Imatges de pàgina

ministry. His moral character through to retire into the vestry without saying life was mercifully preserved from any anything. Mr. Burnham followed him, particular stain. His sympathy with the saying unto him "never mind, John, afflicted was great, and his acts of benevolence to many a christian brother will never be known till the day of revealing secrets arrives. Yet he had his faults, and the following scripture took hold on him as well as us, and he knew and felt it-There is not a just man that liveth and sinneth not.' But he is gone to realize in his own person for ever the perfection he had from everlasting in his exalted head, and which he often apprehended in the appropriations of a living faith."

[From a letter written by our brother Alderson, we make the following extracts :"It pleased the great head of the church to remove from this vale of tears, that eminent man of God, Mr. John Stevens, of Meard's Court, Soho, who departed this life on Wednesday morning, October 6th, 1847, at about halfpast 8 o'clock. Our departed brother, it appears was brought up under parents who moved among what was generally called the Countess of Huntingdon's connection; his father was for some time clerk at Zion Chapel, Whitechapel; but when his son John came to be settled in London, he left that situation, and became a constant attendant on his son's ministry.

"At a very early period of his life he was familiarly known to the celebrated Dr. Hawes, chaplain to Lady Huntingdon, who said concerning John Stevens, when a child, that he was impressed he would prove a great man. In his further immerging into life, he attended to the trade of boot and shoe making, though it hath been remarked he never could make a proper fit.

try again;" which he afterwards did,
and experienced a greater freedom and
boldness; he then continued preaching
of a Wednesday evening at Grafton-
street, till he was further called out. I
presume about this time it was, that his
friend Dr. Hawes, perceiving the pro-
bability of his being a renowned
preacher, aimed to draw him off from
the Baptist connection, by observing to
him that he was aware her Ladyship
would not allow particular Baptists to
preach in her pulpits, but if he would
but lay that one particular thing aside,
he would make him a great man; using
the usual arguments, (viz.,) it was of no
essential importance; and
and great men was on the other side of
the question, &c. When Mr. Stevens,
field with him on the point to which the
young as he was, offered to enter the
Dr. objected, and the matter terminated
by Mr. Stevens observing, that since he
the Dr., a master in Israel, declined
entering the field of controversy with a
stripling like him, his cause of pœdo-
baptism must be bad. Thus was Mr.
Stevens enabled to commence his pro-
fession of divine truth and ministerial
career with the same decision of mind
he afterwards so strikingly evinced.
He, for some time, laboured at St.
Neots', Huntingdonshire, after which
he was settled at Boston, Lincolnshire;
from whence he came to London at

about the year 1811.* The members of
the church under the care of Mr. Burn-
ham, after his decease, would at their
prayer meetings entreat the Lord to
send them a pastor after his own heart,
to go before them and feed them with
such a man was truly sent in the person
knowledge and understanding; but when
and ministry of John Stevens, they re-
for very
jected it, but God stood by him;
soon Grafton-street meeting was too

small for the congregation: the writer

"When a young man he attended on the ministry of Mr. Richard Burnham, late of Grafton-street, Soho. At that time in person he was a tall, slender young man, exceedingly plain in his habits, steady, quiet and reserved; and it was during his attendance on Mr. B.'s ministry that his mind became impressed and stirred up with desires to preach, but thought he never could. At country, that Mr. Burnham then observed, length it was made known to his pastor, referring to Mr. Stevens, almost in the Mr. B., who wished him to try; accord-spirit of prophecy, "he will prove a peculiar ingly it was appointed he should exer- preacher to a peculiar people, but into my cise his gifts before the church; the first pulpit he shall never enter while I live; time of which he failed, and was obliged feeling, it is presumed, a spirit of jealousy.

when Mr. Stevens left the church at GrafIt hath been said as authentic, that

ton-street, to be settled as a minister in the

[ocr errors]

hath witnessed near upon two hundred glories of the God-man, as set forth in

waiting in the streets, before the doors of the meeting were opened. From hence he removed to York-street Chapel, St. James's-square, an immense large chapel, but which was also speedily filled. There he continued a considerable time, preaching with great ability and success the glorious doctrines of divine grace."



[We have been favored with the following interesting reflections on Mr. Steven's Ministry, by our esteemed christian brother, Henry Watmuff. It will well serve to recall some of the happy seasons which hundreds have realised while hearing sentences like unto those here recorded, falling warm from his lips.]


"The unsparing hand that destroys all flesh, hath, during the past month, been seen visiting our churches. John Stevens is gone from his earthly to his heavenly house! Yes! John Stevens is gone! He was a spiritual warrior of mean skill for full half-a-century, (about thirty-six years of which he laboured in London). He was called by the grace of God at an early age, and mercifully preserved from many of those evils which often break out, and throw a cloud of darkness over the ministry of some of the dear servants of God. I heard him say at the Lord's table, on the 4th of July last-"It is six and thirty years this day since I delivered my first address in this city, from these words-"For I determined not to know anything among you save Jesus Christ, and him crucified." The church must judge (he said) how far I have endeavoured to fulfil my office. I have great reason for gratitude that the Lord has preserved me so many years in one of the greatest cities in the world."

"The sum and substance of Mr. Stevens's ministry from first to last, was the uplifting, telling out, and making known the personal and mediatorial glories of the Son of God; the Christ of God in his complex natures; distinguishing, and giving the highest glory to each. The Son of the Father as complex, was the basis of his ministrations. His soaring mind revolved in powerfully expaciating upon this glorious theme. The personal

the word of God; Christ as the everlasting God; and the exalted man; in union, "he delighted to honour." The excellencies of Christ were the excellencies of his ministry. The enthronment of Jesus was the foundation of his hope here, and his happiness hereafter.

"On one particular point, Mr. Stevens was opposed by many eminent servants of God; but it shook him not. Mr. S. confess he has fought well, and quitted was not "given to change." I must himself manfully; whether successfully, is not my object of investigation.

"The ruin and wretchedness of the sinner had not the chief prominence in his ministry. He deeply lamented the depths of the fall in himself; he painfully felt the deceitfulness of the heart, as the vile workings of inbred corruptions. But these were not spread before the people to catch fire at; or, as "the feast of fat things." This was not gospel wine to him to hand out, although so much dwelt upon by others.

"The last sermon I heard him preach was at Snowsfields, for a collection for Mr. George Francis, (August 23rd) from the words "It is finished." A few of his observations may serve as an illustration of his general style :-he said,

"The obscuration of Christ's person was finished. He was in a body in which but little glory was seen. But, embodyment is now no obscurity to his glorified person, his body serves as a crystal glass to see him through. "It is finished," faith finds the work all done. There is no disgrace in wearing ready made clothes. Nothing can be added to the Saviour's work. Some say," add repentance, works, faith, prayer. Oh ! don't put these to finish his work. It is well done. It remains the same still! It will be triumphant in spite of all. It will stand upright when his enemies are flat on their faces! There is no doubtful salvation; no offered grace__with God. He died for his sheep. I have always held that sentiment as erroneous and dangerous, that has a tendency to lead away the thoughts from Christ to self. It is a well done work; the Father is not ashamed of it; the Holy Ghost is not ashamed of it; he is always holding it up; and making an open exhibition of it. What man, who has bad goods, places them on his shelves? He knows they will not bear inspection. But it is

"going forth in the dances of them that make merry."


not so with Christ's work. "It is finished" to reflect the wisdom and honour of him that has done it. It is September 5th was the last time of his worthy of God; it is safe to man. It is breaking bread unto his church, just a replete with wonder. Whom he loves, month previous to his departure: he then he never leaves; whom he pardons, he observed, what an healthy state Zion never condemns; whom he designs for would be in if every mouth was opened heaven, shall never go to hell! Aim to in prayer, and every heart rendering a remember these short truths. All the tribute of praise to the Lord! The Lord intercession of Christ in heaven will not has been very sparing of outward ordicontradict his prayers on earth. If the nances to his people; he has not spread attributes of God are not maintained, out a number of punctileoes, as when we are out at sea; but justice is on the under the law, which every one must throne; and those for whom Christ died attend unto or be damned. Be more concan never be damned! I would as soon cerned for the favor of God upon you, believe the sun and moon to be self than for the removal of your trying created, as that those for whom Christ thorn. Ask his grace to be sufficient for suffered, shall die. The members are you. Jesus Christ is like a good springquitted in their head. The Saviour had an object in view; this he never lost sight of, "Thine they were and thou gavest them me." Thus there is a connection of principle from the basis to the top stone of the plan."

But John Steven's ministry is now ended! In a little outline of his own

history:—he says, "It is now about fifty years since I first attempted to speak to the villagers among whom I was born and brought up, of the things I had heard and believed. My father's father was a truly good man, and was in the habit of at times praying and expounding the scriptures to his neighbours. In his house, and at his desire, and the request of other friends, I ventured to make an attempt to declare what I knew of Christ and his great salvation. It pleased the God of all grace to bless my

feeble labours to the conversion of several young persons, some of whom continue to this day; one of them was hearing me on the 31st of May."

ing well; there is always a supply, which
the coming bucket can never empty; we
need not be afraid of exhausting the
subject. Christ sets a high value on
those on whom we set no value; whilst
those on whom the world sets great
value he esteems no more than the dust
of the floor.'

only preach once on the Lord's-day in
He concluded by observing he must
future, feeling his weakness returning
Four months ago he ex-
upon him.
pressed, at the table, his not being able
to speak more than once on the Sabbath,
and his uncomfortableness on that ac-
count. He was advised to try a change
of air for a few weeks; he did so; he
for about two months attended to his
returned improved in health; and again

labours as usual.

his chapel, witnessed the termination of September the 19th, the anniversary of his public ministrations in the morning I was not present, but heard that it was service; this was his last effort in public; delivered in pain of body, and he was But when I usually heard Mr. Stevens on the same subject with which he comwith the sweetest power, was in min-menced in London his ministry—' Christ istering the Lord's Supper. For the was once offered to bear the sins of many,' last twelvemonth he seemed to speak or a crucified Christ. Thus, as I heard (and generally there was one old mem- him observe, a month before, at the ber after another dropping off during table, (August 1st) he said, 'It was said the month,) as if conscious the time of by one, of Eyles Pierce's preaching, that his departure was at hand. But always it was always one subject: ah, said another, with a very lively faith; he never it was a good one-the election of the seemed to me to be fully delivered from Father-redemption by Christ—and the the fear of death. The stealing tear work of the Spirit: we don't want any would be seen at times starting forth, other, or a better.' when reflecting upon his own unworthyness, and his inability-until the glory of the Redeemer's rights and honours were touched-then his soul seemed at home,

From this time Mr. Stevens' health began to decay fast, he was unable to supply his pulpit the following Lord'sday. Mr. Murrell, of St. Noet's, called

on him on the 25th. Mr. Murrell said from the pulpit, he had been on the past evening with Mr. Stevens, he had said to him, with the tears dropping from his eyes, I have no clothes of my own to stand in before God, but the garment of Christ's righteousness, and have nothing to plead but his blood and righteousness before the throne.' Mr. Murrell remarked to him that on the near approach of death, brought to the brink of the grave, it simplifies things, and brings matters to a small compass-Christ all in all.

From the nature of Mr Stevens's complaint his medical advisers requested no one to speak to him during the last few days of his earthly existence, unless himself spake and wished it; and which seems to have been strictly attended to, save the last day, when his brother had some sweet talk with him. But what he so long delighted in-PRIVATE PRAYER, was now very sweetly realized, and which in early days was so much enjoyed, as himself testifies on his birthday observations, when at the age of seventy-Private prayer was my chief medium of enjoyment and satisfaction; to this I usually attended, repeatedly in the day, by the hedges in the fields; or in any place where I had opportunity. I was much encouraged by musing on certain hymns that I used to repeat while at my work. The exercises now alluded to took place about five and fifty years ago, the remembrance of those early days is still at times made sweet and profitable.' Very pertinent too is the following from the fore cited reflections upon and by himself.

from my infant hours, to my seventieth year; though sin has all along dwelt in my heart, and too frequently discovered itself in my words and ways. I have grown old, but I have not attained to perfection. My heart is as it ever has been naturally, the seat of every evil thing: nor do I expect this leprosy to be fully cured, until the house of it is taken down. It is destined to a final dissolution; God's honour, and my greatest happiness require it should come down to the dust, out of which it was first raised. Several warnings have been given of the owner's design concerning it, but it must doubtless stand its time, according to his will. His right in it is greater than mine; and I am glad to know that all needful repairs are in his hand, and that no power can eject me contrary to his will. He brought me into my bodily dwelling place, about seventy years since, and has upheld me therein, until this day; I have worshipped him therein with no small pleasure, and daily acknowledge his supreme right in it, giving it up to his service, by faith and humble prayer. My great desire is that the God of peace may sanctify me wholly, and that my whole spirit and soul, and body, may be preserved blameless, unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ: he has kindly given me the earnest of his spirit, until the final redemption takes place, and the purchased possession shall be realised, when I trust that I shall be favored to see him as he is, and be for ever like him. To the Eternal Triune God be glory in the church of Christ Jesus throughout all ages, and world without end. Amen.

JOHN STEVENS." This leprous house came down, after standing seventy-two years, on Wednesday, October 6th, 1847, having a peaceable dismission therefrom. I have no death-bed sayings to record: others may have. Mr. Stevens died in the faith he had so many years known the worth of without denying his name. To the Lord the Spirit be all the glory.

Having arrived at the age of man, my journey is growing short, and my departure hastening on. Still, I can have no discharge from office, until my work is done. No man can do what is appointed to be done by me, nor will my Lord suffer my strength to utterly fail, till all things concerning my service are accomplished. He well knows that if he has allotted certain work to be done by his aged servant, he must enable him to accomplish it. Without him I can do nothing,' and in him is all my trust and hope. These are not views that I have lately formed; they are what I have acknowledged, more or less, for half-a-gate Cemetery. century. Looking back on the past, I perceive the Lord's mercy, his merit, and his power, in my preservation




On Friday, October 15th, the mortal remains of Mr John Stevens, were taken to, and placed in the catacombs of High

The funeral cortegé, consisting of between twenty and thirty mourning coaches, and upwards of thirty other carriages

left the house of the deceased minister | the evening by Mr. J. Foreman. At no shortly after one o'clock; and by its ex-former time has Salem Chapel been so traordinary length, attracted the atten- thronged, as on this occasion, especially tion of vast numbers of persons, on its in the evening, when every corner of the way to the cemetery. Beside those in the chapel was literally crammed, and numcarriages, many followed on foot; the bers went away long before the services whole evincing the high esteem in which commenced. With some few exceptions, Mr. Stevens was held. The long pro- the members of the church were dressed cession reached the cemetery about half-in black. The greatest respect appeared past two o'clock, where a multitude of people had already assembled.

The massive coffin being removed from the hearse, (borne by eight men,) was carried to one end of the cemetery; and placed on rails near to its last resting place, where a small temporary covering was provided for such ministers as were to officiate on the occasion.

The solemn service commenced, by Mr. Felton, (of Deptford,) who offered up a most suitable prayer. Mr. George Murrell, (of St. Neot's,) then delivered a short address, in which, he spoke of the deceased as a minister of no ordinary character, and of the heavy loss which the church had sustained in his death; but, in consequence of the service being conducted quite in a corner of the cemetery, it was but very few out of the immense 'numbers assembled, that could even catch the most distant sound of what was said. The mourners and friends of the deceased were to be seen sitting about on the graves and tomb stones, weeping in all parts of the cemetery, not being able to join in the funeral service. After Mr. Murrell had concluded the address, Mr. Wyard gave out the 109th hymn, in Mr. Stevens's Selection; the singing of which had a very solemn effect, in producing the most profound silence, and in drawing forth the deepest sympathies of the people. The hymn being sung, and the benediction pronounced, the corpse was then taken into that place assigned for it.

Never did we behold such a gathering of pastors, preachers, and itinerant labourers in the truth before. Ministers (both great and small,) were to be seen congregated together in all directions. Among them we noticed the venerable John Lucombe, Mr. John Foreman, Messrs. Denham. Castleden, Bowes, Box, Gittens, Bayfield, Moyll, Milner, Curtis, Bonner, Irish, (of Warboys) Thomas Stringer, Alderson, Woodward, B. Lewis, and many others.

On Sunday, October 24, funeral sermons were preached at Salem Chapel. In the Morning, by Mr. G. Murrell in

to be shewn to their departed pastor. In the morning, Mr. Murrell on rising to preach said-"It is with some reluctance that I occupy this pulpit on this solemn occasion. I would that the choice of the church had fallen upon some man of God more competent than myself. I can preach, in the country, a plain gospel sermon; (and many such, God has been pleased to bless :) but upon an extraordinary and solemn occasion like this, I have not the mind-I have not the nerve. But I cannot refuse the voice of the whole church, to appear before you this morning. The words that have occurred to me, as peculiarly suitable to our de. parted brother, you will find in 2 Tim. iv. 7, 8. 'I have fought,'" &c.

In the evening, Mr. J. Foreman, previous to reading his text, made a few remarks nearly as follow:

"I feel I would rather that you had chosen any one else than myself for this solemn occasion; but you have made your choice; and I am come to answer it. It is not because I

did not like our brother Stevens; for, in point of affection, I could not have given understood each other, that I could always place to a second in the kingdom. We so call him, 'My very dear senior brother;' and he, in return, used to call me his dear brother John.' And, while the world have had so many opinions concerning him, I have ever entertained but one; and that is, 'He was a man of God, through sovereign grace.' I don't know that ever any thing cut me so deep, as an anonyomus letter sent to him twelve years ago. It was what I called know that ever I felt occasion to pray for a piece of midnight assassination. I don't Our brother Stevens was the same all his life any one as I did for him, on that occasion. time. The coat that he wore fifty years ago, he wore up to the last. He was like one that didn't live in the world; for none of the changes in others, or new doctrines had any effect upon him." The words selected as a text, will be found in the fiftieth chapter of Genesis, and sixth verse. in the Lord, and he counted it to him for righteousness."

"And he believed

[The substance of these discourses, and

other interesting particulars, will be found in subsequent pages of this No.]

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