Imatges de pàgina

after the ratification of a definitive treaty of peace, an act of the 45th year of his present Majesty, for granting to foreign ships put under his Majesty's protection, the privileges of prize-ships; and for allowing aliens in foreign colonies surrendered to his Majesty, to exercise the occupations of merchants or factors during the pre.

sent war.

An act to amend several acts relating to fines in respect of unlawful distillation in Ireland, to the warehousing of spirits, and to the securing the duties of excise on spirits distilled, and on hides and skins tanned in Ireland.

An act to amend an act, passed in the last session of Parliament, intitu led, An act to provide for the better execution of the laws in Ireland, by appointing superintending magistrates and additional constables in counties, in certain cases,

An act to impose certain duties on the importation, and to allow draw. backs on the exportation of certain sorts of wood into and from Ireland, in lieu of former duties and drawbacks on the like sorts of wood; and to indemnify persons who have admitted certain sorts of wood to entry on pay. ment of a proportion only of the duty imposed thereon.

An act to amend an act made in the 52d year of his present Majesty, for making provision for the better support of his Majesty's household, during the continuance of his Majesty's indisposition.

An act to continue and amend an act passed in the 48th year of the reign of his present Majesty, entituled, an Act for empowering the Governor and Company of the Bank of England to advance the sum of three millions towards the supply for the service of the year 1808.

An act to indemnify such persons in the United Kingdom as have omit ted to qualify themselves for offices

and employments, and for extending the times limited for those purposes respectively, until the 25th day of March, 1816; and to permit such persons in Great Britain as have omitted to make and file affidavits of the execution of indentures of clerks to attornies and solicitors, to make and file the same on or before the first day of Hilary Term, 1816.

An act to settle and secure an annuity on Lord Walsingham, in consideration of his services as chairman of

the committees of the House of Lords.

An act to grant certain duties of Excise upon licences for the sale of spirituous and other liquors by retail, and upon licences to persons dealing in exciseable commodities, in Ireland, in lieu of the stamp-duties payable upon such licences; and to secure the payment of such excise duties, and to regulate the issuing of such licences; and to discourage the immoderate use of spirituous liquors in Ireland.

An act for punishing mutiny and desertion; and for the better payment of the army and their quarters.

An act for the regulating of his Majesty's Royal Marine forces while on shore.

An act to repeal the duties of cus toms payable on the importation of tobacco, and to grant other duties in lieu thereof.

An act to repeal the duties of cus toms upon the importation of citrat of lime, and to grant other duties in lieu thereof.

An act to grant duties of customs on the exportation of certain goods, wares, and merchandize, from Ireland, in lieu of the duties of customs heretofore payable on such exportation.

An act for the better regulation of the manufacture of brown linens in Ireland.

An act to amend the laws now in force for regulating the importation of corn.

An act to continue, until the 5th

day of July, 1816, certain additional duties of excise in Great Britain.

An act for further continuing, until the 5th day of July 1816, an act of the 44th year of his present Majesty, to continue the restrictions contained in the several acts of his present Majesty, on payments of cash by the Bank of England.

An act to regulate the trade between Malta and its dependencies, and his Majesty's colonies and plantations in America; and also between Malta and the United Kingdom.

An act for granting to his Majesty, until the 5th day of April, 1819, additional duties of excise in Great Britain on sweets, tobacco, snuff, and excise licences.

An act to amend certain acts respecting the exportation and importation of sugar, and further to regulate the importation of sugar, coffee, and other articles from certain islands in the West Indies.

An act to rectify a mistake in an act of the present sesion of Parliament, with respect to the duties on sugar imported from the East Indies; and for further continuing, until the end of six weeks from and after the expiration of any act or acts of Parliament, continuing the temporary or war duties upon sugar imported into Great Britain, certain countervailing duties, drawbacks, and bounties, on refined sugar.

An act to continue, until the 5th day of July, 1816, certain temporary or war duties of customs on the importation into Great Britain of goods, wares, and inerchandize.

An act to continue, until the 25th day of March, 1817, an act made in the 49th year of his present Majesty, to permit the importation of tobacco into Great Britain from any place whatever. An act to grant to his Majesty an additional duty of excise on tobacco

in Ireland.

An act to grant to his Majesty a

duty of customs on tobacco imported into Ireland.

An act to amend several acts respecting the exportation and importa tion of sugar into and from Ireland; and further to regulate the importation into Ireland of sugar, coffee, and other articles, from certain islands in the West Indies.

An act to repeal so much of an act of the last session of Parliament as directs that no bleaching powder, made in Ireland and brought into Scotland, should be received into England.

An act to revive and continue, until the 25th day of March 1816, several laws relating to the better en couragement of the Greenland whale fisheries, and to the allowing vessels employed in the said fisheries to com. plete their full number of men at cer tain ports.

An act for raising the sum of 2,328,750l. Irish currency, by trea sury bills, for the service of Ireland, for the year 1815.

An act to continue, until three months after the ceasing of any re striction imposed on the Bank of England from issuing cash in payment, the several acts for confirming and continuing the restrictions on pay. ments in cash by the Bank of Ire land.

An act to facilitate the administra. tion of justice in that part of the Uni ted Kingdom called Scotland, by the extending trial by jury to civil causes.

An act for the more effectual prevention of the use of false and defici ent measures.

An act for the relief of the captors of prizes, with respect to the admit ting and landing of certain prize vessels and goods in Ireland; to conti nue in force until the 25th day of March, 1816.

An act for continuing the premi ums allowed to ships employed in the southern whale fishery.

An act to amend an act passed in

the 48th year of the reign of his present Majesty, intituled, An act for the better care and maintenance of lunatics, being paupers or criminals in Eng. land.

An act for procuring returns relative to the expence and maintenance of the poor in England; and also relative to the highways.

An act for enlarging the powers and acts of his present Majesty, for providing clergymen to officiate in gaols and houses of correction within England and Wales.

An act to procure returns of persons committed, tried, and convicted for criminal offences and misdemeanors. An act for the abolition of gaol and other fees connected with the gaols in England.

An act to amend an act of his late Majesty King George the Second, for the more easy assessing, collecting, and levying of county rates.

An act to revive and continue, until the 25th day of March, 1820, several acts for charging additional duties on copper imported into Great Britain.

An act to revive and continue, for one year, the duties and contributions on the profits arising from property, professions, trades, and offices in Great Britain.

An act to repeal an act of the last session of Parliament, for establishing regulations respecting aliens arriving in this kingdom, or resident therein; and to establish, for twelve months, other regulations respecting aliens arriving in this kingdom, or residing therein, in certain cases.

An act to enable the commissioners of his Majesty's woods, forests, and land revenues, to contract for the purchase and surrender of crown leases, and to sell his Majesty's interest in the Thornhill estate, in the parish of Stallbridge, in the county of Dorset, and in certain small parcels of land belonging

to his Majesty's subjects within the royal forests; and to remove doubts as to estates of the crown, sold by order of the said commissioners, being exempt. ed from the auction duty.

An act to authorize the commis sioners and governors of the Royal Hospital for seamen at Greenwich, to transfer a certain sum in the three pounds per cent. consolidated annuties, now standing in the name of the corporation of the chest at Greenwich, into the name of the said commissioners; and also to receive such dividends as are now due upon such annuities.

An act to repeal the provisions of former acts, granting exclusive privileges of trade to the South Sea Company, and to indemnify the said company for the loss of such privileges.

An act for granting annuities to discharge certain Exchequer bills.

An act for amending an act of his present Majesty, to insure the proper and careful manufacturing of fire arms in England, and for making provision for proving the barrels of such fire-arms.

An act to repeal several acts relating to the execution of letters of attorney and wills of petty officers, seamen, and marines, in his Majesty's navy, and to make new provisions respecting the same.

An act to grant to his Majesty certain increased rates, duties, and taxes in Ireland, in respect of windows, male servants, carriages, horses, and dogs, in lieu of former rates, duties, and taxes, in respect of the like articles.

An act to grant to his Majesty cer tain increased duties of excise in Ireland on malt.

An act to repeal the additional duty on British-made wine or sweets granted by an act of this session of Parliament.

An act to explain and amend an

act of the 53d year of his present Majesty, as far as relates to the granting gratuities to the East India Company.

An act to amend the laws relating to the militia of Great Britain.

An act for allowing makers of oxygenated muriatic acid to make salt, duty free, for making such acid er oxymuriate of lime for bleaching linen and cotton; for repealing the excise duties on Glauber salt, and on bleaching powder imported from Ireland; and to allow a further drawback on foreign brimstone used in making oil of vitriol.

An act to grant his Majesty certain duties and taxes in Ireland, in respect of certain male servante, carri. ages and horses, kept to be let to hire.

An act to amend an act of the 13th year of his present Majesty, for the amendment and preservation of the public highways, in so far as the same relates to notice of appeal against turning or diverting a public highway; and to extend the provisions of the same act to the stopping up unnecessary roads.


An act to regulate madhouses in Scotland.

An act for better regulating the formation and arrangement of the judicial and other records of the Court of Session in Scotland.

An act to regulate hawkers and pedlars in Scotland.

An act to fix the election for Glamorganshire at a central part within the said county.

An act for granting to his Majesty a sum of money to be raised by lot


An act to continue the encourage ment of persons making discoveries for finding the longitude at sea, or other useful discoveries and improve ments in navigation, and for making

experiments relating thereto; and for discharging certain debts incurred by the commissioners of the longitude, in carrying the acts relating thereto into execution.

An act to enable his Majesty, until the 1st day of May 1816, to accept the services of the local militia, either in or out of their counties under cer⚫ tain restrictions.

An act to authorize, under present circumstances, the drawing out and embodying of the British and Irish militia, or any part thereof.

An act to repeal the several duties under the care of the commissioners for managing the stamp-duties in Ireland, and to grant new duties in lieu thereof.

An act to regulate the collection and management of the stamp-duties on law proceedings, attornies, solicitors, proctors, and corporate officers in Ireland.

An act to provide for the collection and management of stamp-duties on pamphlets, almanacks, and newspapers in Ireland.

An act to repeal the several acts for the collection and management of stamp-duties in Ireland, and to make more effectual regulations for collect. ing and managing the said duties ia general.

An act to grant duties of customs, and to allow drawbacks and bounties on certain goods, wares, and merchandize imported into and exported from Ireland, in lieu of former duties, drawbacks, and bounties; and to make further regulations for securing the duties of customs in Ireland.

An act to regulate the payment of the duties of customs on foreign goods imported into Great Britain from Ireland, or into Ireland from Great Bri tain; and of the drawbacks on the exportation of goods the growth, produce, or manufacture of Great Britain

or Ireland, having been imported into either country from the other.

An act to amend so much of an act of the 33d year of his present Majesty, as relates to fixing the limits of the towns of Calcutta, Madras, and Bombay; and also so much of an act of the 39th and 40th year of his present Majesty, as relates to granting letters of administration to the effects of persons dying intestate within the several presidencies in the East Indies, to the Registrar of the Ecclesiastical Courts; and to enable the governor in council of the said presidencies to remove persons not being British sub jects; and to make provision for the judges in the East Indies in certain


An act to amend and continue for one year, and until twelve months after the termination of the present war by the ratification of a definitive treaty of peace, two acts of his present Majesty, for enabling subjects of foreign states to enlist and serve as soldiers in his Majesty's service; and to enable his Majesty to grant commissions to subjects of foreign states to serve as officers, under certain restrictions.

An act to continue, until the 25th day of March 1820, an act made in the 46th year of his present Majesty, for permitting the importation of masts, yards, bowsprits, and timber for naval purposes, from the British colonies in North America,

An act to relieve certain foreign vessels resorting to the port of London in respect of pilotage; and to regulate the mode of payment of pilotage on foreign vessels in the said port.

An act to amend an act of the last session of Parliament, for rendering more easy and effectual redress for assaults in Ireland.

An act to amend an act of the 53d

year of his Majesty's reign, for making regulations for the building and repairing of court-houses and session. houses in Ireland.

An act to explain an act made in the Parliament of Ireland, in the 32d year of his Majesty's reign, relative to inland navigations there, so far as relates to the limitation of actions against canal companies and other.

An act for the payment of costs and charges to prosecutors and witnesses, in cases of felony in Ireland.

An act to amend an act of the 50th year of his Majesty's reign, relating to prisons in Ireland, so far as concerns contracts for building or repairing such prisons.

An act to repeal the duties payable on, and the permission to enter for home consumption, silk handker. chiefs imported by the East India Company.

An act to continue and amend several acts relating to the British white herring fishery.

An act to repeal the duties payable on the importation into Great Britain of solid vegetable extract from oak bark, and other vegetable substances used in the tanning of leather; and to grant a duty in lieu thereof.

An act to grant a further sum of money for purchasing an estate to accompany the title of Earl Nelson, and also to amend two acts of the 46th and 58d years of his present Majesty's reign for making such purchase.

An act to grant to the judges of the Commissary Court of Edinburgh a fixed salary in place of their present salary, and certain fees and payments.

An act to enable the select committee on the Downpatrick election to re-assemble, and to suspend the transmission of the warrants and other

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