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Composed out of the


Morning Prayer. *


(a) Matth. vi. 6. When thou IVE Ear unto PRAYEST, enter into thy Clomy Words, O fer, and when thou hast shut thy Door, Pray to thy FATHER which Lord, that hear- is in SECRET, and thy Father which est Prayer, and feeth in SECRET shall reward thee openly. Matt. XXI. 22. All things believing, ye shall receive. John whatsoever ye shall ask in Prayer, XV1.23. Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my Name, he will

therefore to thee shall all Flesh come : Confider my Supplication; hearken unto the Voice of my CRY, my KING and my GOD, (a) for unto thee will I pray.

My Voice shalt thou hear in the MORNING; O Lord, in the Morning will I direct

give it you. Ask, and ye shall re

ceive, that your Joy may be full. Jam. v. 16. The effectual fervent PRAYER of a righteous Man availful for nothing, but in every thing eth much. Phil. 1v. 6, 7. Be by PRAYER and SUPPLICATION,

my Prayer unto thee, and with THANKSGIVING, let your Requests be made known unto God. Teth all Understanding, shall keep

And the Peace of God, which paffeth
your Hearts and Minds, through Jesus Christ.

a Psalm v.

* In this and the ensuing Prayers, the Expressions in the Singular or Plural Number of I or We, &c. may be varied as the Circumtance requires.

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