Imatges de pàgina

lem, who are his witnesses unto hearts? Behold my hands and my the people. And we declare un-feet, that it is I myself handle to you glad tidings, how that the me, and see; for a spirit hath not promise, which was made unto flesh and bones, as ye see me the fathers, God hath fulfilled the have. And when he had thus same unto us their children, in spoken, he showed them his hands that he hath raised up Jesus and his feet. And while they yet again; as it is also written in the believed not for joy, and wondersecond Psalm, Thou art my Son, ed, he said unto them, Have ye this day have I begotten thee. here any meat? And they gave And as concerning that he raised him a piece of a broiled fish, and him up from the dead, now no of an honey-comb. And he took more to return to corruption, helit, and did eat before them. And said on this wise, I will give you he said unto them, These are the the sure mercies of David. Where- words which I spake unto you, fore he saith also in another while I was yet with you, that Psalm, Thou shalt not suffer thine all things must be fulfilled which Holy One to see corruption. were written in the law of Moses, For David, after he had served and in the Prophets, and in the his own generation, by the will Psalms, concerning me. Then of God, fell on sleep, and was opened he their understanding, laid unto his fathers, and saw cor- that they might understand the ruption: But he, whom God rais-scriptures; and said unto them, ed again, saw no corruption. Be Thus it is written, and thus it it known unto you therefore, men behoved Christ to suffer, and to and brethren, that through this rise from the dead the third day; man is preached unto you the for- and that repentance and remisgiveness of sins: And by him sion of sins should be preached all that believe are justified from in his name among all nations, all things, from which ye could beginning at Jerusalem. And ye not be justified by the law of are witnesses of these things. Moses. Beware, therefore, lest that come upon you which is spoken of in the prophets, Behold, ye despisers, and wonder, and pe- ALMIGHTY Father, who hast rish: for I work a work in your given thine only Son to die days, a work which you shall in for our sins, and to rise again for no wise believe, though a man our justification; grant us so to declare it unto you. put away the leaven of malice The Gospel. St. Luke, xxiv. 36. and wickedness, that we may alJESUS himself stood in the ways serve thee in pureness of midst of them, and saith unto living and truth, through the them, Peace be unto you. But merits of the same thy Son Jesus they were terrified and affright-Christ our Lord. Amen. ed, and supposed that they had The Epistle. 1 John, v. 4. seen a spirit. And he said unto WHATSOEVER is born of them, Why are ye troubled, and God, overcometh the world; why do thoughts arise in your land this is the victory that over

The first Sunday after Easter.
The Collect.

cometh the world, even our faith. Receive ye the Holy Ghost: Who is he that overcometh the Whose soever sins ye remit, they' world, but he that believeth that are remitted unto them; and Jesus is the Son of God? This is whose soever sins ye retain, they be that came by water and blood, are retained.

even Jesus Christ; not by water

only, but by water and blood: The second Sunday after Easter. And it is the Spirit that beareth The Collect. witness, because the Spirit is truth. For there are three that ALMIGHTY God, who hast bear record in Heaven, the Fa- unto us both a sacrifice for sin, given thine only Son to be ther, the Word, and the Holy and also an ensample of godly Ghost: and these three are one. life; give us grace that we may And there are three that bear always most thankfully receive witness in earth, the spirit, and that his inestimable benefit, and the water, and the blood: and also daily endeavour ourselves to these three agree in one. If we follow the blessed steps of his most receive the witness of men, the holy life, through the same Jesus witness of God is greater: for this Christ our Lord. Amen. is the witness of God, which he hath testified of his Son. He that The Epistle. 1 St. Peter, ii. 19. believeth on the Son of God, hath THIS is thank-worthy, if a man the witness in himself: he that for conscience toward God believeth not God, hath made him endure grief, suffering wrongfully. a liar, because he believeth not For what glory is it, if when ye the record that God gave of his be buffeted for your faults, ye Son. And this is the record, that shall take it patiently? But if, God hath given to us eternal life; when ye do well, and suffer for it, and this life is in his Son. He that ye take it patiently, this is achath the Son hath life; and he that ceptable with God. For even hath not the Son hath not life hereunto were ye called; because The Gospel St. John, xx. 19. Christ also suffered for us, leaving THE same day at evening, be- us an example that ye should ing the first day of the week, follow his steps: Who did no sin, when the doors were shut, where neither was guile found in his the disciples were assembled for mouth: Who when he was refear of the Jews, came Jesus and viled, reviled not again; when stood in the midst, and saith unto he suffered, he threatened not; them, Peace be unto you. And but committed himself to him when he had so said, he showed that judgeth righteously: Who his unto them his hands and his side. own self bare our sins in his own Then were the disciples glad body on the tree, that we, being when they saw the Lord. Then dead to sin, should live unto said Jesus to them again, Peace righteousness: by whose stripes be unto you: As my Father hath ye were healed. For ye were sent me, even so send I you. And as sheep going astray; but are when he had said this, he breath- now returned unto the shepherd ed on them; and saith unto them, and bishop of souls. your

The Gospel. St. John, x. 11. glorify God in the day of visitaJESUS said, I am the good tion. Submit yourselves to every

shepherd: the good shepherd ordinance of man for the Lord's giveth his life for the sheep. But sake; whether it be to the king, he that is an hireling, and not the as supreme; or unto governors, shepherd, whose own the sheep as unto them that are sent by him, are not, seeth the wolf coming, for the punishment of evil-doers, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth; and for the praise of them that and the wolf catcheth them, and do well. For so is the will of scattereth the sheep. The hire-God, that with well doing ye may ling fleeth because he is an hire-put to silence the ignorance of ling, and careth not for the sheep foolish men: as free, and not I am the good shepherd, and using your liberty for a cloak of know my sheep, and am known maliciousness; but as the serof mine. As the Father knoweth vants of God. Honour all men: me, even so know I the Father: Love the brotherhood: Fear God: and I lay down my life for the Honour the king. sheep. And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold and one shepherd.

The Gospel St. John, xvi. 16. JESUS said to his disciples, A

little while, and ye shall not see me; and again, a little while, and ye shall see me; because I go to the Father. Then said The third Sunday after Easter. some of his disciples among themThe Collect. selves. What is this that he saith AL LMIGHTY God, who show-unto us, A little while, and ye est to them that are in error shall not see me; and again, a the light of thy truth, to the in-little while, and ye shall see me; tent that they may return into and, Because I go to the Father? the way of righteousness; grant They said therefore, What is this unto all those who are admitted that he saith, A little while? we into the fellowship of Christ's cannot tell what he saith. Now religion, that they may avoid Jesus knew that they were dethose things that are contrary to sirous to ask him, and said unto their profession, and follow all them. Do ye inquire among your. such things as are agreeable to selves of that I said, A little while, the same, through our Lord Jesus and ye shall not see me; and Christ. Amen. again, a little while, and ye shall The Epistle. 1 St. Peter, ii. 11. see me? Verily, verily, I say unto DEARLY beloved, I beseech you, that ye shall weep and la

you as strangers and pil-ment, but the world shall regrims, abstain from fleshly lusts joice: and ye shall be sorrowwhich war against the soul; hav-ful, but your sorrow shall be turning your conversation honestled into joy. A woman when she among the Gentiles; that whereas is in travail hath sorrow, because they speak against you as evil-her hour is come but as soon doers, they may by your good as she is delivered of the child, works, which they shall behold, she remembereth no more the


anguish, for joy that a man is the truth; it is expedient for you born into the world. And ye that I go away: for if I go not now therefore have sorrow but away, the, Comforter will not I will see you again, and your come unto you; but if I depart, heart shall rejoice, and your joy I will send him unto you. And no man taketh from you. when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousThe fourth Sunday after Easterness, and of judgment: Of sin, because they believe not on me:

The Collect.

Almighty God, who alone Of righteousness, because I go to canst order the unruly wills my Father, and ye see me no and affections of sinful men ;more: Of judgment, because the grant unto thy people, that they prince of this world is judged. I may love the thing which thou have yet many things to say unto commandest, and desire that you, but ye cannot hear them which thou dost promise; that so, now. Howbeit, when he, the among the sundry and manifold Spirit of truth, is come, he will changes of the world, our hearts guide you into all truth: for he may surely there be fixed, where shall not speak of himself; but true joys are to be found, through whatsoever he shall hear, that Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. shall he speak; and he will show The Epistle. St. James, i. 17. you things to come. He sball EVERY good gift, and every glorify me: for he shall receive perfect gift is from above, and of mine, and shall show it unto cometh down from the Father of you. All things that the Father lights, with whom is no variable-hath, are mine; therefore said I. ness, neither shadow of turning. that he shall take of mine, and Of his own will begat he us with shall show it unto yon.

the word of truth, that we should

be a kind of first fruits of his The fifth Sunday after Easter. creatures. Wherefore, my beThe Collect. loved brethren, let every man be Lord. from whom all good swift to hear, slow to speak, slow things do come; grant to us, to wrath; for the wrath of man thy humble servants, that by thy worketh not the righteousness of holy inspiration we may think God. Wherefore lay apart all fil-those things that are good, and thiness and superfluity of naugh-by thy merciful guiding may pertiness, and receive with meek-form the same, through our Lord ness the engrafted word, which Jesus Christ. Amen.

is able to save your souls.

The Epistle St. James, i. 22.

The Gospel St. John, xvi. 5. BE ye doers of the word, and JESUS said unto his disciples,

nar be

not hearers only, deceiving Now I go my way to him that your own selves. Fifany be a sent me, and none of you asketh hearer of the wo pot a me, Whither goest thou? But doer, he is like because I have said these things holding his natur unto you, sorrow hath filled your For he beholder heart. Nevertheless I tell you goeth his way, ar

free ass. Innel and atraightway

forgetteth what manner of man shall be scattered every man to he was. But whoso looketh into his own, and shall leave me alone: the perfect law of liberty, and and yet I am not alone, because continueth therein; he being not the Father is with me

The Ascension-Day.
The Collect.


our Lord Jesus Christ to have as

a forgetful hearer, but a doer of things I have spoken unto you, the work, this man shall be blessed that in me ye might have peace. in his deed. If any man among In the world ye shall have tribuyou seem to be religions, and iation; but be of good cheer, I bridleth not his tongue, but de- have over ome the world. ceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain. Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father, is this, To visit the fa-GRANT, we beseech thee, Altherless and widows in their af- mighty God, that like as we fliction, and to keep himself un-do believe thy only begotten Son spotted from the world. The Gospel. St. John, xvi. 23. [cended into the heavens ; so we VERILY, verily, I say unto you, may also in heart and mind thither Whatsoever ye shall ask the ascend, and with him continually Father in my name, he will give dwell, who liveth and reigneth it you. Hitherto have ye asked with thee and the Holy Ghost, one nothing in my name: Ask, and God, world without end. Amen. ye shall receive, that your joy For the Epistle Acts, i. 1. may be full. These things have THE former treatise have I spoken unto you in proverbs: made, O Theophilus, of all the time cometh, when I shall no that Jesus began both to do and more speak unto you in proverbs; teach, until the day in which he but I shall show you plainly of the was taken up, after that he, Father. At that day ye shall ask through the Holy Ghost, had in my name and I say not unto given commandments unto the you, that I will pray the Father apostles whom he had chosen : for you; for the Father himself To whom also he showed himself loveth you, because ye have loved alive after his passion, by many me, and have believed that infallible proofs, being seen of came out from God. ! came forth them forty days, and speaking of from the Father, and am come the things pertaining to the kinginto the world: Again, I leave the dom of God: and being assembled world, and go to the Father. His together with them, commanded disciples said unto him, Lo, now them that they should not depart speakest thou plainly, and speak- from Jerusalem, but wait for the est no proverb. Now are we sure promise of the Father, which, that thou knowest all things, and saith he, ye have heard of me. needest not that any man should For John truly baptized with ask thee: by this we believe that water: but ye shall be baptized thou camest forth from God. Je-with the Holy Ghost, not many sus answered them, Do ye now days hence. When they therebelieve? Behold, the hour com-fore were come together, they eth, yea, is now come, that yeļasked of him, saying, Lord, wilt

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