FOR THE HEAVY-LADEN: PROMISED By our only Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST TO ALL SINCERE BELIEVERS, Practically Discoursed upon. By CLEMENT ELIS, HEBR. iv. 1. Let us therefore fear, left a Promise LONDON; Printed by J. FULLER, Bookseller, in Blow- 1 TO THE READERS. WHEN HEN the charitable Samaritan had found the poor Man lying wounded by the Way-fide, and ready to die for want of present Help: his Compaffion might poffibly have come too late, had it staid for Ceremony. Had be spent his Breath in Complements, and trifled away the Time to usher in his Kindness with many fine Words; had he stood excusing his Boldness or bis too much Officiousness, apologizing for his Weakness, or with a great deal of Rhetorick, courting the poor dying Soul to accept of Life: However, we (who know better how to talk than to do good) might now call him Modish, He that so much needed bis Help, would have thought him idle and impertinent, and more a Courtier, than |