I. The Examination on the Tenth "D Commandment. Oft thou reft contented in that Condition, or State of Life, wherein God hath placed thee? Or haft thou at any time inordinately lufted after that which belongs to Others? 2. Haft thou entertained fecret Covetings in thy Thoughts, with any Delight or Complacency? Or, haft thou laboured to restrain them, and quench them in their first Beginnings ? When the Sick Man hath diftin&tly read, and feriously confidered thefe feveral Articles; let him then thus make Applica tion. 1. When his Conscience accuseth him, he may fay thus. I confefs my Guilt. And, O my God, wash it away in the Blood of Jesus: and be merciful to me a Miferable Sinner. 2. When he doubts, and is in fufpence, he may fay thus. O God, enlighten me, and cleanfe me from my fecret Faults. 3. When From BP. Ken. 3. When his Confcience acquits him, he may fay thus. Lord, I bless thee, for keeping me from this Sin. A Prayer after Examination. Lord God, I have now by thy affiftance confidered my evil ways. O thou who only knoweft the Heart, and who only can't change it; create in me fuch a broken and contrite Heart, (which thou haft promifed not to defpife) and fo deep a fense of my own Sin and Mifery; that my Repentance may bear fome proportion to my Guilt. O my God, pardon all my Tranfgreffions; and perfect that good Work thou haft begun in me, for the Merits of Jefus my Saviour. Amen. The Lord's-Prayer is always to Conclude the Sick Christian's Private Devotions. The Sick Man's Communicating. T HE Sick Man having thus Examined himself, is next to confider his Receiving the H. Communion. Which is called the Dying Chriftian's Viaticum, to fit and prepare him for his laft and longest Journey. For, 1. This H. Sacrament is God's Seal of Pardon, to all that Receive it with Faith and Repen tance. 2. This arms the Dying Christian against the Fear of Death: by fetting Jesus before him, who Died for him, and hath pulled out the Sting of Death. 3. This affures him of his own Resurrection. Whofo eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day. Joh. 6.54. 4. Here 4. Hereby the Sick Man declares, he doth Dye in the Peace and Communion of the true Church. And yet 'tis pertinent to Observe; That tho' the Church of England doth allow of Private Sacraments, yet it is with certain Limitations and Refstrictions. For, 1. The Sick Perfon must give timely notice to the Curate. It being not decent, that fo Solemn an Action as this, fhould be done in a hurry. 2. He must fignify, how many there are to Communicate with him ; (Which shall be Three, or Two at the leaft.) 3. There must be a convenient Place in the Sick Man's House, with all things neceffary so prepathat the Curate may Reve red; rently Adminifter. Thefe Comm These Directions being obferved, and not otherwife, the Sick Man (who is not able to come to the Church, and yet is defirous to receive it in his own House;) may have the H. Communion privately Adminiftred. But if it fo happen, (as the Church instructs us) That a Man, nion of either by reafon of extremity of the Sick. Sickness, or for want of due Warning to the Curate, or for lack of Company to Receive with him; or by any other juft Impediment, do not Receive the Sacrament of Christ's Body and Blood; yet if he truly repent of his Sins, and stedfastly believes that Chrift hath fuffered Death upon the Crofs for him, and fhed his Blood for his Redemption; earnestly remembring the Benefits he hath thereby, and giving him hearty Thanks for them: He doth then Eat and Drink the Body and Blood of our Saviour Chrift, profitably P |