Imatges de pàgina
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And I have loved thee, | Ocean! and my | joy |

Of youthful | sports | was on thy | breast | to be | Borne, like thy | bubbles, | onward: from a | boy |

I wanton'd with thy | breakers;

they to me | Were a de- light; and if the freshening |

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And laid my hand upon thy name, as I |

do here. 1991

LORD THURLOW'S REPLY TO THE DUKE OF GRAFTON. The Duke had (in the House of Lords) reproached Lord Thurlow with his plebian extraction, and his recent admission to the peerage. Lord Thurlow rose from the woolsack, and advanced slowly to the place from which the Chancellor addresses the House, then fixing his eye upon the Duke, spoke as follows.

My Lords,|17| Iam a- | mazed, yes, my Lords, I am amazed at his Grace's


speech. The | noble |
look be- | fore him, | be- | hind him,
side of him, with- | out seeing |
peer, who owes his | seat
to his successful ex- | ertions,
sion to which
Does he not feel

owe it to these,

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I be- | long. 11. that it is as | honorable |to| as to | being the | accident | of

an accident? |11|17|1 To | all these | noble Lords, the | language of the | noble | Duke is as applicable | and as in- | sulting

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as it is to

But I do not | fear
to meet it single and alone.

No one | venerates the | peerage | more than | I do. ['

But my Lords, I must

that the peerage | so- | licited | me, not I the peerage. |11|11|


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Naymore, I can and that as a peer of | parliament, |



| as


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of this | right | honorable | house, 199 as keeper of the | great | seal|1|as| guardian of his | majesty's | conscience, Lord high | Chancellor of England, || nay, even in that character | a- | lone,

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in which

the noble duke would think it an af- | front to be considered,

none can de- ny me,

but | which | character

as a | MAN,

I am at this moment | as res- | pectable; |

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As to the wealth, Mr. Speaker, | which the | have | drawn from the sea




you had | all that

at your | bar,

by their |

matter | fully |

You surely | T

thought | those acqui- | sitions

of | value, || for

they seemed even to ex- | cite your envy; 91

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the spirit | by | which that | en

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and yet terprising employment has been | exercised, M | ought | rather, in my o- | pinion, to have | raised your esteem and | admi- | ration. ||1

And pray, Sir, | what in the | world|is| equal to it? | Pass | by the | other | parts, 1 and look at the manner in | which the | people of | New-England | have of | late | carried on 9 the whale | fishery. |11|17|

While we follow them among the tumbling mountains of | ice, and be- | hold them | penetrating into the deepest | frozen re- | cesses of | Hudson's Bay, || and | Davis's | Straight's, | 1 | whilst we are looking for them into the opposite | region of

arctic circle, ced

be- | neath the

we hear that

they have | pier

polar cold,|| and en

that they are | at the an- | tipodes, gaged under the | frozen | serpent of the south. 971 Falkland Island, which seemed too


and romantic an

object for

is but a | stage

the grasp of national am- bition,

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and resting place in the | progress of their vic- | torious industry. |19|19|

Nor is the

equi- | noctial | heat | more dis- coura

ging to them, than the accumulated | winter | of both the poles. We know that | 111

whilst some of them draw the line

the harpoon

others run the

gantic game

and strike

on the coast of | Africa, | longitude, and pur- | sue their gi- | along the coast of Bra- | zil.

11 No sea but what is vexed by their


No | climate | that is not witness to their toils. 11111 Neither the | perse| |

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verance of Holland, nor the ac- tivity of France, nor the | dexterous |

sa- | gacity of | English | enter- | prise,

and | firm

ever | car

ried this most perilous | mode of | hardy | industry | to the extent to which it has been | pushed | by this recent people; |17| a | people | who are ¦ still, as it were, || but in the | gristle, | and not yet hardened | into the | bone of | manhood. | 7971771

When I con- template | these | things,


I know that the ❘ colonies in | general | owe | little or nothing to any | care of ours, and that they are not squeezed | into this | happy | form | by the constraints of a | watchful and suspicious government, but that | through a | wise and | salutary neglect a generous | nature has been suffered to take her | own | way to per- | fection;} | when I re- | flect upon | these effects, when I see how | profitable | they have been to us, I feel | all the | pride of | power | sink, 1

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and | die a- | way 1

man con- trivances | melt, |
with-in me. |11|11|1 My | rigior re-
9/99/99/I | pardon | something
spirit of | liberty. |11|11

| lents. to the |



since I saw the | Queen of | France,

It is now, sixteen or seventeen


then the |

and sure

which she |

Dauphiness, at Ver- | sailles;

ly never lighted on this | orb,

hardly seemed to | touch,a | more de- | lightful | vision. I saw her | just a- | bove the ho- | rizon, || decorating and | cheering



elevated | sphere | she | just be- | gan to move in glittering, like the morning | star;|| full of | life, and splendor, and | joy. 11111111 | | Oh! | what a | revo- | lution! |


and | what a heart must I have, to contemplate | with-out e-motion, ❘ that | ele- | vation | and | that fall. |11|17|

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Little did I dream that when she | added | titles of veneration to those of en- | thusi- | astic, distant, re- | spectful | love,

should ever be obliged

that she

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con- ceal

sharp antidote a- | gainst dis- | grace

ed in that | bosom ; | 1| 1| little did I | dream

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