Imatges de pàgina

Vote on Ways and Means.

a Schoo'-houfe; and that, as the voluntary Contributions did
not equally and regularly answer the conftant Expences, the
Trustees in feveral Places have been obliged to reduce the
Number of their Children, and in others the Schools had been
entirely laid down, for want of Means to fupport them; and
reprefenting to the Houfe the great Ufcfulnets of thofe Schools;
and alledging, that, during the Continuance thereof, the Pe-
titioners have placed out upwards of 17,000 Children, within
the faid Bills of Mortality, to Apprentiships in the lower
Trades, and to menial Services, whereof about one Half had
been put out to fuch Services, befides near 400 bound to the
Sea-Service; and therefore praying the Houfe to except the
faid Charity Schools out of the faid Bill, or to grant them
fuch other Relief as to the Houfe fhould feem meet.
Petition was likewife ordered to lie upon the Table.


The fame Day, the Report from the Committee upon the faid Bill was received, and the Amendments, with Amendments to one of them, all agreed to; after which, the Bill, with Amendments, was ordered to be ingroffed; and on the 15th, the Bill was read a third Time, and a Motion made for its being paffed, which occafioned fome Debate; but upon the Question being put, it was upon a Divifion carried in the Affirmative, by 176 to 72; and Mr. G.bbon was ordered to carry the Bill to the Lords, and defire their Con


The 30th of April, the Houfe refolv'd itself into a Committee of the whole foufe, to confider further of Ways and Means for railing the Supply granted to his Majelly, when they came to the following Refolution, which was on the 3d of May reported and agreed to by the House, and a Bill was ordered to be brought in upon the fame, viz.

That the feveral Additional Stamp-Duties granted by an A&t pafled in the 12th Year of his late Majefty's Reign, entitled, An Act for the Relief of the Suitors of the High Court of Chancery, should be continued from the 2d Day of Auguft 1742, to the 2d Day of Auguft 1746, in order to raie the Sum of 11,485. 45. 5d. to make Satisfaction to Humphrey Bell, (the furviving Affignee of the Estate and Effects of William Ellens and Edmund Farrington, against whom a Commiffion of Bankruptcy was iffued) Suitor in the Court of Chancery in 1726, for fo much of his Debt and Demand in that Year due from John Bennet, Efq; one of the Mafters of the faid Court, and then remaining unfatisfy'd.

With this Refolution the Committee of Ways and Means concluded; and the Bill order'd in upon this latt Refolution, was accordingly brought in, and pafied into a Law.


On the 5th of May, his Majefty came to the Houfe of Royal Affent Peers, and gave the Royal Affent to the fix following pub- given to levelic Bills.

An Act for laying a Duty upon the Retailers of Spirituous. Liquors, and for licenfing the Retailers thereof.

An A&t for exhibiting a Bill in this prefent Parliament for naturalizing her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales. An Act for reviving and continuing the Acts therein mention'd and for explaining and amending a Claufe in an Act made in the first Year of the Reign of his late Majefly King George I. (entitled, An Act for making the Laws for repairing the Highways more effectual) relating to the appointing Scavengers in Cities and Market Towns, and the ordering the Affefsments for the repairing and cleanfing the Streets


An Act for indemnifying Perfons, who have omitted to qualify themselves for Offices within the Time limited by` Law, and for allowing further Time for that Purpose; and for amending fo much of an Act paffed in the fecond Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, as requires Perfons to qualify themfelves for Offices before the End of the next Term or Quarter Seffions; and alfo for enlarging the Time limited by Law for making and fubfcribing the Declaration againit Tranfubftantiation; and for allowing further Time for Enrolment of Deeds and Wills made by Papifts; and for Relief of Proteftant Purchafers, Devifees, and Leffees.

An Act for more equal paying and better collecting certain fmall Sums for Relief of Shipwrecked Mariners and diftreffed Perfons, his Majefty's Subjects in the Ports of Cadiz and Port St. Mary's, in the Kingdom of Spain, and for other Ules ufually contributed to by the Merchants trading to the faid Ports.

An Act for the better enlightning of the Streets of the
City of London.

And to 37 private Bills.

And on Thursday the 20th of May, his Majefty came to the House of Peers, and gave the Royal Affent to the ten following public Bills, viz.

An A&t for enabling his Majefty to borrow any Sum or Sams of Money, not exceeding 600,000l. to be charged upon the Surpluffes, Exceffes, or Overplus Money, commonly called the Sinking Fund, redeemable by Parliament; and for the further Difpofition of the faid Fund, by paying off 1,000,000l. of South-Sea Annuities, and for appropriating the Supplies granted in this Seffion of Parliament.

An Act for continuing, for the Purposes therein mentioned, the additional Duties upon ftamped Vellum, Parchment, and Paper,

ral Bills.

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Paper, laid by an Aft paffed in the 12th Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George I.

An A&t for naturalizing her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales.

An Act for indemnifying Perfons, who have been guilty of Offences against the Laws made for fecuring the Revenues of Cuftoms and Excife; and for enforcing thofe Laws for the future.

An Act to prevent the Lifting his Majefty's Subjects to ferve as Soldiers without his Majesty's Licence.

An Act to restrain the Difpofition of Lands, whereby the fame become unalienable.

An Act to explain and amend fo much of an A&t made in the 2d Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, entitled, An A& for the more effectual preventing Bribery and Corruption in the Elections of Members to ferve in Parliament, as relates to the commencing and carrying on of Profecutions grounded upon the faid Act.

An A&t for further encouraging and regulating the Manufacture of British Sail-cloth; and for the more effectual lecuring the Duties now payable on foreign Sail-cloth imported into this Kingdom.

An Act to render the Law more effectual for preventing the Importation of fresh Fish, taken by Foreigners; and to explain fo much of an Act made in the 13th and 14th Years of the Reign of King Charles II. as relates to Ships exporting Fish to the Mediterranean Sea; and for the better Prefervation of the Fry of Lobsters on the Coafts of Scotland.

An Act for building a Bridge cross the River Thames, from the New Palace Yard in the City of Westminster to the oppofite Shore in the County of Surry.

And to ten private Bills.

For the King's Speech See page 237.


In the SECOND SESSION of the .

nd Parliament of King GEORGE II.


N the 15th of January the King came to the Houfe Anno 9. Geo. H. of Peers; and the Commons attending, his Majefty

open'd the Seffion with the following Speech to both

My Lords and Gentlemen,


HE happy Turn which the Affairs of Europe have The King's Speech evidently taken fince the End of last Parliament, at opening the Se

t, I am perfuaded, give you all, as it does Me, the ateft Satisfaction.

acquainted you then that a Plan of Pacification, coned between Me and the States General of the United vinces, had been proposed to the Parties engaged in r, which had not the Effect to prevent the Opening of Campaign: The Armies took the Field, and the r was carried on in some Parts, in such a Manner as give very juft Apprehenfions, that it would unavoidabecome general, from an abfolute Neceffity of prefervthat Balance of Power, on which the Safety and nmerce of the Maritime Powers fo much depend. This Confideration determined Me to perfevere jointly the States, in repeating Our most earnest Inftances to contending Parties to agree to an Armistice, and to er into a Negotiation for obtaining a general Peace, n the Bafis of the Plan we had then propofed to them. Whilft Affairs continued in this State of Deliberation, Heat and Fury of the War abated; and the Emperor the moft Chriftian King, in Confequence of their reced Profeffions of a fincere Difpofition to put an End he War by an honourable and folid Peace, concerted agreed upon certain preliminary Articles to anfwer moft defireable End. An Armistice is fince agreed by all the Parties engaged in the War; and the conting Powers, in Regard to the good Offices employed Me and the States, have communicated to Us, by r respective Ministers the Preliminaries; defiring Our currence for effectuating a general Pacification upon Terms thereby ftipulated.

t appearing upon due Examination, that these Ares do not effentially vary from the Plan proposed by and the States, nor contain any Thing prejudicial to Equilibrium of Europe, or to the Rights and Interests

66 of

cond Section.

Anno 9. Geo. II. 1735-36.

"of Our respective Subjects, We thought fit, in purfuance "of Our conftant Purpose to contribute our utmost to"wards a Pacification, to declare, by a joint Resolution, "to the Courts of Vienna and France, Our Approbation of "the faid Preliminaries, and Our Readiness to concur in a Treaty to be made for bringing them to Perfection.


"Thefe Preliminaries have been likewife communicated "to the Kings of Spain and of Sardinia; and altho' those "Princes have not as yet, in Form, declared their final "Refolutions upon them, there is great Reason to believe "that the Love of Peace, their avowed Difpofitions for "putting an End to the Troubles of Europe, and the ami"cable Interpofition of common Friends, will prevail upon "them to agree to what has been thus concerted, upon rea"fonable Security given them, for the peaceable Poffeffion "and Enjoyment of the Countries allotted to them.

"In thefe Circumftances, My firft Care was to ease the "Burthens of My People, as foon and as far as Prudence, "in the prefent Pofture of Affairs, would permit. I have "therefore ordered a confiderable Reduction to be made of "My Forces, both by Sea and Land: And if the Influence "of the Crown of Great Britain, and the Respect due to "this Nation, have had any Share in compofing the prefent "Troubles in Europe, or preventing new ones, I am per"fuaded you will be of Opinion, that it will be neceffary "to continue fome extraordinary Expence, until there be a more perfect Reconciliation among the feveral Powers "of Europe."

Gentlemen of the Houfe of Commons,

"I have ordered the proper Officers to lay before you "the Eftimates for the Service of the current Year; and I "make no doubt, but My Defires to make the Charge of "the Publick as low as poffible, will find in you the fame Readiness to grant the neceffary Supplies with Chear"fulness and Unanimity."

My Lords and Gentlemen,

"I am willing to hope, this pleafing Profpect of Peace "Abroad will greatly contribute to Peace and good Har


mony at Home. Let that Example of Temper and Mo"deration, which has fo happily calmed the Spirits of con"tending Princes, banish from among you all inteftine Dis"cord and Diffenfion. Those who truly with the Peace "and Profperity of their Country, can never have a more "favourable Opportunity than now offers, of diftinguishing "themfelves, by declaring their Satisfaction in the Progress already made towards reforing the Publick Tranquility, "and in promoting what is fill neceffry to bring it to "Perfection."

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