would be made at a later meeting by myself upon what is known as the Roberts' case, we had a full house and we had a chance to say a few words with regard to the Roberts' case and a great many words with regard to the restoration of the Gospel and to bear witness that Joseph Smith was a prophet of the true and living God. Never have I rejoiced more in my life, that my lot has been cast among the Latter-day Saints, that I have been born in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, than I did in my recent visit to the East, when I came in contact with members of the Re organized church. When I visited Kirtland, Ohio, and saw there the temple, and realized the fact that at the time it was erected by the Prophet Joseph and his brother, that it was a mighty work; when I considered the ordinances that are being performed in our temples here in Utah; when I reflected that we have the Gospel in its fulness; when I thought that they have the temple but know not how to put it to any use; when I realized that they are absolutely devoid of the inspiration of God, I rejoiced that my lot had been cast among the Later-day Saints. I have often been surprised that so much of the time of our Elders has been wasted in the world in discussing with members of the Re-organized Church as to which Church was in very deed the Church of Christ. I have been astonished at this for the reason that it seems to me an utter waste of time to undertake to discuss with a man after you have knocked him down as to who holds the ground. We read that in heaven there was a rebellion and that God, our Heavenly Father, cast out one-third of the hosts of heaven with Lucifer at their head. We have no account after they were cast out that God stopped to argue the question with those that had been cast out as to who held the ground. In the Re-organized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, about one-half, if not more, of its members, are those who have been cast out of the real Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They do not begin to have one-tenth the number we have, and why should we waste our time in arguing with them as to who holds the situation, and as to which is the Church of Christ? If the prophecies of Daniel and others that have been referred to here today are true, and we know they are true, then is the mountain of the Lord's house to be established in the tops of the mountains? Here it is, and here it is rolling forth and will fill the whole earth. Can any of these claims be made by this shaddow, so to speak, of a re-organized church? We know that Joseph prophesied that the Latter-day Saints should be driven from city to city; that they should be driven from county to county; and that they should be driven from state to state; and finally, that they should be driven out of the con fines of the United States to these Rocky Mountains and become a great, a prosperous, a mighty people. We know that this has been fulfilled to the letter. The Re-organized Church can lay no claims to being persecuted and driven from city to city, from county to county, from state to state, or of being driven to the Rocky Mountains. They have not become a mighty people in the midst of the Rocky Mountains. Not only did Joseph Smith proclaim that the day should come when a city, a county, and a state should be arrayed against this people called Latterday Saints, but he said, “the time shall ome when the whole United States shall be arrayed against the Mormons;" and the day did come. I remember in my childhood days when the army of the i'nited States came against this people. Not a state militia, but the army of the United States of America. I remember very well also that the property of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was confiscated. I remember to have picked up the papers time and time again at the time the confiscation suits were going on in this state, and read in bold headlines, "The United States of America, vs the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints," and I have laid down the paper and said, "thanks be to God our Heavenly Father, that the United States of America has placed the stamp of divinity upon the utterances of the Prophet Joseph Smith." Every one of these predictions of the Prophet Joseph Smith have utterly failed if there is one claim that amounts to anything in the claims of the Re-organized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, because the United States of America has never lifted its hand nor sent its army against or confiscated the property of the Re-organized Church. Never has one thing been done by the United States of America against that church. I rejoice, as I have said, that I have been born among the Latter-day Saints. I rejoice in the growth and in the advancement of the work of God here on the earth. In hearing the remarks that have been made in this Conference of the great growth of the people I was reminded of being with President Wilford Woodruff, standing in a wagon, in Idaho, some fifteen years ago next May, and talking to a half a dozen, or a dozen young people that were located there, and was also very forcibly reminded of the remarks of that Prophet of God made them. I remember that the young people were somewhat discouraged on Sand Creek, as they looked around over land, without a tree, without a shrub except sage brush, without so much as a log cabin. Brother Woodruff said to the young people: "Be not discouraged; be not disheartened, because God's blessing is upon this land. It will only be a little time until there will be prosperous and happy settlements of the Latter-day Saints here. You feel that you have gone away from your friends; that you are almost out of the world, but it will be only a short time when you will have a meeting house, and a school house and all of the facilities here that you had at home before you came here. God will bless and multiply the land." What is the result today? On that spot of ground stands the town of Iona, the headquarters of one of the Stakes of Zion, with about five thousand people instead of six or seven young people; the words of the Prophet Wilford Woodruff have been fulfilled to the very letter. but what the Lord is going to multiply the Latter-day Saints and bless thein more abundantly in the future than He has ever done in the past, provided of course we are humble and diligent; provided we seek for the advancement of God's kingdom, and not to do our own mind and will. We have the Gospel of Jesus Christ restored to us; we have the plan of life and salvation; we have the ordinances of the Gospel not only for the living but for the dead. We have all that is necessary, not only for our own salvation, but that we may be in very deed "Saviors upon Mount Zion," and enter into the temples of our God and save our ancestors who have died without a knowledge of the Gospel. I was particularly struck yesterday in listening to the remarks of President Cannon. He said, "Where is there a minister today that has the hardihood to stand up and preach that little babes who die are sent to hell because they were not sprinkled?" The Gospel of Jesus Christ, the leaven of the Gospel, is going through the whole lump. The whole world has partaken to a greater or less extent of the principles of the Gospel; and men dare not stand up today and advocate this doctrine of devils, so to speak, because it is a damnable doctrine to teach that little innocent babes shall be sent to hell. When we contemplate the Gospel as it is and as it has been revealed, as recorded in the seventy-sixth section of the Doctrine and Covenants, our hearts swell with joy and thanksgiving: "And this is the Gospel, the glad tidings of which the voice out of the heavens bore record unto us. "That He came into the world, even Jesus, to be crucified for the world, and to bear the sins of the world, and to sanctify the world, and to cleanse it from all unrighteousness; "That through Him all might be saved whom the Father had put into His power and made by Him. "Who glorifies the Father, and saves all the works of His hands, except those sons of perdition, who deny the Son after the Father has revealed Him; "Wherefore, he saves all except The Latter-day Saints are indeed, as the Prophet Joseph said they should be, a mighty people in the midst of the Rocky Mountains and we are simply in our infancy. We are beginning to grow and to become a mighty people, Certainly this is glad tidings of great but we are as nothing to what we will joy, that every human being except There is no question in my mind those that have a knowledge of Jesus them." Christ and who sin against that knowledge, shall be saved; and in this revelation the wonderful testimony has been borne to us by the Prophet Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon: "For we saw him, even on the right hand of God, and we heard the voice bearing record that he is the only begotten of the Father That by him and through him, and of him, the worlds are and were created, and the inhabitants thereof are begotten sons and daughters unto God." I bear witness to you, although I have not seen the Savior sitting upon the right hand of God, I know that He lives; that I know that Jesus is the Christ; that I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God; I know that the signs follow the believer; I know that hands are laid upon the sick and that the sick do recover; I know that we have the gift of tongues among the Latter-day Saints; I know that we have visions, dreams, and revelations; I know that Lorenzo Snow is a true prophet of God. I bear this witness to you and to all the world, and I pray God that as we grow in years that we may grow in the knowledge of the Gospel, and I ask it in the name of Jesus. Amen. that have been given during this Conference concerning the work of God in the earth, and its wonderful progress. I was very much impressed a few days ago when I had the honor of an invitation to the Temple by the Temple workers, who, loving their president, had invited him to come and spend an hour or two with them upon the anniversary of his birthday-I was very much impressed with the value of a well-spent life. What a credit it is to a man and how God is glorified in having such sons as our president here in this lower world, surrounded by all its allurements and temptations, who of their own free will and agency take up the cross of Christ, obey His unpopular doctrine; and are willing to be looked upon as the offscouring of all esh, because they love God, acknowledge the atoneinent of His son and desire to love Him and keep His commandments rather than anything else, no matter what the consequences may be! I can understand how God is glorified because it is by the grace of God that we are sustained. We could not do without it, and it is another evidence that God is with us. I remember coming out of the world, and I remember accepting this unpopu The Temple choir sang the hymn lar doctrine; I remember the contumely commencing, Zion stands with hills surrounded, Zion kept by powers divine. ELDER GEORGE TEASDALE. Value of a well spent life-The Saints patriotic lovers of liberty. In the hymn just sung a very sweet text is given unto me: "God is with thee." I think it has been demonstrated at this Conference, in the testimonies that have been given concerning us and concerning the establishment of the Church of Christ upon the earth in these latter days-that God is with us, and that the prophecies are being fulfilled establishing the truth of the utterances of the prophets that have lived upon the earth in the days that are gone; and that the glorious principles of the everlasting Gospel are being preached by us in all the world for a witness; to the accomplishment of His own glorious purposes, as has been demonstrated in the discourses and scorn and contempt that I had to pass through; and I have advocated this despised doctrine and have been sustained by the grace of God, and I know that He has been with me; and in all my tribulations, aftlictions, in my bereavements and heartaches, I can bear testimony that God has been with me. I know that God lives. I have learned that in my experience; He has been my counselor and my guide; He has been my director. I have sought the counsels of His will and have endeavored in my poor way to carry them out, and I can bear this testimony that God has been with me. He has sustained me in all the vicissitudes of life; and in the fulfilment of all my duties; and I also know that He is with this people; and that which we are most condemned for -our belief in plural marriage-is, to my mind, another evidence that we are the Israel of God. Pagan Rome prohibited plural marriage, and this action has been generally accepted and sustained as by the so-called Christian nations of the earth. Now, we are told not to love the world nor the things of the world. If we love the world the love of God is not with us; but there are many other evidences that this people are the people of God, and that God has sustained them, and that He is with them. The Latter-day Saints are devoted to their they country; are devoted to the Constitution; they look upon it as a sacred record, given by inspiration; and they revere the men who were made instruments in the hands of Almighty God in framing that wonderful document; and they are true and faithful to it; and they have manifested this faithfulness on all occasions. Whenever their country required their sistance, they have been ready to lay down their lives in defense of it and in defense of the flag, and in defense of the constitution. We are a liberty loving people, and we respect the government, and we manifest this in the course that we are taking today. We can afford to labor and wait, because we know that inteligence must rule. Mob violence and mob rule is distressing, but the rule and government of intelligence is what we all desire, for when the righteous rule the people rejoice, and when the wicked rule the people mourn. We are in favor of good government; we are in favor of intelligence. We give our children the best education that we can. Our academies and our seminaries of learning show this. The first house for public purposes that is built in any of our settlements is, as a rule, the school house. We have always demonstrated that we were in favor of education. We want "That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life; "(For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and show unto you that eternal life which was with the Father, and was manifest unto us;) "That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us; and truly our followship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. "And these things write we unto you that your joy may be full."—(I John i, 1-4.) -- He thus wrote unto the saints, those who had obeyed the principles of the Gospel the doctrine of Christ. They believed and worshipped the living and true God in the name of Jesus Christ, accepting the atonement; they had repented of their sins and of their false doctrines and theories; they had been baptized by immersion for the remission of their sins; they had received the efficacy of the precious blood of Christ which follows the water and they had received the gift of the Holy Ghost. He further says: "This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all." That is what we believe. "If we say that we have fellowship with Him and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth." Now mark you, "But if we walk in the light as he doctrines, but we want likewise is in the light, we have fellowship one good education. We don't want with another and the blood of Jesus to be taught false theories and Christ his Son cleanseth us from all false doctrines, but sin." (I John i, 5-7.) we want the truth as it is in Christ Jesus, because to know God and Jesus Christ whom He hath sent is eternal life; and we want this eternal life. That is one reason why we assemble in conference-to learn of the ways of the Lord, that we may walk in His paths. We want to understand the conditions of salvation. I have a profound affection for the Apostle John. He says, in the first chapter of his first epistle: These are the conditions: "If we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship one with another and the blood of His Son Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin." We believe that. We believe that it is necessary for us to walk in the light; we believe that it is necessary for us to keep the commandments of Almighty God; and we nave seen that God is with those that love Him and keep His commandments. The life of our beloved President, Lorenzo Snow, was reviewed on the occasion I referred to; it was a grand record. Then I thought of President Wilford Woodruff; of President John Taylor; of President Brigham Young; of President Joseph Smith, these servants of God who have stood the brunt and burden of the day, being right in the front of the battle; and also I thought of their counselors: Heber C. Kimball, Daniel H. Wells, Willard Richards, Jedediah M. Grant, George A. Smith and others who have passed away-men who have made the record of a well-spent life; who have done the will of God and kept His commandments. I thought what a glorious record this was. What have they demonstrated? They have demonstrated that they loved righteousness rather than the things of the world. Here is what the beloved disciple says on this matter: "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world the love of the Father is not in him. "For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. "And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof, but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever." (I John ii, 1517.) I say God is with us, because we do His will. If we do not the will of God, we have no promise, for the Lord has said: "When you do as I say, I am bound to fulfill, but when you do not, you have no promise." (Doctrine and Covenants). John further says: "Little children, it is the last time; and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time. "They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us they would no doubt have continued with us; but they went out that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us. "But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things. "I have not written unto you because you know not the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the truth." (I John ii, 18-21.) Why do we pay our tithes and offerings? To be obedient and do the will of God. That was a grand sermon that used to be preached by Bishop Edward Hunter: "Pay your tithes and offerings and be blessed." He that has lived that principle can bear testimony to the truth of what was referred to by Brother John W. Taylor: "Whoso will do the will of the Father shall know of the doctrine." Well, how do we know? Because we have the living witness. We learned in our obedience that baptism by immersion for the remision of sins is necessary. God never established anything that was non-essential. Jesus Christ told Nicodemus that unless he was born again he could not see the kingdom of God, and that unless he was born of the water and of the Spirit he could in no wise enter into the kingdom of God; and when He, Jesus went unto John to be baptized of him, and John forbade him, He said, "Suffer it to be so now for thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness." There are two principles, Christ and anti-Christ. Anti-Christ is opposed to the doctrine of Christ. Anti-Christ says the ordinances are non-essential; Christ says these ordinances are essential. He also says "not those that say Lord, Lord shall inherit the kingdom, but he that doeth the will of My Father which is in heaven." Again-"He that heareth these sayings cf mine and doeth them, I will liken to a man that built his house upon a rock, and the winds blew and the rains descended and beat upon that house, but it stood, because it was built upon a rock," "but he that heareth these sayings of mine and doeth them not, is like the man that built his house upon the sand, etc." The difference between the obedient and disobedient. My beloved brethren and sisters, I bear testimony that God is with us; that we are the Church of Christ, representing the Church of the Lamb upon the earth; and we believe these everlasting principles; we appreciate them; and by reference to the Scriptures we can show that it is no new doctrine; that as it was in the beginning, is now and ever will be. These doctrines and principles of everlasting life are eternal. Another impression that was made |