Imatges de pàgina

which he held in his hand; but being prevented from accomplishing his intention by the interference of two of his brothers, he, unperceived by any of the party, snatched up a butcher's knife which was lying near him, and in an instant stabbed the whole three. The knife entered Mrs Bassett's stomach, which is feared will prove fatal; one of the brothers received the weapon between the 5th and 6th left ribs, and is likewise in a very dangerous state: the other, though struck twice on the breast with considerable violence, has sustained the least severe injury, and it is hoped may speedily recover. Immediately after the commission of these dreadful acts, the unhappy perpetra. tor fled, but was pursued, and has since been taken and placed in strict confinement.

15th. The Gazette de France gives the following instance of the deep impression made by a theatrical representation -A young woman, the mother of three children, went with her husband to see the performance of The Guilty Mother, a play by Beaumarchais; the situation and the remorse of the heroine affected her the more deeply, as she had a similar fault to reproach herself with; this recollection, which, for a long time, she endeavoured to stifle without success, took such lively possession of her soul, that she could not support the heart-rending scenes in the fourth act. She was conveyed home in great agitation of mind, and the next day, after a long struggle of anguish, she confessed to her husband a fault which he had never suspected, and which he pardoned. But the blow was struck, and she survived this confession three days only, in spite of the cares and assurances of tenderness which her husband lavished upon her.

16th.-OUDENARDE.-A dreadful crime was committed on the 14th of this month, at Onkerzeele, near Gram.

mont: a woman of fifty years of age, enjoying a decent fortune, the mother of seven children, has been burnt alive, on suspicion of sorcery. A farmer had a daughter twenty years of age, who was seized with a lingering disorder; instead of applying for medical aid, he doubtless applied to soothsayers, and persuaded himself that his daughter was charmed. The question was to discover the sorceress; his suspicions fell on a female neighbour, whom he enticed into his house, where she had never before set foot. He. immediately shut the doors and the windows, and in concert with his wife and sick daughter, after loading this unfortunate woman with maledictions, and after having used the most urgent importunities to make her confess her pretended crime, and reverse the charm, these barbarous wretches, without regard to her oaths of innocence, and to her tears, bound her hand and foot, struck her several blows with a sabre, which wounded her body and arms, and threatened her with the most horrible death: they immediately lighted a fire, which they renewed thrice, and on which they placed her several times, so that her feet, legs, and thighs, were consumed by a slow fire. This unhappy woman was thus tortured for above three hours, without being able to call for help, because her assas sins stopped her mouth. It was not till the murderers saw her dying, and begging for the priest to attend her in her last moments, that they left her to fetch the ecclesiastic, by which means this horrible work was discovered. The criminals are arrested; they express neither fear nor repentance ; they believe they have acted by a supernatural inspiration, and remain full of confidence.

Yesterday morning, about half-past ten o'clock, a dreadful explosion took place in the extensive premises of Messrs Constadt and Co. sugar refi

ners of Well-street, Well-close-square, which was attended with the most fatal consequences. A variety of reports were in circulation as to the causes of this shocking catastrophe; but the following may be depended upon to be as correct a statement as could be ascertained, in the midst of a scene equally confused and distressing. It appears that a new process has lately been discovered for the quick refinement of sugar by means of steam; and Messrs Constadt, under the direction of Mr Hague, the engineer, had constructed a new steam boiler, worked by what is called a pressure engine of about six-horse power, the boiler holding about 2000 gallons. To this was attached all the necessary apparatus of tubes, valves, &c. and the engineer had determined upon trying the effect of the whole yesterday morning. The fire was accordingly laid, and the engine put into play. At 10 o'clock, Mr Constadt expressed his fears that the boiler would be over heated, and the valves become over loaded with steam; and in consequence, he and Mr Hague went to inspect it more closely. Scarcely, however, had they reached the works, when a general explosion took place, carrying, in the awful crash, utter destruction to the concern, and closing, in the heap of ruins, the bodies of more than twenty persons. By three o'clock in the afternoon, nine of these unhappy beings were dragged from the ruins, dreadfully lacerated, and conveyed to the London hospital, where the utmost attention was paid to them, and every thing was provided which surgical skill and humanity could suggest for their succour or consolation. At a late hour in the evening, five dead bodies were also taken from the ruins among these was the son of Mr Spear, one of the partners of the house. The remainder of the sufferers were workmen employed in the

concern, many of whom have left large families. The friends and relatives of these persons were assembled round the premises, and by their cries and lamentations rendered the scene truly heart-rending.

Not a vestige of this extensive establishment was left standing, and the party wall of the adjoining warehouse was completely destroyed, while the interior still threats destruction. There is also a sugar bakehouse belonging to the same firm, but conducted on a much smaller scale than that which had been destroyed. The latter was about 70 feet in height and 50 in depth, and the loss sustained by the sufferers, independent of so many valuable lives, is estimated at 25,000l. About six o'clock the voice of a man calling for help, was heard in the under floor of the building, but it was feared he would perish before the ruins which covered him were removed. The personal escape of Messrs Constadt and Hague is truly miraculous.

19th. About five o'clock, as one of the regular smacks between Leith and London, called the Eclipse, Taylor, master, was coming from the former place, whence she sailed on the Friday preceding, she struck on a sand about three or four miles from Yarmouth such was the violence of the shock that the atern-post and rudder were almost immediately carried away. The situation of the passengers and crew was alarming, and notwithstanding their united efforts at the pump, and bailing with buckets, the water was rapidly gaining on their exertions. Death appeared inevitable, as from their distance from the shore, and the impossibility of making their state known, no relief could be expected.

At this critical juncture one of the passengers, who had been in the navy, sent a lad to the mast-head with an ensign to hoist, with the union

downwards, as their last resort. The vessel in the mean time swung off the sand into deep water, and they were now, if possible, more perilously situ ated than before. A pilot boat, providentially attracted by the ensign (it was a moon-light night.) discovered the unfortunate sufferers, and by great exertions succeeded in rescuing them from a watery grave. The passengers consisted of twenty persons (six wo men,) and with the crew had not left the vessel any considerable time when she sunk gradually by the stern, and was shortly out of sight. The vessel was laden with great quantities of various articles, besides the passengers' luggage, nearly the whole of which was lost. At the time the vessel struck the master was in bed, and left the entire charge to the mate, and it seems he endeavoured to pass within the sand when he ought to have kept on the outside. The vessel and cargo, it is estimated, were worth between 5 and 6,000l.

A melancholy event took place at Warwick, arising from the burning of coke in a confined room. The unfortunate victims were Mr Newry, Mrs Newry (his wife,) and their son, about 12 years old. The room had been recently repaired, and was damp, and to air it, they had, previous to going to bed, placed a pot of coke in one corner; there being no chimney, the family fell a sacrifice to suffocation.

PEDESTRIAN PERFORMANCE.--The conclusion of one of the most extraordinary feats of this kind, by a man who appears to have made no particular preparation for the task, is related in the following article:

20th.-ROCHESTER.-This morr ing, five minutes before five o'clock, Baker completed his 1000 miles and one and three quarters more, which he has performed in twenty days. In the course of last night's labour, on his doing his 50th mile, at half-past ten

o'clock, to the utter astonishment of even his confidential friends, he began to show a determined resolution to accomplish his undertaking before he left off, having then by him Dr Newson, his medical attendant, who being fully aware of his constitution, readily agreed in his determination. Baker went on till his finish, during which he danced three hornpipes, surprised the whole course, and in high spirits, accomplished 75 miles and 192 rods, completing then his match by the time already mentioned, and afterwards retired to the Cossack, amidst the cheerings of those present and the roaring of a huge elephant. He appeared again by ten, dressed in a white flannel jacket, new hat, and old boots, and continued to walk up and down the course. At twelve he began to complete the miles that had been al lowed him in the rods; by this time thousands of spectators had arrived. He made good by one o'clock five miles, and by a quarter after two completed the ten miles. Baker and his friends afterwards went to the Cossack public-house to spend the remainder of the day.

24th...PARIS.--Ney's trial commenced before the Chamber of Peers on the 21st, when the proceedings were opened with great solemnity. The charge against him, signed by all the ministers and by the procureur-general, was read. The prisoner was then called upon to declare, whether he had any matter to plead in bar of further proceedings. His counsel thereupon objected against the competency of the chamber, as having been formed into a criminal court, merely by an ordinance of the king, and not by an act of legislature. This matter was fully debated, and the objection over-ruled; but the counsel having stated that they had other pleas to urge to a similar effect, the chamber agreed to give him till

Monday the 4th of December, when the trial is to be proceeded upon. Ney, whose features had exhibited the deepest dejection, smiled and seemed to recover himself as soon as he heard that a delay had been granted him to the 4th December.

Lavalette's trial closed at midnight on Tuesday, when, after five hours de liberation, the jury found him guilty. The fatal sentence of death has been pronounced. He has three days to appeal, on the grounds of form alone. 27th.-CORK.-William Baker of Lismacue, Esq. one of the most upright men living, was savagely mur. dered about five o'clock in the evening, in the middle of Thomas town demesne, on his way home from the sessions. Of the particulars of Mr Baker's murder no more is known, than that, about five o'clock in the evening, a shot was heard near the three gates in Thomastown demesne, by a man, who, on running to the place, found Mr Baker murdered on the road, having been shot through the body, and also through the skull: the last shot must have been fired very close to him, as his cravat was burning, and his face covered with gun. powder; he appeared to have received a desperate blow in the cheek, which was laid open to the bone: the murderer, or one of them, if there were more, broke his girth in remounting, and left his saddle behind him on the road. All the army in Cashel, with every gentleman in it, were immediate. ly out, as were the troops from all the neighbouring cantonments, but with out effect.

A reward of 5000l. has been offered by the government of Ireland for the discovery of the murderers of Mr Baker.

28th.-This morning, at one o'clock, a dreadful fire broke out at an umbrella-maker's in High Holborn, between Featherstone-buildings and Brownlow

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street. In one hour six houses in front were entirely burnt tothe ground. Two of the houses were of wood and plaster, and of course greatly hastened the conflagration. Two small back houses were also consumed. The inhabitants had no time to save any part of their goods, but (with the exception of Mr Nutting the umbrella-maker, who is missing, and supposed to be burnt) no lives were lost. Several of the inhabitants, who escaped, were unable to save even their clothes. A female in one of the houses burnt, had been delivered of a child only an hour before the fire broke out, but both were safely removed. The houses burnt down are as follow:-1. Nutting, umbrella-maker; 2. Philips, ironmonger; 3. Hopkins, toy-shop; 4. Nor. is, upholsterer; 5. Woollet, hatter 6. A Jew's sale shop. Part of Handcourt, in the rear, was at one time on fire, but a strong partywall prevented the further progress of the flames. The dead body of a female, laid out for interment, was removed from one of the houses when enveloped in flames, and deposited in the watchhouse.


30th.-A sheriff's officer of Liverpool having a writ to serve upon a man in the neighbourhood of Knows. ley, who was understood to be a very daring and resolute fellow, and likely to make considerable resistance, went thither, accompanied by a young man of the name of Shuttleworth. They took a gun with them, merely, as we have since been informed, to amuse themselves with shooting birds in the way, and they did not secure the object of their search without a severe struggle, in which all the parties gave and received many heavy blows. Having at length obtained possession of the person of their prisoner, the sheriff's officer and his companion threatened him, that if he should attempt to escape they would certainly shoot

him; and at the same time Shuttleworth, as a confirmation of the reality of their intention, put the ramrod into the gun to show the man that the piece was charged. The prisoner, nevertheless, took to his heels immediately, and Shuttleworth, in his haste to put his threat in execution, instantly levelled his gun, without extracting the ramrod, and fired; the charge of the gun, together with the ramrod, entered the body of the unfortunate prisoner, who turned round, and attempted again to strike his as sailants, but fell, and in a short time expired. The verdict of the coroner's inquest was wilful murder.


and I am prohibited from appealing to
them. I shall act like Moreau ;
I ap-
peal to Europe and posterity."

The Chamber of Peers voted five times in the course of their deliberations before they agreed to his conviction and the sentence of death. The first nominal appeal decided the question respecting the reception given by the marshal to the usurper's emissaries in the night between the 13th and 14th of March, by a majority of 113 to 47. The charge of having excited, by the proclamation of the 14th, his army to rebellion and desertion, of having ordered his troops to join the usurper, and of having at their head effected the junction, formed the second question, which was unanimously carried, with the exception of a single vote, which was withheld. The nature or designation of the crime constituted 1st.-TRIAL AND CONDEMNA- the third appeal, which was declared TION OF MARSHAL NEY.-The fol, high treason, and a violation of the lowing from the Paris papers, is an safety of the state, by an almost unaaccount of the trial, condemnation, nimous decision. The two last apand execution of Marshal Ney. This peals took place on the application of great and necessary sacrifice has been punishment, which was pronounced made with all the solemnity and impar death, according to the military forms, tiality due to the magnitude of the by a majority of 139. The conduct crimes he committed, and to the charac- of Ney appears to have been essentialter and justice of the court by which he ly altered from the instant he was conwas tried. After his defence had been vinced that he had no prospect of escagone through against the evidence ping. He became collected, firm, bold, brought forward on the part of the and vehement in his remarks and interprosecution, the marshal, it appears, ruptions during the trial, and he heard reserved another ground of justifica- his sentence with perfect composure. tion. It was a peremptory requisition, THE KING'S HEALTH.-The folto be comprehended in, and to be allowing bulletin was exhibited on Sunlowed to take the benefit of, the Mili- day at St James's :tary Convention of Paris. This plea was overruled by the court, and Ney, finding it unavailing, and reduced to despair, exclaimed, "Until this moment my defence has been uncontrouled, but now I perceive that it is clogged and fettered. I prefer not having any defence set up for me to one which is but the mockery of a defence. am accused against the faith of treaties,


"Windsor Castle, Dec. 2. "His majesty has enjoyed good bodily health during the last month, and has in general been very tranquil: but his majesty's disorder is not abated."

(Signed as usual.) BUONAPARTE'S ARRIVAL AT ST HELENA.-Government have received dispatches from Sir George Cockburn

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