Come ye Blessed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the World. For I was an hungred, and ye gave me Meat : I was thirsty, and ye gave me Drink: I was a Stranger, and ye took me in : Naked, and ye clothed me : I was Sick, and ye visited me : I was in Prifon, and ye came unto me. Matth. 25. 34, 35, 36. Pure Religion, and undefiled before God and the Father, is this, To visit the Fatherless and Widows in their Affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the World. Jam. 1. 27. Prayers concerning Alms Deeds. fince I came into this World. I enjoy not only the Neceffaries, but the Comforts and Conveni encies of this Life. Blessed be thy Name, for this thy Goodness towards me. From Almighty Father, thou ga Mr. Ker vest me all my Worldly E-tlewell. state, that I should employ it for the convenient support of my Self, and of my Family, and of the Poor and Needy. And when I come to Thee, I can have nothing to carry along with me, but a strict Account how I have laid it out. I must now, in a very little time, give an Account of my Stewardship, for I must be no longer Steward. BUT I acknowledge, I have been a very unprofitable, and ungrateful Steward. I have not only wasted thy Goods, by Luxury and Excess; But I have often neglected to Relieve thy Poor Members, when it hath been in my Power. Lord, I Repent; and am heartily forry that I have thus offended thee. Lord, Pardon and Forgive me, for the fake of Jesus Christ. A men. A ND since I can no longer possess my Estate, (for when I am gone, I shall return no more to my House, neither shall my Place know me any more.) Let me now be so wise to make some Provision for my Self, as well as Others, by Distributing to the Poor, who are thy Receivers. What I give to them, I give to thee; and thou hast graciously promised to Pay it again. I have done with this World. Be thou my Portion, O Lord. Let me find my Treasure in Heaven. Let me there be received into Everlasting Habitations. Through the Merits and Mediation of my Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. A Prayer, to be used when you Dedicate any part of your Estate to Charitable Ufes. : From Dr. Com Lord, thou hast given me all my Worldly Goods, yea, thine own Son to be my Saviour. ber. And I return a small part of thine Own in acknowledgment. Thou needest Nothing. But hast charged me to shew my Love to Thee, by helping the Poor. Lord, I love and pity them, because they are thy Friends. I wish I could do more for them for thy Sake. G For For I defire Riches now for no other end, but to be more Charitable. I Dedicate my Self; and All I have, to thy Service, by this Earnest and Pledge. Lord, accept It and Me; and let it derive a Bleffing on all I have. O let this Alms be an Odour of a sweet Smell, a Sacrifice acceptable, and well-pleasing to Thee, through Jesus Chrift. men. A The Sick Man having examined his Charity in these Two Instances, viz. in Forgiving and Giving; Let him next proceed to examine the Truth of his Repentance in another Fruit and Effect of it, viz. Refti tution. Concerning which he is thus Admonished, in the Order for the Visitation of the Sick. If he bath offended any Other, to ask them Forgiveness. And where he hath done Injury or Wrong to any Man, that he make amends to the ustermost of his Power. Of |