seated) How should this be cut.? Cut it lengthwise. How shall I pray.? You should pray knelt down. Is he up or lain down.? He is lain down. How is his manner of speaking.? His manner of speaking is by stuttering. How is the essence of God.? of God is incomprehensible to man. Is he a believer.? No, he is an idolater. Is your friend a drunkard.? He is not a drunkard, but he is a glutton. Is your cousin a wooer.? He is a wooer and a chatterer. Is he also peevish.? He is peevish and a barrater. What is that your writer has in his hand.? It is a seal. Is it not an auger.? No, it is a razor. Where did the servant put the dishclout.? He put it together with the pincers. What are you going to do with this sickle.? going to mow grass. Who has found the carpenter's hammer.? Peter found it in the pannier. Who has the sounding lead.? The sailor has it and the scratcher as well. Where is my pen.? Your pen and the hook have been carried away. Have you no ruler for ruling this paper.? I have one. Where is the tying rope for these logs of wood.? tying rope is in the house.

I am






Pinaca is prefixed to nominal or adjectival roots, forming compounds expressive of what serves as a substitute or is reputed to stand for the thing or quality signified by the root. The following instances will better illustrate the matter.

Boiled rice stand for bread with Ang canin ang siyang pinacatinápay natives. nang mañga tagalog.

We consider you our leader.
The lion is considered the king of

Sin is reputed to be the greatest evil.

What accidentally serves as a broom.
He who stands for a parent.
He whom somebody reputes as his


What serves as a pen in case of need.
Anybody acting for a servant.
The mistress, the minion, anybody
whom one reputes as husband or wife.

Ycáo ang pinacapono namin.
Pinacahari ang leon (Sp.) nang ma-
ñga hayop.

Ang pinacamalaqui sa lahat. na casa-
máa,i, ang casalanan.

Ang pinacamagúlang.
Ang pinacaalila.

Ang pinacaasáua.

Sang is but a determinated form of isa; the latter may stand alone; sang, is always joined to the thing or unity determined or counted.

It precedes the first unities of the decimal system of numeration.

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It denotes the contents of some thing, not the vessel or continent.

A tinaja (large carthen pot) of, or. Yang tapayang túbig or sa tubig.

for water.

One tinajaful of cocoa-nut, oil.

One bottle of wine.

One spoonful of honey.

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Sang precedes nouns of towns, meeting-places or resorts to indicate the whole population or attendance.

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Tag is but a contracted form of taga. It serves to form the season monsoons or the prevalent time of any atmospherical occurrences.

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Taga, besides the sense of origin and the others which have been already treated of, forms, like man, frequentative verbal nouns, generally indicating the trade the person is engaged in for a salary, and is put before verbs.

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