Imatges de pàgina

ligion. The practice of others is nothing to thee: " every man must give an account of himself to God." Indeed if thou canst save the soul of another, do: but at least, save one, thy own. Walk not in the path of death, because it is broad, and many walk therein. Nay, by this very token thou mayest know it. Is the way wherein thou now walkest, a broad, well-frequented, fashionable way? Then it infallibly leads to destruction. O be not thou "damned for company:" cease from evil; flee from sin as from the face of a serpent. At least, do no harm. "He that committeth sin, is of the devil." Be not thou found in that number. Touching outward sins, surely the grace of God is even now sufficient for thee. "Herein, (at least,) exercise thyself to have a conscience void of offence, toward God and toward man."

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Secondly: Let not thy righteousness fall short of theirs, with regard to the ordinances of God. If thy labour or bodily strength will not allow of thy fasting twice in the week, however, deal faithfully with thy own soul, and fast as often as thy strength will permit. Omit no public, no private opportunity, of pouring out thy soul in prayer. Neglect no occasion of eating that bread and drinking that cup, which is the communion of the body and blood of Christ. Be diligent in searching the Scriptures; read as thou mayest, and meditate therein day and night. Rejoice to embrace every opportunity of hearing "the word of reconciliation declared by the Ambassadors of Christ, the Stewards of the mysteries of God. In using all the means of grace, in a constant and careful attendance on every ordinance of God, live up to (at least, till thou canst go beyond) the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees."

Thirdly, Fall not short of a Pharisee in doing good. Give alms of all thou dost possess. Is any hungry? Feed him. Is he athirst? Give him drink. Naked? Cover him with a garment. If thou hast this world's goods, do not limit thy beneficence to a scanty proportion. Be merciful to the uttermost of thy power. Why not, even as this Pharisee? Now" make thyself friends," while the time is,

"of the mammon of unrighteousness, that when thou failest," when this earthly tabernacle is dissolved, they "may receive thee into everlasting habitations."

13. But rest not here. Let thy righteousness "exceed the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees." Be not thou content, to "keep the whole law, and offend in one point." Hold thou fast all his commandments, and "all false ways do thou utterly abhor." Do all the things, whatsoever he hath commanded, and that with all thy might. Thou canst do all things through Christ strengthening thee, though without him thou canst do nothing.

Above all, let thy righteousness exceed theirs in the purity and spirituality of it. What is the exactest form of Religion to thee? The most perfect outside righteousness? Go thou higher and deeper than all this. Let thy Religion be the Religion of the heart. Be thou poor in spirit; little, and base, and mean, and vile in thine own eyes; amazed and humbled to the dust at the love of God which is in Christ Jesus thy Lord. Be serious: let the whole stream of thy thoughts, words, and works be such as flows from the deepest conviction, that thou standest on the edge of the great gulf, that thou, and all the children of men, are just ready to drop in, either into everlasting glory, or everlasting burnings. Be meek: let thy soul be filled with mildness, gentleness, patience, long-suffering toward all men: at the same time, that all which is in thee, is athirst for God, the living God; longing to awake up after bis likeness, and to be satisfied with it. Be thou a lover of God and of all mankind. In this spirit, do and suffer all things. Thus "exceed the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees," and thou shalt be "called great in the kingdom of heaven."


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