Imatges de pàgina


EDUCATION DEPARTMENT (E),and and Wales | EDUCATION DEPARTMrst (England and Walery

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Chilchurst Shed, Question, Mr. Arthur

O Conror; Arewer, The Vice President of the Counel Sr Lyon Playfur) Mir 22, (403) 14-3

[ocr errors]

Dino Geng Selo 1, Sa mari, Quistion, Mr.
Art" ar O'Corner, Atswer, 1'e Vice Presi
dent of the Conteil (S.r Lyon Pixyfair
Mir s
Carl Ponalment in S.' l-Hallerden
Nitional S204, Question, Captain Verney,
Arawer, De Vice President of the Courcil
Sir Lyon 1 vyfair. Feb 19, (302, 704
Ut meta-Kat, Natuwal & Aco, Questior,
Mr. Bernett; Answer, The Vice President
of the Courcu (Sir Lyon Playfa ri Jan 7,
1356, 1122

Fire Flunati », Question, Mr Cc5b, Answer,
TeVe Pres dert of this Cour cil Sir Lyon
Lay'a r) F5 21 (152 10×1

Gaby SA 7, Question,
Mriory Aen. Answer, I e Vice Presi
dirt of the Co ruil (8,2 Lyon Payısır
May 23, 1x06 27

[ocr errors]


So Attendance, Question, Sir Charles
Forster; Answer, The Vice President of
the Council Sr Lyon Playfair, April 6,
(304) 917

Te Ryal Commission on Elvextoon, Reports
of the, Question, Mr. Edward Russeil; An-
swers, The Vice President of the Conseil
(Sir Lyon Playfair', Sir R. Asheton Cross
April 1, (354 448;-Phosica! Training in
Elementary Sch da, Question, Mr. Buxton;
Answer, Sir R. Asheton Cross Juur 3,
[306] $39
Parl. Pap rs-

Code of Regulations (Ergland and
{Vae 1sst,

School 'oards, &c. England and


Expenditure and Results.
Band Children.

Deaf and Dumb Children

Science and Art, 33rd Report.


Cole of Regulations

Elementary Schools.



Metropolis (4727)


[blocks in formation]

Instructions to Inspectors.

Intermediate Education, Report for

[ocr errors]

Education Department Scotland) Departmental Statement (on Appropriation b) of the Right Hon. The Lord Advocate (Mr. J. B Ba'four); Debate thereon June 17, [306] 1749

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors]

Aw-Attendine at Setinis, Question, MrEMONT, Earl of
Jennings, Anawr, The Sceretary of State
for the Home Department (Mr_C..
Fb 19,0 708; 84: Board Sun -
sea, Quest, Mr. Jennings; Answer,
Te Secretary of State for the Bone De-
partet Vr U ders Feb 22, [102, 9-9
1 tl Sol Aten lince, Quest, r, Mr.
Artur 's water, Answer, The Vice Presi
dent of the ti
Mu 11,303) 445


Local Courts,

Dorporal of the Suzkin and Becher Railway
Myerial, Question, Mr. John O'Connor
Upperary, 8.; Answer, The Surveyor
General of Oidance Mr. Woodail) April 16,
(304) 1779



[blocks in formation]

Slave Trade-The Convention of 1877-Italy,
Question, Mr. Gourley: Answer, The Under
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Mr.
Bryce) Feb 22, [302] 883

Transit of Slaves through the Suez Canal,
Question, Mr. A. E. Pease; Answer, The
Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs
(Mr. Bryce) June 21, [307] 56

The Egyptian Exiles, Question, Mr. Labouchere: Answer, The Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Mr. Bryce) Mar 29, [304] 103

The Papers, Question, Mr. Dillon; Answer, The Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Mr. Bryce) Mar 15, [303] 793 Finance, &c.

Conversion of the Daira and Domain Loans,

Question, Mr. Dillon; Answer, The Under
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Mr.
Bryce) April 1, [304] 435

Pensions, Systems of, Questions, Sir George
Campbell; Answers, The Under Secretary
of State for Foreign Affairs (Mr. Bryce)
Mar 22, [303] 1478

Re-organization, &c.

Question, Sir George Campbell; Answer, The

Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Mr. Bryce) June 7, [306] 1131 Administration of Justice Report of Judge West, Question, Mr. Dillon; Answer, The Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Mr. Bryce) Mar 18, [303] 1168 Administrative Reforms - Sir Henry Drum mond Wolff's Reports, Questions, Sir George Campbell, Mr. Hanbury; Answers, The Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Mr. Bryce Mar 29, [304] 88

Sir Henry Drummond Wolf's Missin, Observations, The First Lord of the Treasury (Mr. W. E. Gladstone) May 6, [305] 378; Question, Sir George Campbell; Answer, The Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Mr. Bryce) May 10, 564

[See title Europe (Eastern) and Egypt] Army of Occupation, The

Cost of, Questions, Sir George Campbell; Answers, The Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Mr. Bryce) Mar 22, [303] 1479; Observations, Sir George Campbell; short debate thereon, 1337

Numbers, Question, Mr. Labouchere; Answer, The Financial Secretary, War Department (Mr. Herbert Gladstone) May 6, (305) 374 Medical Officers at Suakin, Question, Mr. Mitchell Ilenry; Answer, The Financial Secretary, War Department (Mr. Herbert Gladstone) May 7, [305] 523

EGYPT-Army of Occupation-cont. Sanitary Condition of the Troops, Question, Mr. Coope; Answer, The Secretary of State for War (Mr. Campbell- Bannerman) May 11, [305] 764

The Military Expedition

The Nile Expedition, 1884-5

Armed Steamers on the Nile, Question, Mr. Gourley Answer, The Secretary of State for War (Mr. Campbell- Bannerman) Feb 22, [302] 880

Service in the Nile Expedition, Question, Sir John Commerell; Answer, The Secretary to the Admiralty (Mr. Hibbert) Mar 12, [303]


The Nile Expedition, 1884-5, Question, Mr. Stanley Leighton; Answer, The Secretary of State for War (Mr. Campbell-Bannerman) May 14, [305] 1039

The Soudan

Operations in the Soudan, Question, Mr. O'Kelly; Answer, The Secretary of State for War (Mr. Campbell- Bannerman) Feb 26, [302] 1391

Soudan Campaign-The Royal Irish Regiment, Questions, Sir Herbert Maxwell; An

swers, The Secretary of State for War (Mr. Campbell- Bannerman) Feb 25, [302] 1209

Suakin, Questions, Mr. Dillon, Sir George
Campbell; Answers, The Under Secretary
of State for Foreign Affairs (Mr. Bryce)
Mar 15, [303] 793

Supplies for the Soudanese-Blockade, Ques-
tions, Mr. Dillon; Answers, The Under
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Mr.
Bryce) Mar 8, [303] 100; Mar 18, 1183
The Garrisons in the Soudan, Questions, Mr.
W. H. Smith; Answers, The Secretary of
State for War (Mr. Campbell- Bannerman)
Mar 22, [303] 1490

War in the Sudan-English and American
Pumps, Question, Mr. Hickman; Answer,
The Surveyor General of Ordnance (Mr.
Woodall) Mar 1, [302] 1544

Medals and Gratuities — B.M.S. “Jumna," Question, Mr. Vanderby!; Answer, The Secretary to the Admiralty (Mr. Hibbert) Mar 1, [302] 1540

War Medals, Question, Observations, Viscount Sidmouth; Reply, The Under Secretary of State for War (Lord Sandhurst) Mar 12, [303] 622-Egyptian Medal, Question, Sir James Corry; Answer, The Secretary of State for War (Mr. Campbell-Bannerman) June 7, [306) 1125

The Battle of Ginnis—Medals, §., Question, Viscount Newark; Answer, The Secretary of State for War (Mr. Campbell-Bannerman) May 11, [305] 761

British Force in Egypt and the Soudan, Questions, Sir George Campbell, Mr. O'Kelly, Mr. Dillon; Answers, The Secretary of State for War (Mr. Campbell-Bannerman) Mar 1, [302] 1540

The Garrison at Kassala, Questions, Mr. O'Kelly; Answers, The Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Mr. Bryce) Feb 19, [302) 705

Earrt-The Soudan-cont.


[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

(No. 25)

1. Presented; read 1 Mtr 2
Read 2, after debate Mir 26, (304) 3
Mored, "That the Bill be referred to a Select
Committee" Mar 26, 9; after short debate,
Motion withdrawn

Referred to a Select Committee April 1
Ard, on April 12, the Lords following were
named of the Committee :-E. Cowper, E.
Camperdown, L. Ashford, L. Balfour of
Burley, L. Rayleigh, L. Wigan, 1. Methuen,
L. Houghton, L. Lingen, L. Bramwell, L.

Report of Select Comm. ⚫ June 4

Electric Lighting Act (1882) Amend

ment (No. 2) Bill (.L.] Viscount Bury) L. Presented; read 1⚫ Mir 19 (No. 40) Read 2a Mir 26, (304) 8

Electric Lighting Act (1882 Amendment (No. 3)

Amendt, to leave out all after the first
("* Committee "') insert" and that the Com-
mittee have leave to hear such of the
petitioners as they think fit by their counsel,
agents, and witnesses (The End of

After short debate, Amendt, to leave out ("before the 15th instant ") insert (" on or before the first sitting day after the recess at Easter " (The Lord Houghton; after short debate, on Question! agreed to; Motion, as amended, agreed to

Ordered, That all petitions presented on or before the first sitting day after the recess at Easter against the said Bills be referred to the Committee, and that the Committee have leave to hear such of the petitioners as they think fit by their counsel, agents, and

[blocks in formation]

Moved, "That the Bid be referred to a Select
Committee:" after short debate, Motione.


Referred to a Select Committee April 1
And, on April 12, the Lords following were
named of the Committee:-E. Cowper, E.
Camperdown, L. Ashford, L. Balfour of
Burley, L. Rayleigh, I.. Wigan, L. Methuen,
L. Houghton, L. Lingen, L. Bramwell,
1. Wolverton

Report of Select Comm. June [No. 147]

Electric Lighting Act, 1882-Provisional or Private Bills

Question, Mr. Northcote; Answer, The Presi

[blocks in formation]

dent of the Board of Trade Mr. Mundella) | c. Read 1o • June 10 Mar 2, 302 1763

[blocks in formation]

Read 2 and committed June 17

[Bill 272]

Elementary Education Provisional Order
Confirmation (London) Bill [H.L.]
(The Lord President)

(No. 97)

1. Presented; read la•, and referred to the
Examiners Mry 11
Read 2 May 25
Committee June
Report June 7
Read 3 June 8
Read 1o• June 10

Read 2a, after short debate April 1, (304) 419
Referred to a Select Committee April 1
And, on April 12, the Lords following were
named of the Committee.-E. Cowper, E
Camperdown, L. Ashford, L. Balfour of
Burley, L. Rayleigh, L. Wigan, L. Methuen,
1 Heughton, L. Lingen, L. Bramwell, L. | e.

Mored, "That all petitions presented before
the 15th instant against the said his be
referred to the Committee, and that the
petitioners have leave to be heard before the
Committee by their ecunsel, agents, and
witnesses in support of the allegations of
their petitions" (The Lord Grimidorje)

Read 2o • and committed June 17

ELGIN, Earl of

[Bill 273]

Burgh Police and Health(Scotland), IR. [303] 220, 2R. 1626, 1627

Sporting Lands Rating (Scotland), 2R. [304] 79, Comm. 1292

ELGIN, Earl of-cont.


(First Commissioner of Works) Hyde Park Corner (New Streets), 2R. [305]


[blocks in formation]


Certified Industrial Schools and Voluntary Training Homes-Assisted Emigration of Children, Question, Mr. Ioward Vincent; Answer, The Under Secretary of State for the Home Department (Mr. Broadhurst) Mar 19, [303] 1354

Colonial Department-A Permanent Emigration Department, Questions, Mr. Seton-Karr, Mr. Baumann; Answers, The Under Secretary of State for the Colonies (Mr. Osborne Morgan) April 5, [304] 734 Emigrants' Information Office, Question, Observations, The Earl of Harrowby; Reply. The Secretary of State for the Colonies (Earl Granville) May 28, [306] 305; Ques tion, Lord William Compton; Answer, The Under Secretary of State for the Colonies (Mr. Osborne Morgan) June 7, 1139

[blocks in formation]

Emigrants to the Colonies-Assisted Passages, Question, Mr. Baumann; Answer, The Under Secretary of State for the Colonies (Mr. Osborne Morgan) April 9, [304] 1162 Emigration of Orphan and Deserted Children, Question, Mr. Seton-Karr; Answer, The President of the Local Government Board (Mr. Stansfeld) April 12, [304] 1307

Correspondence...P.P. [4751]

Employers' Liability Act, 1880
Kindred Legislation in Foreign Countries,
Question, Mr. W. F. Lawrence; Answer,
The Under Secretary of State for Foreign
Affairs (Mr. Bryce) Feb 26, [302] 1390
The London and North-Western Railway
Company, Questions, Mr. Arthur O'Connor,
Mr. Sexton; Answers, The President of the
Board of Trade (Mr. Mandella) Mir 19,
[303] 1959; Question, Mr. Seton-Karr; An-
swer, The President of the Board of Trade
(Mr. Mundella) Mar 22, 1496

Employers' Liability Act (1880) Amendment Bill

(Mr. Arthur O'Connor, Dr. Commins, Mr.
Sexton, Mr. Jesse Collings)

c. Ordered; read 1o Jan 22
[Bill 60]
Moved, "That the Bill be now read 2"
Feb 23, [302] 1079; atter debate, Moved,
"That the Debate be now adjourned'
(Viscount Cranborne); after further short
debate, Question put, and negatived
Original Question again proposed; after short
debate, original Question put, and agreed
to; Bill read 2°

Moved, "That the Bill be committed to a Select

Committee, and that it be an Instruction to
the Committee that they have power to in-
quire into the operation of The Employers'
Liability Act, 1880,'" 1114; after short de-
bate, Motion agreed to

Referred to a Select Committee Mar 11
And, on Mar 16, Committee nominated as fol-
lows:-Mr. Ainslie, Lord Charles Beresford,
Mr. Bradlaugh, Sir Thomas Brassey, Mr.
William Crawford, Mr. Crompton, Mr.
Giles, Mr. Jackson, Mr. Nolan (Loath),
Mr. Arthur O'Connor, Sir Joseph Pease, Sir
Edward Reed, Mr. Sutherland, Mr. Tomlin-
son, Captain Verney, Sir Richard Webster
Mar 30, Mr. Giles disch., Mr. Forwood added
April 19, Colonel Blundell and Mr. Hingley

Special Report of Select Comm. June 11
[No. 192]

[blocks in formation]


Employers' Liability Act (1880) Amendment | ESSLEMONT, Mr. P.—cont.

[blocks in formation]

ESMONDE, Sir T. G., Dublin Co., S.
Arms Ireland, Comm. (306 235
Army-rievances of Quartermasters, (304)

Army (Auxiliary Forces-Colonels of the Irish
Mta, 306) 192

Customs Department-Outport C'erks, (304) 87
Government of Ireland, 288 ́306) 3×6
Imperial Revenue Ireland and Great Britain),
Res. (302) 1049

Ireland Piers and Harbours - Kingstown
Harbour, (305, 1278

Post Office Letter Carriers - Case of
Samuel Lyons, 304) 1617

Royal Irish Constabulary-Pensions, (305)

[blocks in formation]

Parliamentary Elections (Returning Officers' Expenses Irelan 1, 21. (305 ×39, 813 Returning OFcers' Charges - Scotland, Comm. Schelu. 1, 326) 1559, 1567; Schedule 2, Amendt. 1563, 1564; Cons.. Amendt. 1640; all. cl. 1649

Shop Hours Regulation, Consil, el 4, [306] 1×10, 1×15, 1816

Supply-ivil Services and Revenue Departments, 30g) 1883, 1872

Courts of Law and Justice in Scotland, &c.
301 780

Pub. e Bai ings, Great Britain, "303) 544
Secretary tør Sestland, (302) 773

Europe Eastern) an! Egypt - Sir II. Drummond Wolff's Mission

Questions, Sir Julian Goldsmid, Sir Michael Hicks-Beach; Answers, The First Lord of the Treasury Mr. W. E. Gla istone. Feb 22, (302) 908; Questions, Mr. Bradlaugh, Mr. Rylands; Answers, The Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affurs Mr. Bryco) Fed 25,


Europe, South-Eastern, States of

Polity of Her Majesty's Government, Question,
The Marquess of Salisbury; Answer, The
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (The
Earl of Rosebery Feb 18, 302] 577
The Graco-Turkish Frontier, Question, Dr.
Clark: Answer, The Under Secretary of
State for Foreign Affairs (Mr. Bryce) Mar 25,
3037 1792

Bularia and Eastern Roumelit, Question,
Mr. Ashmead-Bartlett; Answer, The Under
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Mr.
Bryce) April 9, (304) 1177

Eutern Rumelii - Treaty of Berlin Art XVII, Question, The Marquess of Salsbury; Answer, The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs The Earl of Rosebery) April 13, (354) 1419

Bulgaria-Alege & Conspiracy, Question, Sir Robert Peel; Answer, The Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Mr. Bryce May 28, [306) 314

Greece and Turkey

Questions, Mr. Joseph Cowen; Answers, The First Lord of the Treasury Mr. W. E. Gladstone Fib 18, [302) 685; Question, Mr. Bernard Coleridge, Answer, The Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Mr. Bryce Feb 23, 1032

The Kussim Fiert, Question, Viscount Cran. brock, Answer, The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (The Earl of Rosebery) April 1, " 104 417; Questions, Mr. Bourke, Mr. Astmead- Bartlett ; Answers, The Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Mr Bryes), 434, Question, Mr. Ashmea-iBartlett, Answer, The Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Mr Bryce, April 5,


Action of the Powers, Question, Sir Michael Il eks-Beach; Answer, The First Lord of the Treasury Mr. W. E. Gladstone) April 16, (304) 1772

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