Imatges de pàgina
[blocks in formation]

distance from the southern extremity of that island. We saw the Banquise was before us, stretching as far as the eye could reach1 in the direction E.N.E. Hence 2 it became evident that Jan Mayen was blocked up by the ice, at least along its south coast. To ascertain whether it might still be accessible from the north, it would have been necessary to have attempted 3 a circuit to the eastward, the possible extent of which could not be estimated. Moreover, we had consumed half our coals, and had lost all hope of being rejoined by the Saxon. Giving up the idea of carrying the expedition any further, Commodore de la Roncière, having got the ship clear of the 5 floating ice, took a W.S.W. course to return to Reykjavik.

Le Moniteur Universel.




In the meantime my cousin wears the same old clothes that he did three years ago, which he has mended with patches of what he calls the same colour-that is to say, scraps cut off the same piece of cloth that have been kept in a drawer, while the clothes got worn out in the sun, the 10 dust, and the rain; he has only his old cob for the mill work ;11 he takes snuff out of 12 other people's boxes,13 and smokes tobacco that is given to him; he is


1 As far as the eye could reach, à perte de vue-2 hence, dès lors 3" to attempt"- — the possible, etc., "of which it was impossible to calculate the extent"-5 having got......clear of the, ayant fait la zone.


6 The same......that he did three years ago, ses......d'il y a trois ans scraps cut off the, des morceaux de 8 piece of cloth, coupon de drap 9 got worn out in, s'usaient à-19 the, à la (see note ", p. 37)— 11 work, service-12 he takes snuff out of, il prise dans—13 boxes, tabatières.

always complaining of the hardness of the times, and constantly denies himself things you see he would like to have.1


When anybody owes him money-and, thank God! we owe him none now would think he was waiting for the payment to buy bread. He often comes down by accident when the boats come in, and walks round and round the fish,-he finds it so fine, so round, so thick, so fresh,-he devours it so with his eyes, that it is impossible not to tell him to take one or two home with him.7


When he drinks a pot of cider with any one, he is so long looking for his money, that the person he has invited is very often forced to pay; he never gives anything to anybody; and it was generally remarked when you went away-which seemed to be a real grief to him-that he said, "If it was the want of money sent him away, I would have given him some." 10 It is true, he added-" a little."


ALPHONSE KARR, "La famille Alain.”


When the opponents of democracy assert that a single individual performs the functions which he undertakes better than the government of the people at large, 11 it

1 You see he would like to have, dont on voit qu'il a envie2 we owe him none now, nous ne lui en devons plus-3 you would think he was waiting, on dirait qu'il attend-4 for the payment, après ce remboursement- 5 when the boats come in, au moment du retour de la pêche 6 walks round and round, il tourne tout autour de 7 to take......home with him, d'en emporter......-8 so long looking for, si long à chercher-9 which, see note, p. 56-10 I......him some, je lui en......

11 Of the people at large, de tous.



appears to me that they are perfectly right. The government of an individual, supposing an equal degree of instruction1 on either side, is more consistent 2 in its undertakings than that of a multidude; it displays more perseverance, more combination in its plans,3 more perfection in its details, and a more judicious discrimination in the choice of the men it employs.5


They who deny this have never seen a democratic commonwealth, or have formed their opinion only upon a few instances. Democracy, even when local circumstances and the disposition of the people allow it to subsist, never affords the sight of administrative regularity and methodical system of government; that is true. Democratic liberty does not carry out every one of its projects with the same skill as an intelligent despotism. It frequently abandons them before they have borne their fruits, or risks some that may prove 9 dangerous; but in the end 10 it produces greater results than any absolute government. It does everything 11 less perfectly, but it does a greater number of things. Under a democratic government it is not so much what is done by the public authority that is great, as what is done without its help and out of its spliere.12 Democracy does not confer the most skilful kind of government upon the people, but it produces that which the most skilful government is frequently unable to awaken ;13


1 An equal degree of instruction, égalité de lumières-2 is more consistent, met plus de suite 3 more combination in its plans, plus d'idée d'ensemble-4 in its details, de détail-5 it employs, may be left out-6 plural- never affords the sight, ne présente pas le coup d'œil-8 before, etc......fruits, avant d'en avoir retiré le fruit-9 risks some that may prove, ou en hasarde de-10 in the end, à la longue-11 everything, chaque chose (see note ", p. 82)-12 it is not so what, etc......sphere, ce n'est pas surtout......c'est ce qu'on exécute sans elle et en dehors d'elle-13 unable to awaken, impuissant à créer.

it instils1 throughout the social body a restless activity, a superabundant force, an energy which are never seen elsewhere, and which may, if circumstances are but 2 favourable, beget the most amazing benefits. These are the true advantages of democracy.


"De la Démocratie en Amérique."





In the roadstead of Syra we had to leave the Lycurgue, which continued on its way to Smyrna, and we were put on board 5 another steamer of the Company, the Eurotas, which was to set us down at the Piræus.7 I was getting ready to go from one steamer to another, and was making myself understood as I best could,8 that is, very badly, by the Greek boatman, who was going to take my luggage, when I heard an unknown voice call me by name in French. A man of forty, of good mien and noble air, and covered with magnificent garments, had come alongside of 10 the Lycurgue in a four-oared boat. It was he who, in 11 a dignified tone, asked the captain if I was on board. This gentleman had 12 such a 13 fine red cap, such a fine white petticoat, and so much gold on 14 his jacket, his leggings, and his belt, that I did not doubt for a moment that he was


1 It instils, elle répand-2 if......are but, pour peu que......soient. 3 We had to leave, on nous fit quitter-4 on its way to, sa route vers-5 and we were put on board, et l'on nous embarqua sur—6 see note, p. 40-7 P., Pirée- and was making myself understood as I best could, et je m'expliquais de mon mieux-9 by, avec-10 had come alongside of, s'était approché de-11 in, de-12 had, portait13 see note, p. 51-14 and so much gold on, il avait tant d'or à-15 that he was, qu'il ne fût.


one of the principal personages in1 the State. My two naval officers would have it 2 that the king, being 3 informed of the sentiments of admiration that I felt for his kingdom, had sent to meet me 5 the Marshal of the Palace, at the very least. When this gentleman had come near me, and I had bowed to him with all the respect due to his rank, he courteously gave me a letter folded together. I asked his permission to read it; and I read "I recommend Antonio to you; he is a good servant, and will spare you the trouble of the boat, the custom-house, and the carriage."


I hastened to intrust my cloak to this fallen dignitary, who served me faithfully for ten or twelve hours; got my luggage and self landed,10 and undertook to corrupt with 11 a franc the easy virtue of the Custom-house officer, and set me down safe and sound at the door of our house. Travellers who go to 12 Greece, without knowing a word of Greek, need not fear a moment's embarrassment;13 they will find at Syra,—not only Antonio, but five or six other servants, not less gilded, who speak French, English, and Italian, and who will conduct them, almost without cheating them, to one of the hotels of the town.

EDMOND ABOUT, "La Grèce Contemporaine."


The first interests of every civilized nation-Educa

1 In, de-2 would have it, prétendaient-3 being, to be left out4 felt, nourrissais-5 to meet me, au-devant de moi-6 and, see note", p. 72-7 folded together, pliée en quatre-8 I......his, je

9 this fallen dignitary, cette grandeur déchue-10 got my luggage and self landed, fit transporter mes bagages et ma personne―11 with, moyennant- to, en-13 "a single moment of embarrassment."


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