any of you should seem to come SHORT of it. 11. Let us LABOUR therefore to ENTER into that REST, left any Man FALL after the fame Example of UNBELIEF. Romans i. 16. I am not ASHAMED of the GosPEL of CHRIST: for it is the POWER of GOD unto SALVATION to every one that BELIEV ETH. Rev. v. 9, 13. BLESSING and HONOUR, and GLORY, and Power be unto Him that fitteth upon the Throne, and unto the LAMB for ever and ever: For thou wast SLAIN, and haft REDEEMED us to GOD by thy BLOOD, out of every Kindred, and Tongue, and People, and Nation. Amen. Hallelujah. THE THE Of the DIVINITY of Christ Jesus the MESSIAHour Redeemer: which is clearly reveal- ed by the Prophecies in the Old Testament; pro- claimed by ANGELS and Voices from Heaven; avow- ed by our Saviour himself; confirmed by Miracles; acknowledged by DEVILS; PREACHED by the Apostles; and BELIEVED by the Church in all Ages The Preaching of John the Baptift Christ's Age and Genealogy from Adam Christ is baptized of John in Jordan John's Testimony of Jesus His Answer to the Jews h Christ is tempted by the Devil : To which is annexed, the TEMPTATIONs that Believers are subject to 33 The Calling of the Disciples 36 Christ's INSTRUCTIONS to his Disciples 38 The Preaching of the Gospel in Galilee by our Saviour 43 The Doctrine of Repentance and Faith 45 I. Of Repentance, and its Effects 46 II. Of Faith, its Nature and Effects 49 Chrift's SERMON on the Mount Wherein is expressed the Blessedness of 53 1. The Poor and Humble in Spirit 54 2. Those that mourn for their Sins 56 3. The Meek 58 4. Those that hunger and thirst after Righteousness 59 5. Those that are merciful 60 6. The Pure in Heart 61 7. The Peace-makers 62 8. Those that are perfecuted for Righteousness sake ibid. Holy Things not to be exposed to the Contempt of the Profane 85 Of false Prophets and Teachers 87 Chrift's Discourse with Nicodemus, of the Neceffity of being BORN again by the SANCTIFYING and enlightning Influences of the HOLY GHOST. To which is annexed, The Description of the NEW COVENANT, or Covenant of Grace in the Old and New Testament Of the infinite MERCY of God, in giving his only Son Christ Jesus to be the Redeemer of the World. And of the Love of Christ, in becoming the Saviour of 91 all all that believe in him, and obey his Commands 94 Christ comes into Judea, where he baptizes. John the Baptist declares to the Jews, that Jesus was the Meffiak that came down from Heaven 100 John the Baptist's Imprisonment by Herod, and is be beaded by his Order Herod's Opinion of Chrift ΙΟΙ 103 The MIRACLES wrought by our Saviour. From whence, in many Instances, is represented the much greater Things that should be effected upon the SOULS of those that BELIEVE in bim Water turned into Wine Difpoffefsing of Devils 104 ibid. 105 HOW BELIEVERS are delivered from the Snares and Power of the DEVIL ibid. Christ passeth into the Country of the Gergesenes, rebuketh the Winds, &c. 107 He by his Word having allayed the Winds and Waves,. heals the Poffefsed of Devils in the Country of the Gergesenes 108 A dumb Man possessed of a Devil is healed 110 Chrift cafteth a Devil out of a lunatick Man, which the Disciples could not cast out ibid. He cafts out a Devil, and confirms it to be done by a DIVINE POWER 112 Our Saviour's Discourse of the Blessedness of those that bear the Word of God and keep it, and the Judgment that should come upon the impenitent, and those that reject the LIGHT of the GOSPEL 113 The Daughter of the Woman of Canaan vexed with a Devil, is healed Healing all manner of Sicknesses and Diseases 114 115 ibid. Peter's Wife's Mother is healed of a Fever 116 h2 Divers 1 Divers fick Persons healed ibid. Chrift went about all Galilee, preaching the Gospel, and healing all manner of Diseases 117 He cureth a Man of the Palsy 118 A Man that had a withered Hand is bealed on the Sabbath Day 119 A Leper healed in Galilee I 20 A Leper healed 121 How the LEPROSY of SIN is healed and purified ibid. ten Lepers by the Way 123 The Centurion in Capernaum intercedes for his Ser- 123 124 125 An infirm Woman healed on the Sabbath Day on the Sabbath Day Jesus on the Sabbath Day cures him that had an Infirmity Thirty eight Tears, and lay at the Pool of Bethesda. At which the Jews being enraged, Jesus avows his DEITY, that all fudgment was committed to him, and that whosoever BELIEVED on him should have EVERLASTING LIFE; and that he was the promised Messiah, of whom Mofes wrote 126 JOHN VI. Christ feedeth Five thousand; walks upon the Sea, and commands the Winds and the Waves to be still. Many are healed by the Touch of his Garment. He reproveth the fleshly Hearers of his Word; and declareth bimself to be the BREAD of LIFE 130 The People that were miraculously fed, following Chrift, are instructed not to LABOUR only for the Meat that perisbeth, but chiefly for that SPIRITUAL Food of DIVINE GRACE, which is compared to the Manna with which the Ifraelites were for forty Tears subsisted in the Wilderness He feedeth Four thousand with seven Loaves 133 137 |