Imatges de pàgina

my use; and to give such a Bleffing unto it, that it may (if it be thy Will and Pleasure) remove this my Sickness and Pain; and restore me to Health and Strength again.

But if thou hast sent this Sickness, as thy Messenger to call me out of this World; Thy blessed Will be done.

O make me meet to be a partaker of the Inheritance of the Saints in Light.

And whensoever my Soul shall depart from the Body, grant that it may without spot be prefented unto thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

If the Sick Person is so weak, or fo much in Pain, that he cannot thus Pray for himself; Then let some one of his Friends say this Prayer for him; Only changing the Person: As We for I, Him or Her, for My or Me.


state, and Confulted your Health, you have done with this World; and should leave the Thoughts and Concerns for it, to those who come after you.

You are now to take Care of your precious immortal Soul; and to prepare for that vast Eternity, that unalterable State, you are entring into.

This is indeed the Work of your whole Life; and should not be deferr'd to a Sick and Dying Bed; (as I have Admonished you in a short Discourse of Death bed Repentance.)

However, upon the near Approach of Death, a more folemn Preparation is expected from you.

And for your Assistance in this great Work, on which Eternity depends, send speedily for your Minister, whilft you are



capable of his Advice, and defire him not only to Pray for you, but also to give you fuch Instruction and Comfort, as your Case may require.

Now fuch Direction of the Clergy is of great Advantage, and little less than necessary, to Sick and Dying Persons. Who being disturbed and diverted with Vifits, weakened and difordered with Pain; terrified and amazed at the Approaches of Death; are very unable, under these Circumstances to Guide and Direct themselves.


In such a Cafe, an Orthodox and Prudent Minifter, will give you found and seasonable Directions.

He will Admonish you,

1. To bear your Sickness with


2. He will direct you, To per

fect and compleat your Repentance.

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3. To exercise Faith and Trust in God.

4. He will Admonish you to a chearful Submission to the Will of God, in being ready to Die, and to leave this World, when and how the Divine Wisdom shall fee it fit.

These are the several Inftances, wherein the Clergy do Direct the Devotions of Sick and Dying Persons. And according to this Method, I shall endeavour to Affift you, in the following Difcourse.

Of Patience under Sickness.

To avoid

remove the Fears of fome

fcrupulous Perfons, 'tis pertinent to Premise;

That by Patience under Sick-ness, I do not mean an Infenpbility of your Pains. As if being exhorted to be Patient, you were


not allowed to Complain.
No! Sighs and Groans are the
Sick Man's Language. And fo
far as it may be any Eafe to you
to bemoan your Self, refrain not
to do it.

And when it may be a Refreshment to change your Posture (to Turn, as we fay, from Side to Side,) Take your Liberty. For none of these Things are the Effects of Impatience. Though fome Persons, who are in Health (and who have not that Compaffionate Sympathy as they ought) may very impru dently condemn them as such. Now, Patience (as it relates to a Sick Bed) is a chearful Submission to whatever Pains and Confinement God shall please to lay upon you.

And that this Patient Submif fion is your Interest and Duty, I shall Endeavour to convince you, by these following Confiderati


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