Imatges de pàgina
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Now, to a man capable of reflecting on these marks of Divine government, the Almighty surely presents an object most worthy of unbounded veneration-a being whose mercies in all things are conspicuous, and who has an unqestionable title

worship and homage which he requires. But, alas! my brethern, while things observe their ordinary course, how seldom do we permit our thoughts to rise from them to the power by which they are conducted? Alas! alas! the beauty and benignity which our Father in heaven has spread around us in the world, where he has given us our situation, detain our attention on themselves, without suggesting the source from which they flow. Nay, that very order, that very regularity which is the effect of his present power and care, lulls our mind asleep, and renders us insensible to the workings of his hand. It is, in truth, only when the general order of events seems to be sensibly interrupted-it is only when the elements composing the world and the frame of divine government seem to jostle, as it were, against each other, it is only when the pillars that support the society of men are suddenly shaken or broken down-or when some public or personal misfortune crosses the path of life, that the thoughtless multitude—and, alas ! are we not all to be considered too much members of the thoughtless multitude— arise to reflection, and feel the presence of their God.

table to interpret particularly, and with series of arrangements, we can see the reference to individuals, the views of watchful providence of God rendering men divine judgment when affecting a multi- in their respective spheres, the instrutude. It is enough for us to know that ments of promoting the destined and these judgments, whatever be their kind, ultimate perfection of our race. whatever be their nature, or whatever their degree, are instruments of God's government of his moral and rational offspring, and that the inhabitants of the earth may learn from them lessons of righteousness. This is the view, you will remark, in which the text represents the to receive from his rational creatures the judgments of God to our consideration; and, therefore, in conformity with the pious purpose for which we are assembled this day, I shall endeavour to suggest, briefly, two of the righteous lessons which the judgments of God ought to teach us. In the first place, the judments of God, whatever their form, and whatever their degree may be, when they are contemplated by an enlightened and devout mind, are found powerfully to excite within it sentiments of warm piety and deep devotion toward that God from whom these judgments proceed. My friends, that God continues to govern the world which he has made, and that his rational subjects owe to him reverence and obedience, are truths which scarcely admit of doubt. God has impressed so visibly on all his works the signature of that unceasing care which he exercises for their preservation, that we have only to open our eyes on his works and behold it. When we look up to the heavens which his fingers have framed,-when we see the sun, and the moon, and the stars observing order and regularity in all their movements, we are at once convinced of the powerful superintendence and energy of their Creator;-and when we turn our view to this earth, we meet every where indica- My friends, there are various principles tions of a similar kind. It is by the in our constitution, by which the judg energies of his hand that all the things of ments of Heaven contribute to a salutary this world are maintained, each of them effect upon the minds of a thoughtless in their due season and proportion, and it world. Unexpected revolutions, either in is upon him they depend for the wonder- the natural or moral world, naturally ful maintenance of their condition. But arrest our attention. They demonstrate, above all, we can trace the watchful pro- in the most sensible manner, to our con vidence of God in the history of our race, sciences, our own weakness, and the in-we can trace the watchful providence competency of our powers, either to proof God communicating to man, at his first duce or control the changing events formation, the instincts and powers re- around us; and to every mind that is not quired for the new condition he was to totally enfeebled and darkened, through till, we can trace the watchful provi- corruption, such revolutions suggest with dence of God mingling men in society, irresistible force the notion of a powerful and adjusting their talents to the situation Supreme Ruler, they alarm our fears at his which each of them has been destined to displays, and awaken all those sentiments fill in it, and, through a most complicated (this is at least their natural tendency,



or ought to be their constant effect)- From these remarks, my friends, it will of humility and penitence, which form the appear that the divine judgments have as beginning of a pious and devout temper. their first and general purpose, whatever And I would especially call your attention their kind and form may be, to rouse the to this view of the case, that we learn attention of sinners to the proofs of divine from Scripture, that this is not only the government, and to recall them, before it be tendency of the divine judgments when too late, from their sleep of inconsideration, rightly improved, but often the very pur- and from the criminal practices of irreligion pose for which they were sent by the and vice. These purposes of the divine providence of God. The early record of judgments which we have affirmed in so Moses proclaims repeatedly, that strange many portions of Scripture, and which so punishments came upon the disobedient. heavily afflict our land, let us carefully And why? That the people may hear, improve. Let us remember, that, amid and feel, and do no more their iniquities. The plagues were sent upon Egypt that the Egyptians might know that God is the Lord. When Sennacherib was pur#suing his severe conquests, and wickedly railing against the God of Israel, an angel of the Lord slew in one night an hundred and fourscore and five thousand men! And why? It was, that all the kingdoms of the earth might know that he is the Lord God, even he alone! And the Psalmist in express terms asserts the general proposition, that God maketh himf self known by the judgments which he 1 exécuteth, and snareth the wicked in the work of his own hands.

the calamity that is committing its ravages among our brethren, all is the doing of the Lord; and considering that, let us then, with habitual and awful reverence, bow before him, and in submission to his will.

But, my brethren, the judgment which has, by the divine permission, visited our land, and which has this day brought us, professing humiliation, to the house of prayer-a judgment as appalling in its effects as it is novel in its circumstancesnot only powerfully impresses the general lesson of righteousness, which all the divine judgments are calculated to do, but with a fatal and a loud voice reminds us, in the second place, of this other peculiar If, then, my beloved Christian friends, lesson, the uncertainty of life, and the nethe judgments of God be both fitted and cessity and wisdom therefore of instant designed to awaken us to the ways of his preparation for a Christian death of peace providence, how should we labour to re- and hope. For, my friends, what judgment gard and improve them? Never let it be has ever taught so widely and so alarmforgotten that the prevalence of these ingly the truth, that we know not what a judgments is a means of moral reformation day or a night may bring forth?-What for which we are accountable. They are judgment has ever so terrified the land I chastisements which, after all gentler me- with the similitude of the Psalmist,— thods have failed, our gracious Father," thou turnest man to destruction, and de desirous of our reformation and eternal sayest, Return, ye children of men. Thou en safety, employs, and employs reluctantly, carriest them away as with a flood: they as the last efforts to recall us to the paths are as a sleep-in the morning they are of obedience. And if we return not-if like grass which groweth up. In the we still harden our hearts more and more, morning it flourisheth and groweth-in t what must be the consequence? You all the evening it is cut down and withereth." the know what must be the consequence. Yes, my brethren, how many are the This consequence may follow, and follow dwellings around us, where the inmates, almost certainly under the divine govern- healthy and light-hearted when the sun ament it will, that our wickedness must be arose, have, ere the sun descended, given avenged by signal calamity. The denun- the dust to dust, and their spirit to God? ciations made by the mouth of Isaiah must Oh! how alarming to unprepared and come: This "people turn not to him that sinful men is a fate like this? No time smiteth them, neither do they seek the is there for review-no time for repentIN Lord of hosts. Therefore the Lord will ance-no time for making assurance of cut off from Israel, head and tail, branch peace with God. Who prays not earnestly and rush, in one day; for through the wrath of the Lord of hosts is the land darkened, and the people shall be as the fuel of the fire: no man shall spare his brother,” (Isaiah ix. 13, 14, 19.)

at this moment for himself from a fate like this,-"O God of thy good mercy save and deliver me." O, my brethren, confine not your feelings to a brief momentary prayer. Let them have a permanent and practical

influence on your hearts and lives. The devoutness we lift our hearts to the throne disastrous inroads of the pestilential ma- of the Most High, but we must carefully lady into the bosom of our own city have add to our supplications the acceptable hitherto been, through the divine forbear- incense of penitent hearts and holy livesance in mercy, comparatively limited; for thus only, let us be assured, can our but who will say that our dwellings-who hope be on rational and safe grounds. will say that our persons are for the future What is the language of Britons here this secure? Signal benevolence has been day? If it has any meaning, it is that you manifested for averting the mischief by believe in the great truth of the constant the opulence among us. No labour of superintendence of God over human aflove has been spared; and as to the pro- fairs;-if it has any meaning, it is that he, fessional members of the healing art, they by the general tenor of his laws, manihave, by their conduct, most richly de- fests favour to the godly; but that he does, served the gratitude of their fellow-citi- and ever will, by the unchanging princizens, and have won for themselves indeli- ples of his government, reward the evil ble reputation. They have won it by the according to his iniquities. If the language fearless exposure of their own persons to of Britons has any meaning, it is that you the perils of infection in the discharge of are conscious of much evil-doing-that their hazardous duty, in their unwearied you deplore it in your own personal case; and watchful toils at the beds of the dis- and that you resolve to cease from doing eased and the dying. Ye opulent-ye it hereafter-that you resolve to be steadprofessional men, to whom I have now fast and immoveable, always abounding in alluded-let not the unfounded and insane the work of the Lord, which steadfastness prejudices, as I must term them, of some and immoveableness, and abounding in the ignorant and misguided individuals, damp work of the Lord, may justify your conyour ardour, or relax your efforts, in your fessions here, and procure your acceptance godlike work of well-doing. All that is in the day of final account. enlightened and generous, approve and applaud; and even the ignorant will eventually feel shame, as they ought, for their uncharitableness and folly, while it is yours to enjoy, above all the praises of men, the gracious approbation of your consciences, and your God.

Now, surely, never was there a louder call on Britons than there is this day, to adopt this language in the sanctuary, and in all their future conduct. Let all ranks among us, therefore, as the best preparation for stopping this calamity-as the best preparation for that death, which, if But still, again the startling question not this calamity, some other cause will recurs, under all that opulence and me- speedily bring upon us all-let men all dical labour and skill have contributed to repent and reform-let men of every rank ward off the evil from our gates, are our consult this Book of God, which explains houses, I ask again, are we ourselves for the so clearly, and which alone can explain, future, with entire certainty, secure from with authority, because it bears the the desolating disease, and that frightful stamp of divine religion-let all consult rapidity with which it hurries its victim this Book, and learn what the terms are to the grave? Never let it be forgotten on which God is willing to forgive the that opulence and medical skill are but sinner-what the terms are on which they secondary means and causes, and that their can receive the assurance in their minds efficiency depends on the influential co- of their being heirs of that salvation which operation and blessing of our heavenly the Redeemer came to accomplish. They Father. Let, then, our devout, sincere, will find, that there is only one way in and ardent aspirations-let the devout, which the sinner can hope for forgiveness. sincere, and ardent aspirations of every It was said to a person of high rank, that inhabitant of our city ascend to him-let there is no royal road to any particular us thrust our tears and supplications before the footstool of his throne, before the great Mediator, that he will be pleased still to be around us, and deliver us from our threatening dangers and troubles.

But, then, my people, let me impress on every conscience and heart, if we hope for success to our supplications, that it is not enough that in a momentary feeling of

science. So in the chair of Truth, the teacher of religion is called on to tell the people, that there is no privileged road to heaven-that there is no peculiar road by which the high may reach it to the exclusion of the poor-no peculiar road by which the poor may reach it to the exclu sion of the high,-"Strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto

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