And why is it that he giveth us richly all things to enjoy? Why have these Rich men fo large a Share of this World? 'Tis for this Reason, viz. That they may. do Good, be rich in Good Works, ready to Distribute, willing to Com municate. And for their Encouragement, the Apostle affures them, that by thus Doing Good, &c. they lay up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on Eternal Life. From thefe Grounds and Reafons, (which have been more diftinctly enforced, in A Theological Difcourfe of Laft Wills and Teftaments, to which I refer ;) St. Paul doth Direct the Clergy not only to Admonish, but even to Charge and Command Rich Men, to be Charitable to the Poor. The The Precepts of Charity are fo plain, and so often repeated in the H. Scriptures; fo preffingly enforced, by such just and reasonable Confiderations, that the Dying Perfon must needs be convinced in his Judgment, that it is both his Intereft and Duty, To be Charitable to the Poor. But notwithstanding all this or whatever elfe can be faid on this Subject; if either the Suggeftions of Satan, (who envies the Happiness of Mankind) or the Clamours of Diffatisfied Relations; (who, like Vultures, wait for their Prey;) I fay, if either of these can divert the Dying Perfon, from Bequeathing to the Poor, they will not fail to furnish him with fuch Pleas and Excuses as these. PLEA PLEA I. THis preffing of Charity is a Popish Trick. How many brave Eftates have been ruined, by the wheedling Arts of thefe Canting Priefts? What stately Lordfhips have been Bequeathed to the Superftitious Ufes of Obits and Maffes for the Dead? And being rid of this Trumpery, must the Clergy of the Reformation be still practifing upon us? Shall not our Friends Difpofe of their Eftates, and make their Wills, as they pleafe; but these Men in Black must pretend to Direct, and bring in their Items for the Poor and the Church? ANSWER. O the Great Honour of The Reformation, we can the Reformation, we can boldly Declare, That Charity is no Popish Trick. For For if a juft Account of fuch Endowments were Published to the World, (as 'tis hoped in due time it may) it would undeniably appear; That as to the best Parts of Publick Charity (viz. Founding Schools and Hofpitals) more hath been done by Proteftants fince the Days of Edw. 6. than by Papifts from the Conquest to the、 Reformation. But why muft Charity be branded as Popish ? Indeed formerly Popish was a frightful Word, and of large extent in these Nations. The Reformed Service of our Church hath been condemned as Popish. Bishops and their Lands have been voted Popish, (for whilst Naboth hath a Vineyard, he fhall not be innocent.) And whatever elfe hath Displeased, hath been nicknamed Popifh. But But the Cheat is long fince detected, and the Generality of our People are now better inftructed. For they plainly understand; That what Papifts formerly did out of a mistaken Zeal, and Superftitious Principles, Proteftants may now perform in a due and regular Manner. And fo the Objection is vanished, and the Proteftant Clergy may ftill do their Duty, in preffing Charity, without the harsh and unjust Cenfure of being Popifbly affected. PLEA II. THE Laws of the Land have taken Care of the Poor: and if duly executed, would competently provide for them. To what purpofe therefore do you exhort me to be Charitable to the Poor, when I am forced, upon Complaint, to relieve them whether I will or no? A N |