Imatges de pàgina

2. A Submission to the Manner


of Death.

ND as to the Time,
Place, and Manner

and From Mr. Ket and slewell.

all Circumftances of my Death, I defire to fubmit to thy good Pleasure.

But I humbly beg, if it be thy gracious Will, O Lord, Make my Pains fhort, and my Death eafy At least, not extremely tedious, or grievous to


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But if thou haft otherwife determined, thy Bleffed Will be done

Only give me Patience to bear my Pains, and Spiritual Comforts under them; and at thine own due time, make my Death my Paffage to a Blessed and Eternal Life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Office for Burial.


Mr. Ket


AND; O Lord, most Holy,


God moft Mighty; O Holy and Merciful Saviour, thou most worthy Judge Eternal; Suffer me not at my laft Hour, for any Pains of Death, to fall from thee. A


3. Against the Fear of Death.

Grant, O Lord, that I may

end my Life in thy Fear and Favour; and receive my Death, whenever it fhall approach, not as my Curse, but as my Deliverance; as a Reftfrom my Labours, and an Entrance upon a Life without Trouble and without Sin.

Remember not against me my manifold Sins; but let them all be done away by thy Mercies, and my Blessed Saviour's Merits, and my own true Repentance.


That I may come to my last Change without Guilt, and forefee its near Approach without Fear or Impatience. Through Jefus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Mr. Ket

Trengthen me, O God, in my From laft Agonies; and as my lewell. Strength decays, let my Pains wear off. But when my Strength fails, let not my Faith fail; even in Death enable me to trust in thee.

Deliver me from all violent Disorders of a troubled Fancy, or painful Delufions of my Ghoftly Enemy. O, let him not be able to disturb and terrify me, or any way prevail against me.




Ave me in thy Cuftody, From O Holy Father: For no-Mr. Ketthing can take me out of thy hands. Give thy holy Angels charge to ftand about me, to guard and re

ceive my poor Soul at my Departure, and to conduct and carry it to the blessed Receptacles of Reft and Peace. Amen.

Into thy Hands, O Lord, I commend my Spirit: for thou haft Redeemed it, O Lord, thou God of Truth.

Of the Sick Man's Daily Prayers; and other Inftances of his Devotion.

1. Of his Daily Prayers.

WHen the Sick Perfon is

confined to his Bed, fo that he cannot conveniently kneel, nor put himself into the proper Gesture of Prayer; he must not thereupon think, that he is excu fed from his Duty,

I men

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I mention this, because I fear it is a common Miftake in Sick Perfons, to fancy, That their Weakness may excufe their Prayers: And that in fuch a Cafe, God will accept the Will for the Deed.

They fay, They think upon God, and will Pray with their Hearts. And this they hope will be sufficient.

To which I Answer:

When the Sick Perfon is in extremis, and is reduced to fuch Weakness, that he is either Speechless, or cannot use his Voice without Difficulty and Pain: in fuch a Cafe let him comfortably be affured, that our Gracious God, who knows our Frame, will accept of the Defires of his. Heart; and his Sighs and Groans fhall be all Vocal.

But whilst he hath fo much Strength, as to talk to his Vifitants and Attendants, let him know

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