Imatges de pàgina

and Assistant Overseer,-Paid Officers, including the Officers of Workhouses, - Parish, - Parish Clerk, Relieving Officer, Sexton, - Vestry,Watching and Lighting. In these several cases, I have treated of the appointment of these officers, have defined minutely their respective duties, have stated the penalties assigned by law for a neglect or defective execution of them, and have treated in fact of every matter incidental to the offices, with which I thought it would be necessary or desirable for these officers to be acquainted.

Church Rate, I have treated of, principally with reference to the duties of Churchwardens in respect of it. I have stated in what cases and for what purposes it may be made, and how made; and how payment of it may be enforced, either in the ecclesiastical court, or by summary proceeding before Justices of the Peace, with the necessary forms.

Churchwardens, their appointment, their rights and duties, and actions by or against them, are treated of. I have also shortly noticed Chapelwardens.

Clergymen of the Parish I have noticed as well: not that I would be understood as classing them with Parish Officers, but there are some of their duties in which their parishioners are more immediately interested, baptism, marriage, and burials, and the entries thereof in the Register,that I thought it would be desirable that I should notice.

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Collectors of Highway Rate, their appointment. and duties, and Collectors of Poor Rate in Unions, and in Parishes which are not in Unions,-are treated of.

Constables are treated of, at considerable length: The Petty Constable, his appointment, his duty in apprehending offenders without warrant, and in apprehending them under a warrant, together with his duties in all other cases; his fees, allowances, &c.; his punishment for neglect of duty, and the manner in which the law protects him in the due exercise of his duty. I have treated also of Borough Constables:-County and District Constables,-Local Constables,-Constables under the Watching and Lighting Acts,-Private Constables, -Constables on Canals and Navigable Rivers,and Special Constables.

Guardians of the Poor,-their election,-their meetings, their contracts,-their duties,-and the appointment and duties of their Clerk, are fully treated of. I have also noticed Guardians of the Poor for single parishes, and Guardians under Local Acts.

Highway Rate, how made and levied, I have considered chiefly in reference to the duty of the Surveyors of the Highways in the making and levying of it.

Highways, so far as respects the officers appointed for the repairs, &c. of them :-Surveyors for single

parishes, &c.-Officers in large parishes,-Officers appointed in districts.-Their duties in repairing the highways,-in widening the highways,-in stopping up or diverting the highways,—in erecting direction posts, &c.-in removing snow and other obstructions,—in prosecuting for nuisances, &c.

Overseers of the Poor, their appointment;-their meetings; their duty in relieving the poor in single parishes, and in unions or under select vestries, -their duty in removing the poor,-their duty as to the poor-rate, their duty as to pauper lunatics, -their duty as to apprenticing poor children, as to the licensing of beer-houses, as to the borough or county rate, as to burying of dead bodies, as to constables' lists, as to disorderly houses, gaming houses, &c., as to gaol passes, as to the list of voters for guardians, as to jury lists-as to the registration of parliamentary voters. Their accounts, and how audited, -by Justices of Peace, Auditors of Unions, and by District Auditors. Frauds and offences by them: frauds by them, with respect to settlements;-neglect of duty, disobedience of orders of justices, &c.,—embezzlement of money, &c.,-and being concerned in furnishing goods, &c., for the poor. Actions by and against them. Also, the appointment and duties of Assistant Overseer.

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by the

Paid Officers, their appointment and duties, &c.; -Clerk to the Guardians ;-Treasurer of Unions;


-Relieving Officer;-Medical Officer;-Chaplain; -Master of the Workhouse, Matron of the Workhouse, Schoolmaster and Schoolmistress in the Workhouse,- Nurse, Porter, and Superintendent of Out-door Labour.

Parishes their boundaries; parish property.
Parish Clerk.
Relieving Officer.


Vestry -The Parish Vestry at common law; its duties as to the Highways;-as to the Rating of Landlords to the Poor for Small Tenements;-as to the Appointment of Churchwardens;-as to Voting for a Church Rate; as to the Nomination of Overseers of the Poor; and as to the Nomination of Assistant Overseer.-Also, the Appointment and Duties of the Vestry Clerk.-Vestries appointed under stat. 1 & 2 W. 4, c. 60; the adoption of the Act; the election of Vestrymen and Auditors; and the Powers and Duties of the Vestrymen and Auditors so elected. Select Vestries;-how elected and appointed, and their proceedings.

Watching and Lighting:-the adoption of the Act;-the Inspectors, their Authority and Duties; -the Rate; -Watching;-Lighting,-Fire Engines.

All this, the reader will find fully treated of, in this work. As to the manner in which it is done,

I claim but little merit; it is written in a plain,

simple style, intelligible to every one. to be correct, and if it be found useful perfectly satisfied.

I believe it

I shall be

9, King's Bench Walk, Temple, September, 1852.

J. F. A.

« AnteriorContinua »