A New Park Given Detroit-Charles Howell of Detroit, Michigan, has given to the city a park consisting of 138 acres along a river valley which will be known as Elizabeth Howell Park. The Park Department, to whom the park has been given, will develop it as a neighborhood park with playground and picnic areas. A Garden Center in Fort Worth Fort Worth, Texas, has a garden center sponsored by the Garden Club, the Board of Education and the Park Department. The Garden Club and the Board of Education pay the salary of the director of the center, while the Park Department provides the building and the utilities. Carefully designed and constructed by CWA, the center is an attractive building with a main reading room paneled with knotty pine and furnished with early American furniture. On either side of the curved mantel over the fireplace are two well filled bookshelves. It is the aim of the center to provide the visitor with books or other literature on gardening and related subjects. Many garden magazines are also available and a clipping service is maintained. There is, too, a most unusual herbarium containing over 8,500 specimens collected from all parts of the world. The director of the center conducts regular classes in garden subjects and general nature study. These classes, both for adults and children, are free. There is a Saturday morning story hour for children at which attention is called to the best children's books. Special stress is laid on the art of table decoration, one individual or club being responsible each week for this display. Of particular value is the fact that the garden center is immediately adjacent to the conservatory which is a part of the Fort Worth botanic garden. Not only does such an arrangement lend effectiveness to the work of the center, but the presence of such an institution does much to popularize the botanic garden. At Highland Park, Michigan - Highland Park, Michigan, has extended its program under the leadership of H. G. Myron, who has been serving as recreation executive about two years. Last summer eleven playgrounds were operated. Eight school buildings were used during the past winter as community centers, as were two other buildings. The budget for the year beginning July 1, 1936, amounts to $27,000, half of which is appropriated by the city and half by the Board of Education. In addition, about $38,000 is being STILL TOPS! "JUNGLEGYM" Climbing Structures ten years after introduction and now in use in thousands of schools-hold first place among play devices because of their safety, economy, all year round utility and popularity with children. Accommodate greatest number of children in limited play space. No danger from moving or swinging parts. Nothing to wear out. Furnished in variety of sizes. J. E. Porter Corporation offices in principal cities. Ask for new Booklet RE 1. J. E. PORTER CORP. Manufacturers of Louden Gymnasium, Swimming Pool and Playground Equipment, Spalding Gymnasium Equipment. OTTAWA ILLINOIS spent on a community building, $12,000 of which was appropriated from city funds and the balance from WPA. The building is on school property and the Board of Education, according to the plan, will pay for the upkeep of the building over a period of years. The center will include a gymnasium 102' by 60' with lockers and showers, two club rooms and a recreation department office. A Drama Tournament in Somerville-Sponsored by the Recreation Commission of Somerville, Massachusetts, the Federated Boys' Clubs in March conducted a drama tournament. The four plays presented by the four clubs conducting the tournament were "The Jest of Hahalaba," "The Valiant," "Copy," and "A Message from Khufu." Governor Hurley of Massachusetts sent a message to the clubs. The Big Bend International Peace Park"A gesture toward international good will," is the description of Arno B. Cammerer, Director of the United States National Park Service, in speaking of the project whereby the proposed Big Bend National Park of Texas, comprising 788,000 acres of scenic wilderness, will be linked by bridge across the Rio Grande with a 400,000 acre national park which the Mexican government is taking steps to establish in the states of Chihuahua and Coahuila. The two will form the Big Bend International Peace Park. Steps to carry out the congressional authorization for the establishment of the park are being taken at the present session of the Texas legislature. It will be the first national park in the country's largest state. The area is a vast wilderness almost untouched by the march of civilization. It contains more than 200 species of birds and over 60 species of mammals. A Nature Guide School in MassachusettsThe Massachusetts State College at Amherst, Massachusetts, will conduct a nature guide school this summer to train leaders in various phases of nature activity and to develop an added understanding and appreciation of outdoor surroundings. An effort will be made to equip young men and women for such positions as ranger naturalists for national parks, nature counselors in sum PROFESSIONAL MAN in New York City, after an unusually hard week with long hours of exacting detail, returning home had placed in his hands the following program of a concert arranged and presented for his exclusive benefit, with him as the entire audience. The program itself was the work of the eight year old violinist. Butler Trio Plaino Mrs BuTler Program IAmerica ------- Henry Carey 2 Home Sweet Home Trio 3 Melody------ solo 4 Bouree----Volin solo & Trio 5/N The Gloaming---Cello solo 6 Auld Lang Syne solo 7 Old Black Joe ---Trio mer camps, scout naturalists, and 4-H club leaders. The course will be conducted from July 6th to August 14th, with variations to be offered in the course in successive summers over a four year period. In the first year of the course study will be made of birds, ponds and streams, and in nature guidance and in practical and field nature experience. Dr. William G. Vinal will be director of the school. A Course in Folk Festival Production and Folk Dancing - The American Institute of Normal Methods announces a special course in folk festival production and folk dancing for supervisors of physical education and recreation workers to be held at Eastern School, Lasell Junior College, Auburndale, Massachusetts, July 7-28. The course will be directed by Stella Marek Cushing, well known interpreter of Slavonic lands and an authority on folk festival production. The course will be offered daily for three weeks from 4:15 to 6:00 P. M., one session being devoted to production details, the other to actual participation in folk dances. Further information may be secured from Charles E. Griffith, business manager and secretary, 39 Division Street, Newark, New Jersey. 1937 Leadership Institutes - The Cooperative Recreation Service of Delaware, Ohio, Lynn Rohrbough, Director, announces the following institutes to be held during May and June: Ohio Creative Leisure Institute, May 17-22; Camp Wildwood, Westerville, Ohio. (Write R. B. Tom, Ohio State University, Columbus.) Tri-State School of Leisure, May 30-June 4; Camp Hauberg, Port Byron, Illinois. (Reverend D. C. Ellinwood, Rushville, Illinois.) Second Cooperative Recreation School - June 7-18 at Grandview College; for cooperative leaders. (Dr. C. A. Olsen, Grandview College, Des Moines, Iowa. Michigan Recreation Institute-June 18-26 at Ashland Folk School. (Write Margaret Graham, Grant, Michigan.) An Error Corrected The caption under the picture on page 29 of the April issue of RECREATION should have read, "Courtesy Atlanta, Ga., Camp Fire Girls." This is a particularly interesting picture showing as it does twin sisters taking part in the Silver Jubilee of the Camp Fire Girls. WORLD AT PLAY The First National Boy Scout Jamboree More than 25,000 Boy Scouts from all parts of the country will meet in Washington on June 30th to take part in the Jamboree which will last until July 9th. The Jamboree will be of special significance in that it will be the first national one ever held. The boys will live in a tented city of ⚫ their own on the banks of the Potomac, camping on 350 acres loaned them by the Congress of the United States. A Training Course for Camp Counselors For the third year Surprise Lake Camp at Cold Spring, New York, is offering a training course for camp counselors for a nine weeks' period during the months of July and August. Information may be secured from Mr. Mordecai Kessler, Director of Training, Surprise Lake Camp, Cold Spring, New York. A Few More Playground Suggestions (Continued from page 61) an abandoned strip coal mine, now become a pond where hundreds of canvasback ducks stop over on their migration north. Other groups may choose to visit the grave of "Uncle Joe" Cannon, former speaker of the House, or the tombs of The King of Carnivals and the King of the Gypsies, listening to the stories of the lives of these men as related by the guide. One club has discovered a wooded area so dense as to be almost inaccessible but a spot where there is timber aplenty to try their hand at log cabin construction. When the boys return from a hike with their guide each one receives a card certifying his attendance at the hike. When any one of the boys has accumulated ten hike certificates he is entitled to go on an over-night hike, which in the jargon of the day, is "tops" in the boy's mind. On school holidays, all day hikes are very much in demand and many boys are finding new adventure and thrill heretofore unknown. On rainy days when the boys cannot go into the country they work like beavers equipping their club rooms in the centers, making posters to decorate the walls, or enjoying stereopticon views loaned to the community centers by the public library. Sometimes the boys gather in their club rooms to pour over nature magazines or to work on their scrap books of birds, pets, or any other For Enriching the Summer Camp Experience 103 CAMPING AND GUIDANCE By Ernest G. Osborne The author, a member of the staff of the Child Development Institute of Teachers College, Columbia University, describes in a concrete practical way with non-technical language how the camp experience may help in the emotional and social adjustment of the individual camper. Actual cases to vitalize the camp problems and the approaches he suggests. Of unusual practical value to all camp administrators and counselors. Cloth, 198 pages $2.00 (Just Published) MONOGRAPHS ON CHARACTER EDUCATION in SUMMER CAMPS By Hedley S. Dimock and others Every year 300 or more representatives from all types of camps participate in the discussion of character values of camping and camp standards at the Camp Institute held under the joint direction of George Williams College and the Chicago Council of Social Agencies. The monographs below are the reports of these discussions for the years 1933, 1934, 1935, and 1936. 347 Madison Avenue, New York If You Are Concerned Are you going to be a playground director ● Whatever your association with playgrounds, you will want to know of the book, "Playgrounds- Their Administration and Operation," by George D. Butler, which has 402 pages of practical information on the operation of playgrounds. It is the only book devoted exclusively to this. subject, and the playground worker and official will find it invaluable. 104 "SOMETHING OLD-SOMETHING NEW" a Playground in itself The Haskell ClimbA-Round is an endless source of fun and safe recreation for children of all ages-at all seasons. Large groups may use it at one time for free play or directed body-building exercise. It is solidly constructed of heavy galvanized steel tubing, with rounds for climbing and swinging and central poles for sliding. There are no moving parts and no sharp corners or rough edges to tear the clothing or injure the hands. This apparatus is easy to set up, indoors or out; no installation cost, and the low first cost is the last. Write for full particulars and prices on the various Climb-ARound models and sizes. W. E. HASKELL, INC., 842 State Street, Springfield, Mass. N. Y. Office: BRAUN & SNYDER, 16 West 61st Street. Chicago Office: IRWIN P. RIEGER, 326 W. Madison Street Up to the present time the Pokagon Club newspaper has been edited by the nature guide through the department office. Subsequent numbers are to be edited in turn by the center clubs. "We are of the opinion," writes Robert Horney, Superintendent of Recreation, "that by building on plans which we have for the future, our nature clubs will not be seasonal but a part of our continuous year-round program." "Something Old-Something New" (Continued from page 62) similar to battledore and shuttlecock from which. it is believed our modern tennis also descended. Table Tennis. Another sport of which a great deal is being heard these days is table tennis (ping pong to you!). It has become so generally used as a parlor game and in recreation rooms that it is more or less familiar to everyone. Table tennis dates back to the gay 90's when it was one in popularity with bicycles built for two and bustles. In fact, during that time it was played largely as a parlor game in the full costume of the period, and due to the tight lacings which the ladies endured a ball retriever was invented for recovering the balls from the floor! It was first played on the floor across a net with a small ball covered with a knitted web and the battledore of battledore and shuttlecock. Later it came up in the world and was elevated to the table. Deck Tennis. Another sport of more recent origin and one which has only recently come into marked popularity is deck tennis, sometimes known as ring tennis, quoit tennis or tenniquoit. This is a game similar to tennis except that instead of striking a ball with a racket, a ring of rope or rubber is tossed back and forth. Like shuffleboard, deck tennis had a marine beginning and was first devised shortly before the time of the World War as a substitute for tennis on shipboard. Later it came ashore and has become extremely popular as a land sport. And Now They Come Into the Home! No doubt one of the factors which accounts for the rise of these old-new sports to the surface |