Imatges de pàgina

Long. Costard the Swain, and he shall be our Sport, And so to study, three Years is but short.

Enter Dull and Costard with a Letter:

Dull. Which is the Duke's own Person?
Biron. This, Fellow, what would'st ?

Dull. I my self reprehend his own Person, for I am his Grace's Tharborough: But I would fee his own Person in Flesh and Blood.

Biron. This is he.

Dull. Signior Arme, Arme commends you.

There's Villany abroad; this Letter will tell you more.
Coft. Sir, the Contemps thereof are as touching me.
King. A Letter from the magnificent Armado.

Biron. How low foever the Matter, I hope in God for

high Words.

Long. A high Hope for a low Heav'n; God grant us Pa tience.

Biron. To hear, or forbear hearing.

Long. To hear meekly, Sir, and to laugh moderately, or to forbear both.

Biron. Well Sir, be it as the Stile shall give us cause to climb in the Merriness.

Coft. The matter is to me Sir, as concerning Jaquenetta. The manner of it is, I was taken with the manner. Biron. In what manner?

Coft. In manner and form, following, Sir, all those three. I was seen with her in the Manor-house, sitting with her upon the Form, and taken following her into the Park; which put together, is in manner and form following. Now Sir, for the manner: Is the manner of a Man to speak to a Woman; for the form in some form.

Biron. For the following, Sir.

Coft. As it shall follow in my Correction, and God defend the right.

King. Will you hear this Letter with Attention ?

Biron. As we would hear an Oracle.

Coft. Such is the Simplicity of Man to hearken after the


King Great

Reat Deputy, the Welkin's Vicegerent, and fole Dominator of Navarre, my Soul's Earth's God, and Bo

dy's fostring Patron

Coft. Not a word of Coftard yet.

King. So it is

Coft. It may be so; but if he say it is so, he is in telling true: but so.

King. Peace,

Coft. Be to me, and every Man that dares not fight,
King. No Words,

Coft. Of other Mens Secrets I beseech you.

King. So it is, besieged with sable-coloured Melancholly, I did commend the black oppressing Humour to the most wholeSome Physick of thy health-giving Air; and as I am a Gentleman, betook my self to walk: The Time when? about the fixth Hour, when Beasts most graze, Birds best peck, and Men fit down to that Nourishment which is call'd Supper : So much for the Time when. Now for the Ground which : which I mean I walkt upon, it is ycleped, thy Park. Then for the Place where, where I mean I did incounter that obscene and most preposterous Event that draweth from my snow-white Pen the Eboncolour'd Ink, which here thou viewest, beholdest, surveyeft, or feest. But to the Place where : It standeth North North East and by East from the West-corner of thy curious knotted Garden. There did I see that low-spirited Swain, that base Minow of thy Mirth. (Cost. Me?) that unlettered small-knowing Soul, (Cost. Me?) that shallow Vassal, (Coft. Still me?) which as I remember, hight Costard, (Cost. O me.) forted and conforted contrary to thy established proclaimed Edict and continent Cannon: Which with, O with, but with this I pafssion to Say wherewith:

Coft. With a Wench.

King. With a Child of our Grandmother Eve, a Female; or, for thy more understading, a Woman; him, I (as my ever esteem'd Duty pricks me on) have sent to thee, to receive the meed of Punishment by thy sweet Grace's Officer, Anthony Dull, a Man of good repute, carriage, bearing and estimation Dul. Me, an't shall please you? I am Anthony Dull. King. For Jaquenetta (fo is the weaker Vessel called) which I apprehended with the aforesaid Swain, I keep her as a vessel of thy Laws fury, and shall at the least of thy sweet notice, notice, bring her to a Trial. Thine in all complements of de voted and heart-burning heat of Duty,

Don Adriana de Armado

Biron. This is not so well as I look'd for, but the best that ever I heard.

King. Ay the best for the worst. But Sirrah, What say you

to this?

Coft, Sir, I confefs the Wench,

King. Did you hear the Proclamation?

Coft. I do confess much of the hearing it, but little of the marking of it.

King. It was proclaim'd a Year's Imprisonment to be taken with a Wench.

Coft. I was taken with none, Sir, I was taken with a Damofel.

King. Well, it was proclaimed Damosel.

Coft. This was no Damosel neither, Sir, she was a Virgin. King. It is so varied too, for it was proclaim'd Virgin. Coft. If it were, I deny her Virginity: I was taken with a Maid.

King. This Maid will not serve your turn, Sir,
Cost. This Maid will ferve my turn, Sir.

King. Sir, I will pronounce Sentence; you shall faft

a Week with Bran and Water.

Cost. I had rather pray a Month with Mutton and Porridge.

King. And Don Armado shall be your Keeper.

My Lord Biron, see him deliver'd o'er,
And go we Lords to put in practice that
Which each to other hath so strongly sworn.


Biron. I'll lay my Head to any good Man's Hat; These Oaths and Laws will prove an idle Scorn. Sirrab, come on.

Coft. I fuffer for the Truth Sir: For true it is, I was taken with Jaquenetta, and Jaguenetta is a true Girl, and therefore welcome the four Cup of Profperity: Affliction may one Day smile again, and until then fit down




Enter Armado and Moth.

Arm. Boy, what Sign is it when a Man of great Spirit

grows Melancholy?

Moth. A great Sign, Sir, that he will look sad.

Arm. Why? Sadness is one and the self-fame thing, dear Imp.

Moth. No, no, O Lord Sir, no.

Arm. How canft thou part Sadness and Melancholy, my

tender Juvenal?

Moth. By a familiar Demonstration of the working, my tough Signior.

Arm. Why tough Signior? Why tough Signior? Moth. Why tender Juvenal? Why tender Juvenal? Arm. I spoke it tender Juvenal, as a congruent Epitheton, appertaining to thy young Days, which we may nominate tender.

Moth. And I tough Signior, as an appertinent Title to your old time, which we may name tough.

Arm. Pretty and apt.

Moth. How mean you, Sir, I pretty, and my Saying apt?

or I apt, and my Saying pretty?

Arm. Thou pretty, because little.

Moth Little pretty, because little; wherefore apt ?

Arm. And therefore apt, because quick.

Moth. Speak you this in my Praise, Master?

Arm. In thy condign Praife.

Moth. I will praise an Eel with the fame Praise.

Arm. What? that an Eel is ingenious.

Moth. That an Eel is quick.

Arm. I do say thou art quick in Answers. Thou hea t'st

my Blood.

Moth. I am answer'd, Sir.

Arm. I love not to be croft.

Moth. He speaks the clean contrary, crosses Love not him. Arm. I have promis'd tostudy three Years with the Duke.

Moth. You may do it in an hour, Sir.

Arm. Impossible.

Moth. How many is one thrice told?

Arm. I am ill at reckoning, it fits the spirit of a Tapster. Moth. You are a Gentleman and a Gamester.

Arm. I confefs both, they are both the varnish of a com

pleat Man.


Moth. Then I am fure you know how much the gross Sum of deuf-ace amounts to.

Arm. It doth amount to one more than two.
Moth. Which the base vulgar call three.

Arm. True.

Moth. Why, Sir, is this such a piece of Study? Now here's three studied e'er you'll thrice wink; and how easie it is to put Years to the Word three, and study three Years in two Words, the Dancing-horse will tell you.

Arm. A most fine Figure.

Moth. To prove you a Cypher.

Arm. I will hereupon confess I am in love; and as it is base for a Soldier to love, so am I in love with a base Wench. If drawing my Sword against the Humour of Affection, would deliver me from the reprobate thought of it, I take Defire Prisoner, and ransom him to any French Courtier for a new devis'd Courtesy. I think scorn to figh, methinks I should out-swear Cupid. Comfort me, Boy: What great Men have been in Love ? Moth. Hercules, Master.

Arm. Most sweet Hercules! More Authority, dear Moth. name more; and sweet my Child, let them be Men of good Repute and Carriage.

Moth. Sampson, Master, he was a Man of good Carriage, great Carriage; for he carried the Town Gates on his Back like a Porter, and he was in Love.

Arm. O well-knit Sampson, strong-jointed Sampson; I do excel thee in my Rapier, as much as thou didst me in carrying Gates. I am in Love too. Who was Sampson's Love, my dear Moth.

Moth. A Woman, Master.

Arm. Of what Complexion ?

Moth. Of all the four, or the three, or the two, or one of the four.

Arm. Tell me precisely of what Complexion?

Moth. Of the Sea-water Green, Sir.

Arm. Is that one of the four Complexions?

Moth. As I have read, Sir, and the best of them too. Arm. Green, indeed, is the Colour of Lovers; but to have a Love of that Colour, methinks Sampson had small Reafon for it. He furely affected her for her Wit.


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