Imatges de pàgina

To whatever caufe then we may be difpofed in politics to attribute our diffentions and national calamities; in reason and religion it would be moft prudent to afcribe them to our accumulated national fins: and confequently, to feek their removal by unfeigned national repentance. To such repentance we are ftrongly preffed by various and weighty reafons. It is one of the most effectual means to compofe and allay our contentions: one of the moft effectual means to relieve us from the evils we labour under one of the most effectual means to restore to us our loft happiness, We have never yet gained any thing by our vices by our repentance we may gain much. Our vices indeed we must renounce, if we are duly fenfible of their fatal tendency. And yet, wholly infenfible we cannot be. For the natural confequences of our fins, and the fuperadded punishment

inflicted on them, have appeared plainly for fome time-in the diftreffes and calamities of private life; and in the burdens, disorders, and uneafineffes of the public: and now, in the additional increase that is made to our enemies; and in the additional expence we must neceffarily be at, to maintain ourselves against their efforts.

What fuccefs we fhall finally meet with in the course of this lengthened contest, He only knows, who knows all things. We may vainly boast, that we have strength for the war: but our wisdom would be, to secure inftantly, his aid, in whose hands are the issues of it, by humble contrition and fincere penitence. Then may we safely affume confidence. For if we make "the "LORD our refuge and strength, we shall "be fure to find him a very present help "in all our troubles."


Preffed, as we are, by fuch weighty confiderations, let us accordingly endeavour to recall and revive the genuine fpirit of true religion. Let us be careful to reverence Gon, in his name, in his fabbaths, in his fanctuary. Let us ufe all diligence to reform our tempers, to correct our failures and to improve our virtues. Let us eftimate life, not as a scene of diffipation and thoughtleffnefs-not as a scene of pleasure and amusements-but, as what it really is, a ftate of probation and trial; where we must neceffarily perfect ourselves in goodness, if we mean to fecure either present comfort, or future peace and eternal happiness.

Thus reafon directs us to act: and here interest coincides with reason, and pleads for reformation with redoubled force. We are apt to complain, that the times are bad,


and our profpect gloomy. "Would we then see better times? Let us efchew evil, and do good: let us feek peace, and ensue it. For the eyes of the LORD are over the righteous; and his ears are open unto all their prayers and no good thing will he ever withhold from them that lead a godly life."

If then we have any real concern for the welfare and profperity of our country; let us now prove it, not by our words, but by our actions by concurring to stop the contagion of fin, and the overfpreading deluge of iniquity: by making ourselves exemplars of virtue, and promoters of every good. Every degree of virtuous improvement will contribute fomething to the benefit of the ftate. The more perfect our amendment, the brighter will be our profpect, and the greater our hope.



would but this national humiliation produce, what is unquestionably meant it should produce, a national reformation; then might we boldly fay in the language of the Prophets

"Affociate yourfelves, O ye people, and shall be broken in pieces: take coun"fel together, and it shall come to nought:

66 ye


fpeak the word, and it shall not stand : "for GOD is with us. Sanctify therefore "the LORD of hofts; and let him be your "fear; and let him be your dread: and he "will be for a fanctuary unto you.-For "GOD will fave Sion, and build the cities "of Judah. The pofterity also of his "faints fhall inherit it; and they that love "his name hall dwell therein. Their "children fhall continue; and their feed "fhall be established before him." Amen!

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