Imatges de pàgina

endeavour to be an assistant and a support to | has taught all the Medes to submit to him? So be well assured that your father will not dismiss me, nor any one from about him, instructed how to gain power and ascendency over others."

IV. Many such kind of discourses did Cyrus hold. At last his mother went away: he stayed, and was there brought up. He imme

equals in age, so as to be on a very familiar and friendly footing with them; and he presently gained their fathers, both by visiting them, and by giving evidence of his affection for their sons. So that if they had any business with the king, they bid their boys ask Cyrus to do it; and Cyrus, such was his benignity and love of esteem and praise, did his utmost to accomplish it for them: and Astyages had it not in his power to refuse gratifying Cyrus in whatever he asked of him; for Cyrus, when his grandfather fell ill, never quitted him; never ceased from tears; and made it evident to all that he was in the utmost fear of his dying. And in the night, if Astyages wanted any thing, Cyrus was the first to perceive it, and started up the nimblest of any to serve him in any thing that he thought pleasing to him; so that he entirely gained Astyages. Cyrus was perhaps a little over-talkative; but this he had partly from his education, his teacher obliging him to give a reason for every thing that he did, and to hearken to it from others, when he was to give his opinion in judgment: and be

my grandfather, making myself the most skilful amongst those who excel in horsemanship." His mother is then reported to have said: "But how, child, will you be instructed here in the knowledge of justice, when your teachers are there?" "O mother!" said Cyrus, "that I understand exactly already." "How so?" said Mandane. "Because my teacher," said he, "ap-diately joined himself to those that were his pointed me judge over others, as being very exact in the knowledge of justice myself. But yet," said he, "I had some stripes given me, as not determining right in one judgment that I gave. The case was this: a bigger boy, who had a little coat, stripping a less boy, who had a larger, put on the little boy the coat that was his own, and put on himself the coat that was the little boy's. I therefore passing judgment on them, decreed that it was best that each should keep the coat that best fitted him. On this my teacher thrashed me, and told me that when I should be constituted judge of what fitted best, I should determine in this manner: but when I was to judge whose the coat was, then, said he, it must be inquired what right possession is; whether he that took a thing by force should have it, or whether he who made it or purchased it should possess it: and then he told me what was according to law was just, and that what was contrary to law was violent. He bid me take notice, therefore, that a judge ought to give his opinion with the law. So, mother," said he, "I understand what is just in all cases very exactly; or, if any thing besides, being very eager after knowledge, he was wanting to me, my grandfather here will teach it me." "But, child," said she, "the same things are not accounted just with your grandfather here, and yonder in Persia; for among the Medes your grandfather has made himself lord and master of all; but amongst the Persians it is accounted just that all should be 1 equally dealt by; and your father is the first to execute the orders imposed on the whole state, and receives those orders himself: his own humour is not his rule and measure, but it is the law that is so. How then can you avoid being beat to death at home, when you come from your grandfather instructed not in kingly arts, but in the arts and manner of tyranny; one of which is, to think that power and ascendant over all is your due ?" "O mother," said Cyrus, "your father is much better able to teach one to submit than to take the ascendant. Do you not see," said he, "that he

always asking those about him abundance of questions, how such and such things were; and on whatever subject he was questioned by others, being of a very quick and ready apprehension, he instantly made his answers: so that, from all these things, he contracted an overtalkativeness. But, as in the persons of very young people, who have shot up suddenly, so as to be very tall, there yet appears something childish that betrays their youth; so in Cyrus, it was not an impudence and boldness that appeared through that talkativeness, but a simplicity and good nature; so that one was desirous rather to hear yet more from him, than to be with him while he held his tongue.

But as years added to his growth, and brought him on towards the time of his be coming a youth, he then used fewer words and a softer voice; he became full of shame, so as to blush when he came into the company of

men of years; and that playful pertness, in | proach, and which those were that he bluntly accosting every one, did not continue with him as before. So he became more soft and gentle, but, in his conversation, extremely agreeable; for in all the exercises that he and his equals used in emulation of each other, he did not challenge his companions to those in which he knew himself superior, but such as he well knew himself to be inferior in, those he set on foot, declaring that he would do them better than they. Accordingly, he would begin vaulting the horse, throwing the javelin, or shooting with the bow on horseback, while he was yet scarce well able to sit on a horse; and when he was outdone he was the first to laugh at himself: and as, on the account of being baffled, he did not fly off and meddle no more with the things he was so baffled in, but continued repeating his endeavours to do better, he presently became equal to his companions in horsemanship, and, by his love of the work, quickly left them behind. He then presently applied himself to the taking of the beasts in the park, pursuing, throwing at them, and killing them; so that Astyages could no longer supply him with them. And Cyrus, perceiving that he could not furnish him with these creatures, though very desirous to do it, often said to him: "What need you take so much pains, grandfather, to find me out these creatures? If you will but send me out to hunt with my uncle, I shall reckon that all the beasts I see are creatures that you maintain for me." But though he was very desirous to go out to hunt, yet he could not now be pressing and importunate, as when he was a boy: he became very backward in going to his grandfather; and what he blamed in the Sacian for not admitting him to his grandfather, he became in this a Sacian to himself; for he never went in, unless he knew beforehand that it was seasonable; and begged the Sacian by all means, to signify to him when it was seasonable, and when not; so that the Sacian now loved him extremely, as all the rest did.

When Astyages therefore knew that he was extremely desirous to hunt abroad and at large, he sent him out with his uncle, and sent some elderly men on horseback with him, as guards to him, to take care of him in rough and rocky parts of the country, and in case any beasts of the savage kind appeared. Cyrus therefore was very earnest in inquiring of those that attended him what beasts he was not to ap

confidently pursue. They told him that had destroyed many that had ventured proach them; and that lions, wild boar leopards had done the same; but that wild goats, wild sheep, and wild asses harmless things. They told him likewis rough and rocky places were not less dreaded than the beasts; for that many men and horses, had fallen headlong dow cipices. Cyrus took all these instruction eagerly; but as soon as he saw a stag r forgetting all that he had heard, he pu and looked at nothing but at that wh followed; and his horse taking a leap wit fell on his knees, and wanted but little of ing him quite over his neck. However, though with difficulty, kept on his bac the horse sprang up. When they got in plain he struck the stag with his javeli brought him to the ground: a large, nobl ture it was, and he was most highly deli But his guardians coming up with hin and reproved him; told him what dan had run into; and said that they would to his grandfather. Cyrus, having al from his horse, stood and heard this with uneasiness; but hearing a halloo, he m his horse at a leap, as in a sort of enthu and as soon as he saw a boar rushing fo over against him, he rushed on him, and ing right with his javelin, struck the b the forehead and here his uncle, seei boldness, reproved him: he, while his was reproving him, begged that he would him to carry off the beasts that he had and to give them to his grandfather. T they say, his uncle replied: "But if h cover that it is you that have pursued and them, he will not only reprove you, bu for allowing you to do it." "Let him me," said he, if he will, when I have them to him and do you, if you will, u said he, "correct me as you please; d gratify me in this." Cyaxares at last "Well, do as you please, for it is you seems now to be our king."


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So Cyrus, carrying off the beasts, pres them to his grandfather, and told him th himself had taken them for him. The ja he did not show him, but laid them dow bloody, where he thought that he cer would see them. Astyages said: Ch receive with pleasure whatever you give

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bat I am not in such want of any of these things as to run you into danger for them." If you do not want them, grandfather," said Cyrus, "pray give them me, that I may distribute them to my companions." "Child," said Astyages, “take them, and distribute them to whom you please, and of every thing else whatever you will." Cyrus, taking the beasts, gave them to the boys; and withal told them: "Boys," said he, "what very triders were we when we hunted in the park! In my opinion it was as if one had tied the creatures by the leg and hunted them; for, first, we were within a narrow compass of ground; then the creatures were poor, slender, scabby things: one was lame, another maimed: but the beasts in the mountains and marshes, how fine, how large, and how sleek they appear! The stags, as if they had wings, leap to the very heavens; the boars, as they say brave men do, attack one hand to hand, and their bulk is such that it is impossible to miss them. These, even when they are dead," said he," are, in my opinion, finer than those other walled-up things when alive. But,” said he, "would your father, think you, send you out to bunt ?" Yes, very readily," said they, "if Astyages ordered it." Cyrus then said: "Who is there amongst you therefore that would mention it to Astyages ?" "Who more able," said they, "to persuade him than yourself?" "But, truly," said he, "for my part, I know not what kind of creature I am become; for I am neither able to speak, nor can I any longer so much as meet my grandfather's eyes; and, if I go on in this way so fast, I fear," said he, "I shall become a mere blockhead and fool: yet when I was a little boy I was thought a notable talker." The boys then said: "You tell us a sad piece of news, if you can do nothing for us in case of need, but that we must beg that of another that is in your power to effect."

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Cyrus, hearing this, was nettled; and retiring without saying a word, he stirred himself up to boldness; and having contrived how to speak to his grandfather in the least offensive manner, and to obtain for himself and the boys what they desired, he went in. Thus then he began: "Tell me," said he, "grandfather, if one of your domestic servants should ran away, and you should take him again, what would you do with him?" "Why," said he, "what should I do but put him in chains, and force him to work?" "But if a runaway should of himself


return to you, what would you do?” else," said he, "but have him whipped, that he may do so no more, then make use of him as before?" "It is time therefore," said Cyrus, "to prepare yourself to bestow a whipping on me, as having contrived to run away, and take my companions with me a-hunting.” “Then,” said Astyages, "you have done very well to tell it me beforehand; for henceforward, I order you not to stir. It is a fine thing, indeed," said he, "if, for the sake of a little venison, I shall send out my daughter's son to ramble at his pleasure."

Cyrus, hearing this, obeyed, and stayed at home much afflicted, carrying a melancholy countenance, and remaining silent. Astyages, when he found that he was so extremely afflicted, being willing to please him, carried him out to hunt; and, assembling abundance of people, both foot and horse, and likewise the boys, and driving the beasts out into the champaign country, he made a great hunt; and being himself present, royally attended, he gave orders that none should throw till Cryus was satisfied and had enough of the exercise. But Cyrus would not let him hinder them. "If you have a mind, grandfather," said he, "that I should hunt with pleasure, let all those about me pursue and engage in the fray, and do the best." Astyages then gave them his leave. and, taking a station, saw them engaged amongst the beasts, striving to out do each other, pursuing and throwing their javelins. He was delighted with Cyrus, who, in transports of joy, could not hold his tongue, but, like a young generous dog that opens when he approaches the beast he pursues, encouraged every one, calling on them by name. He was pleased to see him laughing at one: and another he observed him to praise cordially, and without the least emotion of envy. At last Astyages, having taken abundance of game, retired; but was so pleased with that hunt, that he always went out with Cyrus, whenever he was able, taking abundance of people with him, and the boys, for the sake of Cyrus. Thus, for the most part, did Cyrus pass his time, doing service and pleasure to all, and hurt to none.

But when he was about fifteen or sixteen years of age the king of Assyria's son, being to celebrate his nuptials, had a mind at that time to hunt; and hearing that there was plenty of game on the borders of the Assyrians and Medes, they having not been hunted, because of the war between the nations, hither he desir



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ed to go. That he might hunt therefore se- ed "Grandfather," said he, " are these men I curely, he took with him a body of horse and enemies that sit quietly there on horseback?” another of light-armed foot, who were to drive "They are enemies," said he. And are the beasts out of their fastnesses into the open, those so too that are scouring the country?" cultivated country. Being come therefore to Yes, and those too." By Jove, then, the place where their garrisons were, and a grandfather!" said he, "methinks these that guard always attending, here he supped, as in- are thus plundering us are wretched fellows, tending to hunt the next day early in the morn- and mounted on wretched horses and must "Do ing: but that evening a guard of horse and foot not some of us march against them?" arrived from the city to relieve those who not you see, child," said he, "what a body of were there before. He therefore thought that horse stands there in close order, and who, if he had now a handsome army with him, con- we advance against the others, will intercept sisting of a double guard, besides a considerable us? And we have not yet our full strength number, both of horse and foot, that had at- with us." "But," said Cyrus, "if you wait tended on himself. He judged it best there- here, and collect those that are marching to join fore to undertake a plunder of the Median ter- us, these of our enemies that are here will be ritory; that this would be a nobler exploit than under apprehension, and will not stir; and the a hunt; and he thought he should procure plunderers, when they see any men marching great store of beasts for sacrifice. So rising against them, will presently drop their booty." early in the morning, he led his army forwards. On his saying this, Astyages thought there was The foot he left in close order on the borders: something in what he said, and wondering at he himself advanced with the horse up to the his sagacity and vigilance, ordered his son to Median garrisons; and, keeping the best of take a squadron of horse and march against the them and the greatest number with himself, he plunderers. 'I," said he, "will bear down on halted there, that the Medes in garrison might these men that are here, if they offer to move not march and charge those who were to scour towards you; so that they shall be obliged to the country; and such as were proper he sent be intent on us." out in parties, some to run one way and some another; and ordered them to surround and seize all that they met with, and bring all off to him. These did as they were ordered. But notice being given to Astyages that the enemy was got into the country, he marched with what forces he had at hand to the borders. His son did so, in like manner, with some horse that were at hand; and he signified to all his other forces to march after to support him. When they came up, and saw a great number of Assyrians in close order, and their horses standing quietly and still, the Medes likewise halted and stood.

Cyrus, seeing other people marching on all sides to support their friends, set forward himself, putting on his arms for the first time; never imagining that he should be so soon armed with them in the manner he desired; for they were very fine, and fitted him very well, being such as his grandfather had ordered to be made to fit his body. So, being thus completely armed, he set out on horseback. Astyages, getting sight of him, wondered by whose order and encouragement he came however, he bid him keep by him. Cyrus, when he saw a great number of horsemen fronting him, ask


Cyaxares taking of the strongest and best, both of men and horses, marched; and Cyrus seeing these put forward, joined and pushed on with them, and presently got at the head of them. Cyaxares followed, and the rest were not left behind. As soon as the plunderers saw them approaching, then quitting their booty, they fled. They that were with Cyrus intercepted them, and flew to blows with such as they could come up with, and Cyrus was the first at the work. Those who, by turning aside escaped them, they pursued in the rear, and did not give over, but met with several of them. Like a generous dog that has no experience, and that runs headlong without caution on a boar, so ran Cyrus, minding only to deal his blows where any came within his reach, without farther foresight or consideration. The enemy, when they saw their people in distress, moved their main body, judging that the pursuit would cease as soon as they should be seen to advance: Cyrus, notwithstanding, did not give over, but calling out to his uncle for joy, pursued, and pressing continually on, put the enemy to an entire route. Cyaxares followed, (perhaps being in awe of his father,) and the rest followed after, who thought, per

would return, lest his father should be uneasy and his country blame him." Astyages therefore seemed to be under necessity of parting with him so he sent him away, but first presented him with such horses as he desired to have, and furnishing him with other things of all kinds, both because of the affection he had for him, and because he had great assurance and hopes that he would prove a man thoroughly able to do service to his friends, and mischief to his enemies.

All people waited on Cyrus at his departure attending him part of his way on horseback, both boys, youth, men, and those in years; so likewise did Astyages himself. And they say that not one turned back at parting with him without tears; and it is said that Cyrus him

baps, they would not have shown themselves very brave against men that had opposed them, yet were on this occasion more than ordinarily eager in pursuing. Astyages, when he saw these men so incautiously pursuing, and the enemy in a close body marching towards them, fearing for his son and for Cyrus, lest they in disorder and confusion should fall in with the enemy, prepared to receive them, and suffer damage, he presently led on towards the enemy. The enemy, as soon as they saw the Medes move forward, halted; presenting some their javelins, and some their bows, in order to stop them, when they came within bow-shot, as their general practice is. For when they are near, they push each other at a certain distance, and so frequently skirmish on till evening. But when they saw their own men in full rout fly-self shed many tears at parting; that he gave ing towards them, and those with Cyrus following close behind them, and Astyages, with his horse, already within bow-shot, they gave way and fled. The Medes, in a body, pursuing, killed several in the first charge, and whoever they came up with they fell on, whether man or horse, and whoever fell they killed. Nor did they stop till they came up with the Assyrian foot, and there they gave over, fearing lest some greater force than appeared might lie in ambuscade to receive them. Astyages on this retreated in much joy at this victory obtained by his cavalry, but knew not what to say to Cyrus, for he knew him to be the author of the action, and saw him wrought up to such a degree of boldness as amounted almost to madness; for while the rest were retiring home, he alone, by himself, did nothing but ride round and view those that had fallen in the action. And they who had it in charge, dragging him with difficulty away, brought him to Astyages, while he put his conductors forward before him, because he saw the countenance of his grandfather look dissatisfied on seeing him.

These things passed among the Medes, and all people had Cyrus in their mouths, both in their discourses and songs. But Astyages, who before had a great esteem for him, was now quite astonished and struck with him. Cambyses, the father of Cyrus, was pleased to hear these things of him; but when he heard that Cyrus begun to perform acts of manhood, he called him home, that he might complete his institution among the Persians, according to the rules of his country. And on this occasion Cyrus is reported to have said, "That he

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many presents to his companions and equals in age out of what Astyages had given him; and that, at last, taking off the Median robe he had on, he gave it to a certain youth, declaring by this that he loved that youth the most of any. It is said that they who had taken and accepted of these presents returned them to Astyages, and that Astyages sent them to Cyrus, but that he sent them back again to the Medes, and sent word thus: "O grandfather! if you would have me return hither again with plea sure, and not with shame, let every one keep what I have given him :” and that Astyages hearing this, did as Cyrus had begged him by his message to do.

But if I may be allowed to relate a sportive affair, it is said that when Cyrus went away, and that he and his relations parted, they took their leave, and dismissed him with a kiss, according to the Persian custom; for the Persians practise it to this day; and that a certain Mede, a very excellent person, had been long struck with the beauty of Cyrus; that when he saw Cyrus' relations kiss him, he stayed behind, and when the rest were gone, accosted Cyrus, and said to him: "And am I, Cyrus, the only one of all your relations that you do not know?" "What!" said Cyrus, " and are you a relation ?" "Yes," said he. "This was the reason then," said Cyrus, "that you used to gaze at me; for I think I recollect that you frequently did so." "I was very desirous," said he, "to salute you, but I was always ashamed to do it." "But," said Cyrus," you that are a relation ought not to have been so." So, coming up to him, he kissed him. The

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