Imatges de pàgina

procure her n marriage, that prudent widow "bowed herself on her face to the earth, and said, behold let thine hand-maid be a servant to wash the feet of the servants of my Lord," I Sam. xxv. 41. And what may our soul say, whenever it reflects that, having broke off the former marriage with Nabal, which was not a state of marriage, but of adultery, it is joined to the heavenly David in a marriage covenant that cannot be broken? 4. and lastly, Nothing can be more excellent than that inheritance, which in right of adoption, the sons of God obtain, and which is bequeathed to them by an irrevocable testament.

XXVIII. It will not be unprofitable to insist a little on this point, and having opened the testament of our father, to enquire what and how considerable the goods, and under what stipulations he bequeathed them to us. By the testament we mean, " the last and immutable will of God, recorded in the writings of the Holy Scripture, and ratified by the death and blood of Jesus, whereby he hath declared his chosen and believing people to be his heirs of the whole inheritance." I say the testament is the will of God, or that counsel of his will, Eph. i. 11. by which he has appointed both the heirs and the inheritance, and of which our Saviour was speaking, Luke xii. 32. εύδοκησεν ὁ πατηρ, it is your father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom: I add, it is the last and irrevocable will of the father; for as this is required to a valid Testament, Gal. iii. 15. so it is not deficient in this respect: "wherein God willing more abundantly to shew unto the heirs of promise the immutability of his counsel, confirmed it by an oath that by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation," Heb. vi. 17, 18. By this his will, he appointed or settled both the inheritance as well of grace as of glory, of which we shall speak just now; and also the heirs, not indefinitely, whosoever believes; but by name, this and the other persons, whose names are written in heaven, Luke Χ. 20. and graven upon the palms of God's hands, Isa. xlix. 16. This his will he has expressed in the sacred writings of both instruments, which for that reason, are also called Testament, 2 Cor. iii. 14. In fine, that nothing might be wanting, the whole is confirmed and sealed by the blood and death of the Lord Jesus Christ, Heb. ix. 16,


In order to understand this, we must observe, that God the father did, by testament, give and bequeath that honour to his son Jesus Christ, to be the head of the elect in glory, and have a right to bestow upon them all his goods: Psal. ii. 8. Jesus again, does by the power made over to him by the father

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father, dispose by testament of his goods to be communicated to the elect: " and I διατίθεμαι appoint by testament unto you a kingdom, as may father hath dusre appointed by testament unto me," Luke xxii. 29. So that this making of the testament is, indeed, originally from the father, yet immediately from Christ the mediator: who died, not to vacate or annul, by his death, the inheritance; for, he is alive for ever more, Rev. i. 18. but to seal the promises, and acquire for his people a right to the inheritance. Hence the blood which he shed, is called the blood of the testament, Zach. ix. 11. Mat. xxiv. 28.

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XXIX. The goods or blessings bequeathed by this testament, are of all others the most excellent; as became, The riches and liberal bounty of our heavenly father from whom we may expect so extraordinary goods or blessings, which neither eye hath seen nor ear heard, nor hath entered into the heart of man to conceive any like them, I Cor. ii. 9. Concerning this the Psalmist deservedly sings, O how great is thy goodness which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee; which thou hast wrought for them that trust in thee before the sons of men! Psal. xxxi. 19. 2dly, The glory of our elder brother, whose joint-heirs we are, Rom. viii. 17. and who glories in his heritage, Psal. xvi. 6. 3dly, As be. came that dignity, to which God hath raised us, having adopted us for his sons! for to them he gives great and precious promises, 2 Pet. i. 4. Did we minutely prosecute these points, we should write a large volume; at present we will reduce the whole to three principal heads.

XXX. The first is the possession of the whole world : for it was promised to Abraham and his seed that they should be heirs of the world, Rom. iv. 13. On which place let us hear the commentary of Ludovicus de Dieu: "as sin, by separating us from God, and subjecting us to his curse, banished and desinherited us, so that we have no spiritual right or dominion, as became Sons of God, over the meanest creature; so on the other hand, when God becomes our God, and we his blessed people we are restored as sons, to the right and dominion of all our paternal inheritance; and seeing there is nothing besides God and the world, we are made heirs of the world, both the earthly, the heavenly, the present, and the world to come." When God introduced Adam into the habitable earth, he constituted him Lord of the world, and gave him a right and claim to use the rest of the creatures for his own advantage, Gen. i. 28. But Adam, by his sin, lost that right; so that neither himself, nor any


of his posterity, while in a state of sin, have any true and spiritual right which can stand in the court of heaven, to touch any creature. But Christ has made a new purchase of it, for himself and his brethren. Psal. viii. 6. Whence Cor. iii. 21. all things are yours: and among these all things, the world is mentioned, ver. 22. and whatever is in it, things present and things to come. For, adds the Apostle, ver. 23: ye are Christ's.

XXXI. Now this possession of the world consists in these following things. Ist, That every Son of God does possess so much of the good things of this world, as the wisdom of his heavenly father has ordained, to be so sufficient for the support of his animal life, that his spiritual may suffer no detriment, and that he truly possess it in such a manner, as in the use and enjoyment thereof, he may taste the love of his father, bestowing that upon him, as an earnest of a far better good, and of his elder brother who became poor, that his people might be rich, 2 Cor. viii. 9. This love of God the father, and of Christ, when added to the least crumb of bread, or drop of cold water, makes these preferable, in the highest degree, to all the most exquisite dainties of the rich of this world: " a little that a righteous man hath, is better than the riches of many wicked," Psal. xxxvii. 16. 2dly, Thatall the creatures ought, to serve them as steps, by which to ascend to the creator. For in all of them they view, as in a bright mirror, his, adorable perfections, Psal. civ. 24. and in that meditation they exult, Psal. xcii. 4, 5. Above all, they perceive in them the love of God towards them. When they view the sun, the moon, the stars, they rejoice that their Father has lighted up so many tapers for them, at which they may work, what becomes the Sons of God: nor do they less admire this, than if every one had his own sun or his own moon, shining upon him. Neither do they exceed the bounds of decency, Psal. viii. 3, 4. when they think, that the world remains in its present state on their account, and that the wicked are indebted to them for this: for the holy seed is the substance (support) of the world, Isa. vi. 13. 3dly, That all the creatures, and the whole government of God about them, may work together for their good, Rom. viii. 28. This is so extensive, that both angels and devils are obliged to this service: as to angels are they not "ministring spirits, sent forth to minister for them, who shall be heirs of salvation;" Heb. i. 14. Psal. xxxiv. 7. and Psal. xci. 11. And with respect to that infernal spirit, the teacher of arrogance; was he not constrained, by his buffetings, in spite of himself, and acting from a different view, to teach Paul humility? 2 Cor. xii. 7. 4thly, If this world which is subjected to vanity because of sin, shall not suffice them; from its ashes, when perished, God is to form another; to make " a new heaven and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness," 2 Pet. iii. 13. There is none of these things, which may not be included in that general promise of the inheritance of the world.


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XXXII. The second good thing in this testament is spiritual kingdom; Iappoint unto you a kingdom," Luke xxii. 29. To which, even the most despicable of the children of God in other respects, even man-servants and maid-servants, are called; "hath not God chosen the poor of this world, rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom, which he hath promised to them that love him?" Jam. ii. 5. To this belong (1.) the excellency of the Sons of God, whereby they surpass all other men, Prov. xii. 26. (2.) Victory over sin, and the unruly lusts of the flesh, to which kings themselves and the most dreaded tyrants are subjects and inslaved, Rom. vi. 14, 18. (3.) The bruising of Satan under their feet, Rom. xvi. 20. (4.) Triumph over a whole conquered world, for notwithstanding its rage, they shall be for ever saved, I John v. 4, 5. (5.) Inestimable riches of spiritual gifts, Psal. xlv. 9. even in the midst of poverty, Rev. ii. 9. (6.) Holy peace of soul and joy in the Holy Ghost, Rom. xiv. 17. All these begin here in grace, and shall be consummated hereafter in glory.

XXXIII. The third benefit is GOD himself, Rom. viii. 17. Heirs of God: here is a mutual inheritance; believers are God's portion, and God is their portion, for these are made reciprocal, Jer. x. 16. " the portion of Jacob is the former of all things, and Israel is the rod (tribe) of his inheritance." In this possession of God, his children find, (1), Protection against every evil, Psal. xci. 2. " I will say of the Lord, he is my refuge and my fortress. Why? He is my God, in whom I will trust." See Psal. xxvii. 1, 2. Isa. xliii. 2, 3. (2.) Communication of every good, Psal. xxxvi. 7. For first, all that infinity of perfections, which are in God himself, will appear glorious and admirable in the children of God, and be enjoyed by them to compleat their consummate happiness. And what can the soul desire beyond that infinity? Psal. lxxiii. 25. Secondly, What will not God give those, to whom he gives himself? 1 Cor. iii. 22, 23.

XXXIV. There are no proper stipulations in this testament, if considered in its whole extent, together with all its promises; for it consists of absolute and mere promises, which depend on no condition, to be performed in our own strength. Yet divine providence hath so disposed every particular in it,


as to have a certain and wise order among themselves and the * practice of the former benefits, which are promised, is to pave the way for the possession of further blessings. We have at large treated of this, chap. i. sect. x. seq. of this book. To which I now add the words of Ames in his Coronis ad Collectionem Hagicusem, Art. V. chap. ii. "The whole of the disposition hath the nature of a testament, as considered simply, either in the whole or its parts; but if the benefits bequeathed are compared together, then one bears to the other the relation, as it were of a condition.


XXXV. In the same books therefore, in which the testament is contained, God commanded, that who ever would take comfort from the promised inheritance, should, Ist, Love, search into, meditate upon, and keep in his heart the writings exhibiting the testament, as no contemptible part of his inheritance, Deut. xxxii. 4; nay, esteem them beyond his necessary food, Job xxiii. 12. Deut. vi. 6. 2dly, Highly value, as it deserves, the promised inheritance. (1). That he hunger and thirst after it, and be satisfied with nothing short of it, Mat. v. 6. (2). Reckon all other things, in comparison thereof, as loss and dung, Phil. iii. 8. Most readily part with every thing, in order to procure this pearl of inestimable value, Mat. xiii. 46. (3). Glorify God for the greatness of his love, Ps. xxxi. 19. (4). Diligently keep, what he has received, Rev. ii 25. and iii. 1. 3dly, So walk, as becometh his condition, and the expectation of so great an inheritance, I Thess. ii. 12. 1 John iii. 3. 4thly, Be ready to impart to his brethren, what he has received from his father, both in temporals and spirituals, Rom. xii. 13. 1 Thess. ii. 8. And endeavour, that others also may be brought to enter on the same inheritance with himself, Acts xxvi. 29. For none suffers any loss for the numbers that partake with him: that he has rather an additional pleasure, his joy being greatly height. ened from the abundance of love.


Of the Spirit of Adoption.

I. HAVING thus explained the nature of Adoption, as far as our design required, we are now carefully to enquire, what the Spirit of Adoption is? and this is "the Holy Spirit, operating those things in the Elect, which are suitable to, and becoming the sons of God, who love God, and are beloved by him. II. This

* Faith, repentance, and the like, are blessings promised in this testament, and the practice or exercise of these makes way for the possession of the eternal kingdom.

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