Recreation, Volum 48National Recreation Association, 1955 |
Des de l'interior del llibre
Resultats 1 - 3 de 85.
Pàgina 107
e. The. Congress. Goes. To. Denver. T. E. Rivers y S PERSONNEL S r Public Recreation PERSONNE S y S L r : e. e never been to Denver , it is probably a city you've nted to ... Congress Goes to Denver Public Recreation in Denver T E Rivers.
e. The. Congress. Goes. To. Denver. T. E. Rivers y S PERSONNEL S r Public Recreation PERSONNE S y S L r : e. e never been to Denver , it is probably a city you've nted to ... Congress Goes to Denver Public Recreation in Denver T E Rivers.
Pàgina 209
PERSONNE EL We are happy to announce - An International Recreation Congress n e y S y S r e 1 t 3 ? S RECREATION for Families In its most meaningful , creative and. NCE AGAIN the recreation , play , and leisure - time forces of the world ...
PERSONNE EL We are happy to announce - An International Recreation Congress n e y S y S r e 1 t 3 ? S RECREATION for Families In its most meaningful , creative and. NCE AGAIN the recreation , play , and leisure - time forces of the world ...
Pàgina 475
... HOUSE WASHINGTON Dear Mr. Rivers : July 7 , 1955 Please convey my greetings to everyone attending the Thirty - seventh National Recreation Congress . I hope the deliberations of the delegates to this meeting will contribute to our ...
... HOUSE WASHINGTON Dear Mr. Rivers : July 7 , 1955 Please convey my greetings to everyone attending the Thirty - seventh National Recreation Congress . I hope the deliberations of the delegates to this meeting will contribute to our ...
MARCH 1955 | 100 |
Hobbies Develop the Executive | 110 |
The Case for Creative Arts in Recreation Grace Stanistreet | 117 |
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activities Administration adult education agencies American American Camping Association Athletic Avenue ball boys building camp cent child Christmas citizens Club College color committee Company construction cooperation cost Denver director Edgar Ansel Mowrer equipment facilities feet field film girls gram HILLERICH & BRADSBY hobby Hospital Illinois interest issue Larry Eisenberg leadership LOUISVILLE SLUGGER magazine meeting ment National Recreation Association operation organizations outdoor Parks and Recreation participation person personnel physical education planning play playground problems public recreation reation Recreation Commission Recreation Congress recreation department recreation education recreation leaders recreation program rink skating social Square Dance superintendent swimming pool synchronized swimming Table Tennis teachers teen-age Tennis tion tional West Eighth Street workers York 11 York City youngsters youth