When he doth exercise his Repentance, let him read from P. 66. to P. 86. If he doubts the Pardon of his Sins, and is Tempted to DeSpair; let him read from P.214. to P. 228. If he is troubled for his Relatives, his Wife and Children, because he leaves them poor and unprovided for; let him read from P. 241. to P. 247. If he is afraid to Die; let him read from P. 247. to P. 282. When any of the Visitants do Pray with the Sick Person, or for him; the Office for the Visitation of the Sick, in the Service Book, will be most proper for them. And much better than their own private Extempore Effufions. For to express my Self with Freedom; long continued Prayers are not so suitable for languishing decaying Persons: Whofe Weakness is much better complied with; and whose Devotion is more effectually cherished; by the short, but Pathetick Collects and Responsals of our Church. T Of the Sick Man's Reading the HE Sick Man having (having Settled and Disposed all his Temporal Concerns ;) is now in Prudence to apply himfelf entirely to his Devotions, and the great Concerns of the World to come. And to his Prayers, he should add the constant Reading of the H. Scriptures: Which were written, that we, thro patience and comfort of them, might have hope. Rom. 15. 4. This Word of God (as the Pfalmist speaks) is perfect and pure, converting the Soul, rejoycing the Heart, and enlightening the Eyes: 'tis sweeter than honey, and more desirable than the finest Gold. Pfal. 19. 7, 8, 9. The The Bible therefore is the best Companion, and the best Comforter for a Sick Christian. Who may say of this Book, in the words of David, This is my Comfort in my Affliction. Pfal. 119. 50. Particularly, the Book of Psalms (as the late Judicious and Pious Dr. * Isham doth ex-* His daily press it) is such an 'Admirable Office for the Sick, Entertainment for a Sick Chri- which I recom 'stian, that Sleep it felf (when heartily 'most wanted) cannot be more mend. 'refreshing to him. In Chronical Diseases, which are lingring and gentle, the Sick Man may read the Pfalms in Order, as Directed by the Church. But in violent acute Distempers, he must be content to do as he can; and as the Circumstances he is under, will permit. In such a Cafe, let him read some of the following Pfalms, as he shall have strength to attend them. 1 Viz. Pfal. 71. (appointed in the Vifitation of the Sick.) And the Seven Penitential Pfalms; viz. Pfal. 6. 32. 38. 51. 102. 130. 143. Το which he may add, Pfal. 16. 19. 23. 25. 39. 42. 103. 139. 146. I do not transcribe these Pfalms at large, fince they may as conveniently be read out of the Bible; which (with the CommonPrayer, the Whole Duty of Man, and other Devotional Books) I suppose to be constantly laid in the Sick Man's Chamber. Only I think it convenient to give some Direction, for the more profitable Reading of the Bible. For though the whole Bible is God's Word, and is of Divine Inspiration, yet some Parts of that Holy Book, are more peculiarly fitted, to the State and Confinement of a Sick Bed. Mor |