Imatges de pàgina

From BP. Cofins.

- Lord, lift thou up the light of thy Countenance upon me; and in all the Pains of my Body, in all the Agonies of my Spirit, let thy Comforts refresh my Soul; And enable me patiently to wait, till my Change come.

And grant, O Lord, that when my Earthly House of this Tabernacle is dissolved; I may have a Building of God, an House not made with hands, Eternal in the Heavens. Through him, who by his precious Blood hath Purchased it for me, even Jesus Christ. Amen.

Sweet Jesus, I defire neither Life, nor Death, but thy most holy Will. Thou art the thing, O Lord, that I long. for; be it unto me according to thy good pleasure. If it be thy Will to have me Die, receive my Soul. And grant that in thee, and with thee, I may receive everlasting Reft.



If it be thy Will to have me live any longer upon Earth, give me Grace to amend the rest of my Life, and with good Works to glorify thy holy Name: Who with the Father, and the Holy Ghost, livest and reignest ever one God, World without end. Amen.

Having thus Commended your Self to God, Do not defer to Settle and Dispose of your Temporal Estate, by making your Will. That this ought in Prudence to be done, whilst you are in Health ; and should not be deferr'd,.. as too often it is, to a Sick and Dying Bed; I have endeavoured to convince you in a distinct Discourse; To which I refer you.

Your Temporal Estate being Settled and Bequeathed, and your just Debts Stated; (what You your Self Owe to Others, and what Others Owe to You) I am next to Admonish You to take care of your Health, by consulting some able Physician.

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Of Confulting the Physician.

F you observe your Distemper to increase, then do not defer to fend for your Physician. But defire his Advice in the Beginning of your Sickness; be- fore Nature is too weak, or the Disease is come to Extremity.

And do not suspect his Skill, or think him the less faithful, (nor be you discouraged, as if your Case was Desperate) if at first he prescribes you Nothing. 'Tis a gross Mistake in some Patients, to think themselves ne glected, if they are not loaded with Physick. For 'tis well known, you may furfeit on Physick as well as Food; and in fome Cafes, the Apothecaries Shop may be as dangerous as the Shambles.

Be not you therefore the less Grateful to your Physician, nor

diminish his Fee, because he doth not prescribe you the long Bill But thankfully submit to his Methods, whilft in prudence he • holds his Pen, and only obferves the Motion of the Humours, and how Nature works, (as we phrafe it) whereby he will be Directed how to proceed.


But before you send to your Physician, 'tis necessary to look up to God, the great Phyfician of Soul and Body: For man lives not by Bread, nor recovers by Physick alone; but by every word out of the mouth of God, to give a Blessing unto both.

Beg therefore of God to direct your Physician, to prescribe fuch Medicines as may be proper for your Cafe; and may by the Divine Blessing be effectual, to restore you to your former Health.

A Prayer before Taking of Physick..

Almighty God and Merci ful Father, to whom alone belong the Issues of Life and Death; thou killest and makest alive; thou bringest down to the Grave, and raisest up again. I come unto Thee as to the only Physician, who canst cure my Soul from Sin, and my Body from Sickness. I defire neither Life nor Death, but resign my felf to thy most holy Will.

But fince thou hast appointed. outward Means for the Curing of Sickness, and Restoring of Health; I have fent to thy Servant, the Physician, who hath prepared these Medicines for me; Which I receive as Means fent from thy Fatherly Hand...

O that it would please thee of thine infinite Goodness and Mercy, to fanctify this Physick to


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