3. If he hath been so monstroufly Wicked (and there are fome fuch Wretches) as to turn Factor for the Devil's Kingdom, by Publishing Atheistical Books : Or, by Writing Filthy, Obscene, Lascivious. Tracts and Poems: Let him first as Publickly as he can, declare his Abhorrence of fuch his Wickedness; and then take the most effectual Methods, to call in, stifle, and suppress those Cursed Books. Thus the Sick Person is to make Restitution, with respect to his Neighbour's Soul. 2. Of Injuries done to our ✔ Rongs or Injuries which may be done to the Bo dy, are of feveral Degrees. 1. The highest is Killing. Or taking away the Life. Which we call Murther. Now Now Murther may be committed, 1. By open Violence. When a Man either by Sword, or any other Instrument, takes away another's Life. 2. Murther may be committed Secretly, and Treacheroufly. As by Poyfon, False Accusation, with fuch like concealed Ways. And for the Sick Man's Conviction: And that he may distinctly examine his Confcience, how far he may have been guilty of Murther, I must remind him of this Rule, frequently mentioned by Divines; viz. In the Negative Part of a Commandment, where any Sin is forbidden, there all Causes and Occafions of that Sin, are likewise forbidden. According to which Rule, the Sixth Commandment, Thou halt do no Murther, is thus to be Interpreted. ! Thou shalt not Kill. Neither fhalt thou do any Thing, which may be the Cause or Occafion, of taking away the Life of thy Neighbour. Which I shall explain very pertinently to our present purpose, in these Two Instances. 1. A Man, for his Diverfion, makes another Drunk. Who being thus Distemper'd, breaks his Neck off his Horfe: Falls down a Precipice; or by Some other fad Accident, is brought to his Death. He who thus Debauched him, (though Human Laws cannot Punish him, yet) in the fight of God, he is not free from his Blood. 2. A Man, out of a Malicious Design, mutually reports false and injurious Stories betwixt Two PerSons. Upon which a Duel or Rencounter happens, in which one of them is killd. He He who first started the Quarrel, by his prating Lyes, most certainly hath his share in the Guilt. Froin these Two Cases, which God knows, too often happen, I think it seasonable to add this Two-fold Caution. 1. Take heed of Encouraging the Excesses; Or, Administring! to the Intemperance of Others. 2. Beware (inSolomon's Phrase) of Sowing Discord among Brethren. You do not know the sad nor Consequences of either; II. Though Murther is the greatest, yet it is not the only Injury which may be done to the Body. For the Body may be Maimed or Lamed, by depriving it of a Limb or Member. As cutting off a Leg, or an Arm, putting out an Eye, &c. by a violent Stroke. And how great Wrong or Mischief this is, those who are so unfortunate as to fuffer fuch Violence, do sensibly experi ence. III. There are other Degrees of Injury to the Body: As Wounds and Stripes. A Man may be neither Killed, nor Lamed, and yet may fuffer great Damage in these Two Instances. The Violence of the Blows may put the Blood into fuch a Ferment, as may end in a tedious Sickness. Which besides the Pain and Tortures in the mean time, may by the Patient's Confinement, and the Neglect of |