Calling of God's people, xv. 75. -Is of grace, cxxiv. 45.
-Is holy, xcvii. 32.
-Persons called of God to offices, xvi. 78.
Care of God for his people, cause of jov, c. 207.
-Cause of praise, ccxx. 251.
Christ, his exaltation, iv. 127. -His titles, i. 128. -His works, i. 135.
-His worship, i. 139. -His perfections, i. 140. -His benefits, i. 144.
Against sin, xvii. 150. -His benefits, cause of joy, xcv. 205. -Cause of praise, ccxvi. 250. Church of God, prayers for it. clxxxviii. 238.
-God's power toward it, lxxiii. 18. Clean heart, xxxix. 271. Cleanse, God doth cleanse his people, xxv. 80.
-Duty to cleanse ourselves, xxv. 80. Clouds, wind and rain created, vii. viii. 58.
Comfort to believers, xxix. 188. -Is the gift of God, cxii. 209. -Giving it to one another, Ixiji. 256. Coming to God through Christ, cxlii.
Compare, nothing to God, x. 4. Compassion ascribed to God, cviii. 41. -To whom exercised, cix. 41. -Instances thereof, cx. 41.
Care of Christ fo his people, xviii. 152. Compassion ascribed to Christ, cxi.
Cast off, who are so, xxxv. 83.
-Who are not so, xxxiii. 82.
Charity, v. vi. 335.
Childless, promises to them, xc. 389. Children, their duties toward parents, xci. 300.
-Dutiful, blessed, xcii. 390, -Undutiful, cursed, xciii. 390. Children desired, Ixxvii. 387. -Promised, lxxvi. 386.
-God's care of them, lxxix. 388. -Duties toward them, lxvi. 384. -Of God, how made so, xxxvi. 84. -Their duties and marks, xxxix. 86. -Their blessings, xxxviii. 85. Children of the devil, lxxxviii. 202. -What the wicked are children of, xl. 87.
Chosen of God, see election, xii. 72.-xiii 74-xiv: 75.
Christ, prophecies concerning him, 112 to 122.
-His incarnation, iii. 113. -His miracles, 112 to 126. -His glory, i. 126.
Compassion in men, xlv. 350.
-God excites it toward his people,
Conceit, being wise therein, xiv. 367. Confessing Christ, xi. 179. Confession of sin, xxxii 471. -To be made in prayer, clxx. 252. Confidence of the righteous in God, cxxx. 222. Confidence of the wicked, sinful, cxxxii. 221.
Conscience, good, xlviii 375. -How attained, xlix. 276. -Evil conscience, lii. 276. -Natural, its force, 1. 276. -Weak, not to be wounded, li. 276. Consideration, xoii. 467. Contention, xx. 340. Contentious, fools are so, xx. 368. Contentment, xxvii. 372. Contrite heart, xl. 271. Correcting coaldren, lxxii 385. Carroption of sin, xcv. 294.
Covenant of God, holy, xcvii. 32.
-Rejecting evil counsel, the wisdom thereof, 1. 353. Creation of all things, i. 57. -The wisdom of God in it, lv. 14. -The power of God in it, lxxi. 17. -Done by Christ, i. 135. -The Spirit's work in it, i. 162. -Cause of joy to angels, cix. 208.
Creator, God is so to his people, lxxvi.
Creatures, christians are new ones, lxxvii. 109.
Creatures in the sea and land made, ix. 58.
Crucifixion of Christ, xxix. 118.
Cruelty, xlvi. 351.
Cures, miraculous
Christ, li. 123.
Cursing, the sin thereof, cxciv. 448.
Darkness, works thereof, lxxxiv. 291. David, Christ descended from him, xxxviii. 158.
Dead works, lxxxvii. 292.
Dead raised by Christ, liv. 124.
Deliverer, Christ so called, Ixviii.103. -v. 147.
Denying God, ii. 176.
Departing from God, cxl. 228. Denying Christ, xxvi. 118.-xii. 179. Desiring God, lxxxiv. 204. Descent of Christ, iv. 113. Despising Christ, xv. 116.
Despising ministers of Christ, cxlii.
Despising one another, xxxi. 345. Destruction of the wicked, ccxlii. 259. Determinations of God, vii. 71.
Devils, their sin and punishment, xxx,
-Their knowledge, xxxv. 67. -Their enmity, xxxiii. 66.
-They were cast out by Christ, lii. 123.
xxxviii 67. -They were overcome by Christ,
-How to be overcome by Christians, xxxix. 68.
-Works, and children of the devil, lxxxviii. 292.
Diligence and industry, vi. 362, Direction from God, Ivi. 95. -Promised to believers, xxvii. 187. Discontentment, xxviii. 372. Disobedience to God, Ixviii. 284. Dishonouring God, ccxxxii. 256. -To Christ, lxxii. 286.
-Will all be raised by Christ, ii. 135. Disputes about religion, cxciii. 448.
Deaf cured by Christ, liii. 124.
Death prevaile over all, iv. 475.
-Preparative duties for it, v. vi. 476.
Death of the righteous happy, xi. 264.
Death of the wicked miserable, viii.
Death of Christ, xxxvi. 119.
- Its efficacy, xxxi. 154.
Doxologies, or glory ascribed to God in worship, cexxxix. 257. Drawing near to God, cxli. 226. Dreadfulness of God, clviii. 56. Drunkenness, iii. iv. 361.
Deceiving by false doctrine. cxxxvii. - In magistrates, iv. 396.
-In ministers, cxxxv. 418.
Duties accompanying faith xίν. 181.
Defence, God is so to his people, xlviii. - Toward God and Christ, i. 176. &c.
Edifying one another, liii. 354. Efficacy of prayer in working mira- cles, cxcix. 240. -In defeating enemies, cc. 215. Election of grace, cxxiii. 45. -Of Jews, xii. 72.
-Of Christians, xiii. 74. -Of persons to office, xiv. 75. Enemies of God, cxxvi. 303. Enemies to be prayed for, cxc. 239. -Overcome by prayer, cc. 241. -Their prevailing occasions fast- ing and prayer, clix. 231. -Prayers against evil from them, xxi. 241.
-God redeemeth his people from them. 1. 93.
-God delivereth from them, lxvii.
-Deliverance from them, cause of praise to God, cexxv. 253. -Salvation from them, cause of joy in God, ciii. 207.
-God excited compassion in them toward his people, cviii. 41. -The wicked delivered up to their fears of enemies, lxv. 200. -The wicked delivered into their enemies hands, Ixxiii, 105. Enlightened persons, their duties, vi. 177.
Enquiring of those who are no Gods forbidden, exlvi. 318.
Enticing others to sin, Ixviii. 359. Envy, xi. xii xiii. 338. -Known to God, xlix. 14. Eternal life is from God, xiv. 486. Eternal life to whom promised, xv.
Eternity of God, vii. 5. -Of Christ, xiii. 144. See Christ's glory before his incarnation, i. 126. Everlasting God, xviii. 5. Evil doers to be avoided, lxxxi. 289. Evil doing, lxxix. 289.
-Through grace, cxxxiii. 48. -Promises to faith, xx. 186.----xciii. 205.
-Prayer to be made with it, clxv. 232.
Faithfulness of God, Ixxxix. 30. - In his promises, xci. 30. -In his threatenings, zcii. 31. Faithfulness of Christ, xc. 30. Faithfulness in friendship, lxiv. 356. Fall of man into sin, xv. 61. Familiar spirits, 324. Fasting appointed, cliv. 230. -What kind is acceptable, clxvi. 230. -What kind unacceptable, clvii. 230.
-Occasions of fasting, clviii. 231. -Voluntary fasting, elxi. 231. - Miraculous fasting, elv. 230. Father, God is so to his people, xxxvi.
-To Christ, i. ii. 128. Favour of God promised to the righ- teous, cxxxviii. 49. -Deny'd to the wicked, cxxxix. 50. Favour with men promised to the righteous, cxl. 50. - Deny'd to the wicked, exli. 50. Fear of God enjoined, 1. 195. -Promised as the gift of God, Iv.
-Promises to it, lix. 197---xx. 487.
Evil men, cxviii. 299. Doing evil-Duties joined with it, Ivi. 196.----
to men, xxxviii. 348. Exaltation of Christ, iv. vi. vii. 127. Exalted, God is so, xxvii. 7. Exalting self, the sin and punishment thereof, 1. 379.
Examination of self, the duty thereof,
Example, giving, Ixvii. $59. Excellency of God, xxviii. 7.
Excellency of Christ, xx. 152
-Its usefulness in life, lviii. 196. -Threats against those that fear not God, Ixii. 199.
Fear of men, the security against it, cxxxi. 222. Feeds,----Christ feeds thousands, Iv.
Fellowship with the wicked to be avoided, lxxxix. 292.
-Prayed for, cvii. 40. -Is of grace, cxxvi. 46. See mercy of God, e. 35. to cv. 39. Forgiveness in men, xlvii. 351. -Required in prayer, clxxi. 234. Forms of swearing, excii. 328. Fornication, cl. 426. Forsaking God, exlv. 227.
-God forsaketh the wicked, xxxii. 82. -God forsaketh not his people, xxx. 81.
-Forsaken of friends, Christ was so xxv. 118.
Fortress, God is so to his people, Ixiii. 99.
Fraud forbidden, clv. 430. Friendship, faithfulness therein, lxiv.
Gentleness toward men, Ixi. 356. Gestures in prayer, clxxviii. 237. Given, Christ was so, and for what end, xxviii. 154. Glory of God, xxx. 7.
-In favours to his people, xxxi. 8. Glory of Christ, i. 126. See his eter nity, xüi. 144. Glorying of the righteous in God, cxvii. 211.
Glorying of the wicked in sin, cxviii. 211.----liii. 379.
Glorifying God, ccxxxiii. 256. -Christ glorified God, ccxxxiv. 256. -How men glorify God, xxiii. 257. God, how known, i. 3.---iv. 176.
Governors, their duties, xcvii. 393. -The Spirit's influence over themy xiv. 171.
-Their sins, cii. 396. -Duties toward them, cx. 398. -Sins against them, cxiii. 399. Grace of God in man's salvation, Cxxiii. 45.
Grace prayed for, cxxxvii. 48. -Promised to believers, xxviii. 187. -Promised from Christ, xi. 148. Graciousness of God, cxix. 44. Graciousness of Christ, cxxii. 45. Grass, herbs, trees, &c. created, xi.
Gratitude, lxix. 359.
Greatness of God, xxvi. 6.
Grief of parents for children, lxxx.
Grief for sin, xx. 469.
-At prayer not being heard, cxcviii.
Grudging at others' prosperity, xxix. || Holiness of angels, xix. 16.
Guide, God is so, lix. 96.
Habitation of God, holy, xcvii. 32. Hand of God, denoting his power, Ixiii. 16.
Hard, nothing is so to God, lxvi. 16. Harmless, xli. 349.
Hated of God, the wicked are so, clvi. 56.
Hated of men, Christ was so, xvi 116. -Promises to those that are unjustly hated, x. 337. Haters, duties toward them, viii. 337. -Prayers against haters, ix. 337. Hating God, lxxxii. 203. Hating Christ, lxxxiii. 204. Hatred toward men, vii. 336. Haughtiness, xlix. 379.
Health to be prayed for, clxxxiv. 238. Heart known to God, xxxviii. 11.---- xlii. 273.
-Of the righteous described, xxxiv.
-Duties respecting the heart, xli.
-Affected for sin, xxiv. 470. -Broken, contrite, xxv. 470. xl. 272. -Serving God with the, liv. 276. -God's influences on the hearts of
the righteous, xliii. 273. Ixiii. 280. -Evil, xlvi. xlvii. 275. -Of the wicked, Satan's influence on it, xlv. 275. -God's judgments on it, xliv 274. Heaven and earth, the creation
thereof, ii. 57. -The dissolution thereof, vi. 483. -Holy, xcvii. 32.
-The happiness of the righteous in it, vii. 484. Heaviness and grief for sin, xix. 469. Heirs, Christians are so, viii. 484. Help from God promised, lxiv. 100. -Cause of joy, cii. 207.
Hell. See future punishments, 489,
-Help from creatures vain, lxv. 102. Hill of God, holy, xcvii. 32.
Holy Ghost, his influences and opera- tions upon the creatures, 162 to 171. -Promised to believers, Ivi. 121.---- xxvi. 187. -Rejoicing in him, xcvi. 206. Holiness of God, xciv. to xcvi. 31. Holiness of Christ, viii. 143.
Holiness in men, God honoured by it, cclxxxviii. 255.
-Directions for attaining it, xxiv.
Holiness in ministers of Christ, Cxxiii. 407.
Honour due to God, ccxxvi. 255. -How performed, ccxxvii. to cexxx.
-Due to Christ, ccxxxi. 256. -Due to magistrates, cxi. 399. -Due to parents, xci. 390. -Due to one another, xxx. 344. Hope in God and Christ, exxi. 212. -Through grace, cxxxiv. 48. -Promises to it, xcii. 205. Hope of the wicked perisheth, cxxii.
Hospitality, clxiii. 434. House of God, holy, xcvii. 32. Humbled saints, their expressions, x1.075 375 Humility toward God, xxxiv. 372. -Toward men, xxxv. 372. Humility of ministers, cxxiv. 410. -Examples of it, xxxvii. 375. Humility in prayer, cixx. 233. -Promises to it, xxxvi. 374. See
pride, xli. 377. Husbands, their duties, Ixiv. 383.. Hypocrisy, xxx. 269. - Marks of it, xxxi. 269. Hypocrites known to God, xlvii. 13. -Their prayer not accepted, cciv.
-Against his enemies, clix. 56. Jesus Christ, prophecies concerning him, i. 112. -His miracles, xlix. 122. -His Glory, i. 126.
His exaltation, iv. 127. -His titles, i. 128. vii. 133. -His works, i. 135. -His worship, i. 139. -His perfections, i. 140. -His benefits, †. 144. Ignorance of God, vii. 178. Images forbidden, 318, 320. -With threatenings, xlvii. 318.
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