of his Neighbours. Sund. XI. SS. 12. The Second Part of Theft is, 2. The Taking from our Neighbour what is already in his PofSeffion. And this Injury may be done, Either, 1. More Openly and Violently. As by Robbing on the HighWay. Or, by breaking into Houses and Plundering them. Or, 2. By Pilfering, or private taking away a Man's Goods unknown to him. Which we call Stealing. Both these are such Acts of Injustice, as make Men odious to God, and unfit for Human Society. They expose the Guilty, not only to Temporal Death in this World; but also to Eternal Death and Damnation in the next. As they are faithfully Admonished by The Whole Duty of Man. Sund. XII. SS. 1. 3. The Third Part of Injustice, whereby Injury may be done to our Neighbour's Estate, is 1 3. Deceit. F which there may be as many Instances, as there are Occafions of Dealing between Man and Man. Which yet may All be reduced to these Two Generals. 1. Matters of Trust. 2. Matters of Traffick, or Bargaining. 1. A Man may be guilty of Deceit in Matters of Trust. Whether that Trust was committed to him; As an Executor, A Guardian, A Steward, or A Friend. The Sick Man therefore is to Examine, in which of these Capacities pacities he hath been entrusted; and How, and in what Manner, he hath discharged that Trust. 1. If he hath been an Executor, He is then to Examine; Whether he hath acted punctually according to the intent of the Will? And if his Deceafed Friend hath given him any private Directions, of something to be done, which he did not think fit to Publish in the Will; he must then recollect, Whether he hath been faithful in observing those Directions? Wherein he is the more concerned to be fincere; Because, thơ' as to the Letter of the Will, the Law will make him honeft; yet as to those private Directions, he is left to the Conduct of his own Conscience. But if he hath been false to his Trust, and hath not honestly paid Debts or Legacies, according to to the intention of the Deceased, but hath enriched himself by what is affigned to Others; let him then know, That tho' the Dead cannot call him to an Account, God will certainly do it. 2. If he hath been a Guardian, and had the Tuition of Orphans, Ideots, or Madmen, let him strictly examine himself; Whether he hath been faithful in the Discharge of that Trust? Hath he honestly managed the Estate of such helpless Orphans or Ideots; Disposing all their Concerns to the best Advantage? Hath he been kind and affectionate to their Persons, and pitied their Weakness ? But if he hath insulted over them, and taken the advantage of their Non-Age, and other Natural Defects; If he hath Oppressed pressed and Abused them; let him know and Confider; That their Redeemer who is mighty, will plead their Caufe, revenge their Wrongs, and punish bis Injustice. 3. Hath the Sick Person, as a Steward, or a Servant, been entrusted with an Estate, in whole or in part? And being thus entrusted, hath he carelesly loft, or prodigally embezled, or unfaithfully converted, his Master's Goods to his own Ufe? If so, Let him then remember that awakening Summons; Give an account of thy Stewardship, for thou mayest be no longer Steward. Luk 16. 2. 4. Hath the Sick Person, on any Occafion, been entrusted as a Friend? Let him examine, if he hath been faithful to that Trust. Friend |