Cal. I'll shew thee the best Springs; I'll pluck thee Berries; I'll fish for thee, and get thee Wood enough. A plague upon the Tyrant that I serve; I'll bear him no more Sticks, but follow thee, thou wondrous Man. Tri. A most ridiculous Monster, to make a Wonder of a poor Drunkard. Cal. I prethee let me bring thee where Crabs grow, and I with my long Nails will dig thee Pig-nuts; show thee a Jay's Nest, and instruct thee how to snare the nimble Marmazet; I'll bring thee to clustring Filberds, and sometimes I'll get thee young Scamels from the Rock. Wilt thou go with me ? Ste. I prethee now lead the way without any more talking. Trinculo, the King and all our Company else being drown'd, we will inherit here; here, bear my Bottle; Fel low Trinculo, we'll fill him by and by again. Caliban fings drunkenly. Farewel, Master; farewel, farewel. Tri. A howling Monster; a drunken Monster. Cal. No more Dams I'll make for Fish, Nor fetch in firing, at requiring, T T 4 Nor Scape Trenchering, nor wash Dish. Ban', Ban', Cacalyban Has a new Master, get a new Man. Freedom, hey-day, hey-day Freedom, Freedom, hey-day Freedom. Ste. O brave Monster, lead the way. [Exeunt. ACT III. SCENEI. Enter Ferdinand, bearing a Log. F.THERE HEREbe some Sports are painful, and their Labour Are nobly undergone, and most poor Matters Would be as heavy to me, as odious, but And makes my Labours Pleasures: O the is D Ten Ten times more gentle, than her Father's crabbed; Enter Miranda, and Prospero ut a Distance unseen. A Mira. Alas, now pray you, Fer. O most dear Mistress, The Sun will fet before I shall discharge Mira. If you'll fit down, I'll bear your Logs the white. Pray give me that, Fer. No, precious Creature, I had rather crack my Sinews, break my Back, Mira. It would become me, Pro. Poor Worm, thou art infected, This Visitation shews it. Mira. You look wearily. Fer. No, noble Mistress, 'tis fresh Morning with me, When you are by at Night. I do befeech you; What is your Name? Mira. Miranda. O my Father, I have broke your Hest to say so. Fer. Admir'd Miranda, Indeed the Top of Admiration, worth What's What's dearest to the World; full many a Lady Mira. I do not know One of my Sex; no Woman's Face remember, Fer. I am, in my Condition, A Prince, Miranda, I do think a King; This wooden Slavery, than to fuffer The Flesh-flie blow my Mouth. Hear my Soul speak; The very instant that I saw you, did My Heart fly to your Service, there resides To make me Slave to it, and for your fake Am I this patient Log-man. Mira. Do you love me! Fer. O Heav'n, O Earth, bear Witness to this Sound, And crown what I profess with kind Event, If I speak true; if hollowly, invert What best is boaded me, to Mischief; I, Do love, prize, honour you. Mira. I am a Fool To weep at what I am glad of. Da of Of two most rare Affections! Heav'ns rain Grace Fer. Wherefore weep you? Mira. At mine Unworthiness, that dare not offer What I defire to give, and much less take The bigger Bulk it shews. Hence bashful Cunning, Fer. My Mistress, dearest, And I thus humble ever. Mira. My Husband then? : Fer. Ay, with a Heart so willing As Bondage e'er of Freedom; here's my Hand. Mira. And mine, with my Heartin't; and now farewel 'Till half an Hour hence. Fer. A thousand, thousand. Pro. So glad of this as they I cannot be, Much Business appertaining. Enter Caliban, Stephano and Trinculo. [Exeunt. [Exit. Ste. Tell not me, when the Butt is out we will drink Water, not a Drop before; therefore bear up, and board 'em, Servant Monster; drink to me. Trin. Servant Monster! the Folly of this Island ! they fay there's but five upon this Ifle; we are three of them, if the other two be brain'd like us, the State totters. Ste. Drink, Servant Monster, when I bid thee; thy Eyes are a most set in thy Head. Trin. Where should they be fet elfe? he were a brave Monfter indeed if they were fet in his Tail. Ste My Mar-monster hath drown'd his Tongue in Sack; for my Part the Sea cannot drownme. I fwam, e'er I could recover recover the Shore, five and thirty Leagues, off and on; by this Light thou shalt be my Lieutenant, Monster, or my Standard. Trin. Your Lieutenant, if you lift, he's no Standard. Trin. Nor go neither; but you'll lye like Dogs, and yet say nothing neither. Ste. Moon-calf, speak once in thy Life, if thou beeft a good Moon-calf. Cal. How does thy Honour ? Let me lick thy Shooe; I'll not serve him, he is not valiant. Trin. Thou lieft, most ignorant Mor ster, I am in cafe to justle a Consteble; why, thou debosh'd Fish, thou, was there ever Man a Coward, that hath drunk so much Sack as I to Day? wilt thou tell me a monstrous Lie, being but half a Fish and half a Monster? Cal. Lo, how he mocks me: Wilt thou let him, my Lord? Trin. Lord, quoth be! that a Monster should be such a Natural! Cal. Lo, lo, again; bite him to Death, I prerhee. Ste. Trinculo, keep a good Tongue in your Head; if you prove a Mutineer, the next Tree the poor Monster's my Subject, and he shall not suffer Indignity. Cal. I thank my noble Lord. Will thou be pleas'd once again to harken to the Suit I made to thee? Ste. Marry will I ; kneel and repeat it, I will stand, and so shall Trinculo. Enter Ariel invisible. Cal. As I told thee before, I am Subject to a Tyrant, A Sorcerer, that by his Cunning hath cheated mer! Ari. Thou lieft. Cal. Thou lieft, thou jesting Monkey thou; I would my valiant Master would destroy thee; I do not lie. Ste. Trinculo, if you trouble him any more in's Tale, By this Hand, I will fupplant some of your Teeth. Trin. Why, I faid nothing. Ste. Mum then, and no more; proceed. Cal. I say by Sorcery he got this Ifl D3 From |