Imatges de pàgina

Mofes יכל finished המלאכה the Work. 2Chr. viii. 16. Now all מלאכת the Work of Solomon was תכן prepared unto the Day of the Foundation of the House of Jehovah, and until כלתו it was finished: So the House of Jehovah was perfested. The Parts, the Works, such Symbols or Representatives of those Powers in the Heavens, as the Heathens worshiped them by, which were imitated in the Tabernacle and Temple, are called by the fame Names as the Powers were called, not only generallyas מלאכת and צבא, but each by their peculiar Names, of which in their Places. i Chron. xii. 37. With all בלי צבא Inftru ments of War for the Battle. Ver. 33. Instruments of War, Deut. i. 41. Jer. li. 20. &c. Thus every Composition of Atoms, or Parts of Matter, which is made a Machine, an Instrument capable of performing what it was designed for, is perfect. C. צבא To war, minister, assemble, or meet together in a regular Manner, and at a stated Time, Pec. to holy Offices, Exod. xxxviii. 8. 1 Sam. ii. 22. The Word implies a Troop of Powers, which are employed in any Service. Here 'tis not in the the Ser vice of the Tabernacle, or Temple, as above, though each of those was a Representation of this; nor in the Service of VOL. II. War,

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War, as it is generally translated; nor in another System, as it is fometimes reprefented; but in the Administration of this material System, and every thing in it. Though in my Effay to the Natural Hiftory of the Bible, I took the Tranflation as it stood, by which it was impoffible to retrieve the Signification of the Names of their Gods, or to prove the Relation to, or the Share each had in this Operation, much less to shew what they were by the Sirnames the People gave each of them from the Places, &c. in later Times; and did not think proper to shew how their Gods were diftinguished; but only in grofs, that they worshipped the Powers of the Heavens. As each of the feveral Parties, which went off from Babel, differ'd in their Sentiments, each called themfelves their Countries, Cities, and Temples, by fome chief Name of Condition, or Branch of Power in the Operation; so the Jewish Writers called the Heathens in grofs Zabii, from their worshipping these Hosts; and tho the.... Spencer could not find what the Word meant, and fo wifely made Devils of what they worshipped; and tho' no Mortal that I know of, ever offered to shew what it meant, except that because the People, fome Time after, call'd a Star af




ter the Name of several of them, fome have taken them for Stars; as for Example, the Star or Planet we call Mercury, was only called after Mercury; and so the Star of Mercury, the Power, or God; but Mercury the God was not the Star : I muft in Course shew them diftinctly and authentickly. And tho' I have in the faid Effay, inter al. cited these Texts, I cannot omit them here, Deut. xvii. 3. And bath gone and ferved other Gods, and worShipped them, the Sun, the Moon, or any of the Host of Heaven. 2 Kings xvii. 16. And worshipped all the Hoft of Heaven. Ibid. xxi. 3. And worshipped all the Hoft of Heaven, and ferved them. ver. 5. And be built Altars for all the Hoft of Heaven. Ibid. xxiii. To Baal, to the Sun, and to the Moon, to the Planets, and to all the Hoft of Heaven. 2 Chron. xxxiii. 3. And worshipped all the Hoft of Heaven, and ferved them. Zeph. i. And those that worshipped the Hoft of Heaven upon the House-top. And God frequently claims these Powers of the Heavens as his, by designing, contriving, creating, and making them; and declares them to be at his Command, and his Servants, as Ifa. xlv. 12. My Hands stretched out the Heavens, and all their Hoft I commanded Syr. And to all their Hoft I gave


gave Commandments. -Arab. I commanded all the Stars into Being. Deut. iv. 19. And left thou lift up thine Eyes unto Heaven, and when thou feeft the Sun, and the Moon, and the Stars, even all the Hoft of Heaven, shouldest be driven to worship them, and serve them, which the Lord thy God hath divided (imparted) unto all Nations under the whole Heaven. 1 Kings xviii. 15. As the Lord of Hosts liveth. Ibid. xxii. 12. and Chron. xviii. 18. I Saw the Lord fitting on his Throne, and all the Host of Heaven standing (fupported) by bim on his Right Hand, and on bis Left. Neh. ix. 6. Thou, even thou art Lord alone; thou hast made Heawen, the Heaven of Heavens with all their Hoft-and thou preferveft them all, and the Host of Heaven worshipeth thee. Pfal. cxlviii. 2. Praise bim all kis Hofts. Ifa. xxxiv. 4. And the Hoft of Heaven Shall be diffolved, &c. Jer. viii. 2. And they fball spread them before the Sun, and the Moon, and all the Host of Heaven, whom they have lived, and whom they have ferved, and after whom they have walked, and whom they have fought, and whom they have worshipped Ibid. xix. 13. Upon whoje Roof's they have burnt Incenje uito all the Host of Heaven, And Ezekiel's Vifion


was shew'd, and is writ to shew God Master of those Powers. And here we may see that the Troops, the Forces are of one fort, and the Stars of another, Dan. viii. 10. And it waxed great against the Hoft of Heaven, and it cast down Some of the Hoft, and of the Stars to the Ground, and stamped upon them, yea magnified himself even to the Host. As I have hinted, the three Names of Condition were Chamab, the Part of the Heavens in the Action of Fire at the Sun; and Afhteroth the Streams of Light from the Sun, Moon, and Stars; thơ' I think Afhteroth is a compound Word of or עשת, of which in its Place, and תור Star, a Stream of Light, &c. as they terminated תורת as they are all from one, all the Streams of Light, and so included the first two; and Baalim, the Grains of the Air returning from the Circumference of the Heavens to the Sun, and צבא the Hofts, which either by their Example or in Ridicule, Ifa. IX.II. calls גד-a Troop of Deities, are the feveral Manners in which the Motion of the Light, and the Grains called Baal or the Spirit, exert their Strength, Power, &c. or have their particular Effects and Operation upon Matter, and were then each worsh pred at its respective


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