- Substitutes for Death Toys and Games World Peaceways, Incorporated, 103 Park Avenue, New York City, has issued an article entitled "Substitutes for Death Toys and Games," which advocates the substitution for toy guns and miniature implements of warfare of toys and games which will meet the need for physical conflict, the desire for adventure, the necessity for noise and excitement, and the element of surprise. The article suggests a number of toys and games which will meet these needs quite as satisfactorily as toys identified with the destruction of human life. Copies of the article may be secured from World Peaceways, Incorporated, at five cents apiece. The New York Police Department in its distribution of Christmas toys banned toy guns and cannon. Salt Lake City's Costume Bureau-The Salt Lake City, Utah, Recreation Department is justifiably proud of the work of its Costume Division. As a WPA project the building facilities at Victory Park were thoroughly remodeled and equipped, new cupboards, shelves, ironing boards, wash tubs and lighting fixtures being installed throughout. Approximately 500 new costumes were added to the wardrobe during 1936, as well as many accessories, such as sandals, belts, masks and jewelry. The Costume Bureau now boasts a total of approximately 1,100 complete costumes with 326 extra accessories and properties. The entire wardrobe was checked over, repaired and remod eled, WPA and NYA workers being made available for this project. Flood lights, scenery, curtains and stage properties of all kinds are loaned to church and school groups whenever possible. Charles Hayden (Continued from page 6) boys and young men and believed heartily in protecting their spare time. In speaking of the needs of boys throughout the country, he once said. They should have their God-given right to play and work off their surpius energy and to utilize their spare time.' The breadth of his interest was expressed in generous provision for boys clubs, a planetarium in New York City, and contributions to a long list of charitable, civic education and recreation causes. Charles Hayden personified play spirit. It permeated his work. He entered enthusiastically, joyously and triumphantly into all that he did. He enjoyed recreation himself taking part actively in golf, tennis, boating, social activities and games of various kinds. The enthusiasm with which Charles Hayden worked for the youth of America and his faith in them will remain an inspiration to those who work in the national recreation movement." The resolutions were signed by a Resolutions Committee consisting of Joseph Lee, John H. Finley, F. Trubee Davison, E. E. Loomis, and Howard Braucher. For Newer and Better Houses! niture had a modernistic trend in keeping with the style of the exterior. The bathroom fixtures were modeled from clay and baked. Sheet celluloid was used for glazing the windows. A fluted effect on the rounded exterior solarium was gained by the use of 1" x 2" blocks with the outer surfaces rounded. Windows were cut into the edges of the blocks after they had been mitred to fit each other. Some of the Values of the Project As a playground project with universal appeal a project of this kind is invaluable; it is equally suited to both boys and girls, it produces ideas and stimulates the imagination, it is highly educational, it demands a high degree of craftsmanship, and last, but by no means least, it provides a means for children on the playgrounds actually to share ROYAL TYPEWRITER COMPANY, Inc. 2 PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK, N. Y. in cheering the lives of children less fortunate than themselves at Christmas time. Nineteen local institutions received the novel gifts. Among them were hospitals, settlements, children's homes and the Glen Lake Sanitarium. Enthusiastic letters of appreciation came from all of them. A few of them follow. From St. Joseph's Orphanage : We are very grateful to you and to the WPA Reccreation Instructors for the very beautiful doll house with which our children were presented at Christmas. You may be assured that your thoughtful remembrance of our homeless little ones added greatly to their joy on Christmas Day. It is our ardent wish and prayer that your sweet charity be rewarded most abundantly. With best wishes for a blessed and happy New Year, I am, Most gratefully, SISTER EMELINDA, O. S. B., From Emanuel Cohen Center: For the Board of Directors and the boys and girls of the Emanuel Cohen Center, I wish to express our thanks and appreciation to your department, the children of Folwell Park playground and the WPA Recreation Instructors for the very lovely doll house you presented to us. It certainly has created quite an interest in our house among the young and old alike, and the little tots in our nursery school have a very good time playing with it. We are going to keep this house on display during the school vacation and turn it over to our nursery school for their exclusive use after that. You certainly are to be congratulated, not only on the fine work which has been done on these houses, but more so on your spirit in distributing these houses to the various agencies in the community. Many good wishes for continued success in your good work. Very sincerely, J. MIRVISS, Executive Director. Back to Atlantic City! (Continued from page 11) with emergency funds must now be maintained or lost. Can local recreation systems absorb these additional burdens? Can they man them with volunteer leadership? All over the United States citizens' groups of varied kinds are being formed to support better municipal government, to reduce delinquency, to serve as pressure groups in moving City Councils to action in the realm of planning, health and recreation. The value of such resources has scarcely been touched in the field of recreation. The Use of the Schools for Enrichment of Community Living will be one of the live topics of the Congress. Why should school buildings built by taxpayers be used only from nine to TH RECREATION WEEK IN SALT LAKE CITY Recreation Week in Salt Lake City 'HE FEBRUARY, 1937 issue of RECREATION described Recreation Week held under the auspices of the Oakland, California, Recreation Department. Salt Lake City, Utah, according to the annual report of the Recreation Department for 1936, also held such a week from June 14 through June 21, 1936. A group of diversified activities, some specially planned and others a part of the regular activity schedule, were arranged and publicized to show the breadth of the program. Radio talks were given by prominent citizens and special addresses were arranged for all service club luncheons. Billboard advertising was carried on through the courtesy of the Parks Advertising Corporation and the WPA art project. The week was highly successful and will be repeated on a larger scale next year as a cooperative project of the Salt Lake Recreation Council and the Recreation Department. The program was as follows: Sunday, June 14-"Water Recreation." Special boating regatta on Great Salt Lake. Opening of activities on summer playgrounds. Tuesday, June 16-"Archery Day." Special archery tourney and exhibitions. Wednesday, June 17-"Music Day." Special concerts by Salt Lake Civic Orchestra. Thursday, June 18-"Swimming Day." Friday, June 19-"Golf Day." State Amateur Golf Tourney. Saturday, June 20-"Outdoor Recreation." Special benefit all-star game. three? City after city has demonstrated their value for adult interests after school hours. A new feature of the Consultation Service this year will be the provision of a collection of publications and other material which will be made available for study and reference by the delegates. Materials issued by local recreation departments will have a large part in this display. Copies of reports, record forms, plans, publicity, pro Playground directors and doctors agree that dust is a dangerous germ carrier. And these same men endorse SOLVAY Calcium Chloride as an effective, harmless method of combating this evil. Solvay, spread evenly over the surface. of a playground, tennis court, school yard or athletic field, will instantly eliminate the dust. And more, it reduces sun glare, keeps the surface compact and firm, and eliminates weeds. Solvay Calcium Chloride is absolutely clean, odorless, easy to apply, and very economical. Deliveries are prompt from 100 conveniently located stock points. Full information and prices on request. 45 Calcium Chloride 46 THE DUTIES OF A RECREATION BOARD MEMBER SHUFFLEBOARD EQUIPMENT $6.00, $8.00, $10.00, $15.00 Sets (Rubber-tired and Composition Discs) 10 Cents Brings Plan of Standard Court DAYTONA BEACH SHUFFLEBOARD CO. PHILMONT, N. Y. grams, budgets, copies of city ordinances, state enabling acts and other valuable material will add greatly to the concrete help delegates will get from the Congress. Much of the value of any conference or convention lies in the personal interviews and casual talks that are possible. Men and women of similar interests, baffled by similar problems, meet in small groups or two by two's to work things out together. Many a difficult question will be resolved on the boardwalk long after Congress sessions are ended. Rich are the memories of inspiration, fellowship, and practical help that come to those who have attended the Congress in the past. After two years the "regular" Congress attendants will renew those happy contacts of other days. The newcomer will look forward to an experience which he will not soon forget. Together they will make Swimming Pool Data and (1937 Edition. Vol. V) 192 pages filled with a vast assortment of informative material for those interested in swimming pools in any way. EARL K. COLLINS, Editor 404 Fourth Avenue New York, N. Y. Make all checks, money orders, etc., payable to Earl K. Collins John Nolen Dr. John Nolen, internationally known landscape architect and pioneer in modern city and regional planning, died on February 18, 1937. The park and recreation movements owe much to Dr. Nolen, for among more than four hundred public planning projects in which he participated were many having to do with parks and play spaces. He was keenly interested in the recreation movement and attended a number of the National Recreation Congresses. up a Congress assembly that will set new milestones of achievement along the way to better recreation for the American people. The Duties of a Recreation Board Member (Continued from page 12) tive rest to a large degree the success of the local movement. The far-seeing board will refrain from: Assuming the functions of the superintendent of recreation in executive details. Dealing directly in an executive capacity with subordinate employees. Urging upon the recreation executive the employment of workers regardless of their qualifications or forcing him to discharge competent employees for purely political reasons. There are a number of general principles relative to the relationship of the board and executive which are generally understood to be necessary in the establishment of successful working relationships. Most important of these is the willingness of the board to give the executive a free hand, within the limits of the policies laid down by it, to organize and carry on the affairs of the department as long as his efforts produce the results desired and meet with the general approval of the public. In no other way can an executive do his best work. In no other way will a governing body have the full benefit of the resourcefulness, initiative and technical knowledge and skill of its superintendent. There will always be a constant interchange between the governing authority and the executive in respect to both governmental and executive functions. Out of suggestions of the executive will, no doubt, come many of the plans and policies adopted by the governing body. Similarly, a recreation board may be of great aid to an executive in purely executive functions. This is |