Imatges de pàgina

STOTOR, a heavy blow, a settler.-Old Cant.

STOW, to leave off, or have done; "sTow it, the gorger's leary," leave off. the person is looking.—See STASH, with which it is synonymous.— Ancient Cant.

STOW FAKING! leave off there, be quiet! FAKING implying anything that may be going on.

STRAP, a barber.

STRAW. Married ladies are said to be "IN THE STRAW" at their accouchements. The phrase is a coarse allusion to farm-yard animals in a similar condition.

STRAWING, selling straws in the streets, (generally for a penny,) and

giving the purchaser a paper (indecent or political) or a gold (!) ring,neither of which, the patterer states, he is allowed by Act of Parlia ment to sell.

STREAK, to decamp, run away.-Saxon. In America the phrase is "to make STREAKS," or make TRACKS."

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STREAKY, irritated, ill-tempered.

STREET-PITCHERS, negro minstrels, ballad singers, long-song men, men "working a board" on which have been painted various exciting scenes in some terrible drama, the details of which the STREET-PITCHER is bawling out, and selling in a little book or broadsheet (price one penny;) or any persons who make a stand in the streets, and sell articles for their living.

STRETCH, a walk.—University.
STRETCHER, a falsehood.

STRETCHER, a contrivance with handles, used by the police to carry off persons who are violent or drunk.

STRETCHER-FENCER, one who sells braces.

"STRIKE ME LUCKY!" an expression used by the lower orders when making a bargain, derived from the old custom of striking hands together, leaving in that of the seller a LUCK PENNY as an earnest that the bargain is concluded. In Ireland, at cattle markets, &c., a penny, or other small coin, is always given by the buyer to the seller to ratify the bargain.-Hudibras. Anciently this was called a GOD'S PENNY. "With that he cast him a God's penny."-Heir of Linne.

The origin of the phrase being lost sight of, like that of many others, it is often corrupted now-a-days into STRIKE ME SILLY.

STRETCH, abbreviation of " STRETCH one's neck," to hang, be executed as a malefactor.-Bulwer's Paul Clifford.

STRETCH, twelve months, generally used to intimate the time any one has been sentenced by the judge or magistrate. ONE STRETCH is to be imprisoned twelve months, TWO STRETCH is two years, THREE STRETCH is three years, and so on.


"STRIKE A JIGGER," to pick a lock, or break open a door.

STRILLS, cheating lies.-North Country Cant.

STROKE, a companion in a rowing boat who times his oar with yours.— University.

"He [the man who rows] looks round at a wine-party to see if his 'STROKE' be present, and, descrying him not, cannot see how a few glasses of wine, and a plate or so of ice, can possibly interfere with his training."-Hints to Freshmen, 1847.

STROMMEL, straw. -Ancient Cant. Halliwell says that in Norfolk STRUMMEL is a name for hair.

STRONG, "to come it STRONG."-See COME.

STUCK, moneyless.-See STICK.

STUCK-UP, "purse-proud"- -a form of snobbishness very common in those who have risen in the world. Mr Albert Smith has written some amusing papers on the Natural History of STUCK-UP People. STUFF, money.

STUFF, to make false but plausible statements, to praise ironically, to make game of a person,-literally, to STUFF or CRAM him with gammon or falsehood.

STUMP, to go on foot.

STUMPED, bowled out, done for, bankrupt, poverty-stricken.-Cricketing


STUMPS, legs, or feet.

STUMPY, money.

STUMP UP, to give one's share, to pay the reckoning, to bring forth the

money reluctantly.

STUN, to astonish.

STUNNER, a first-rate person or article.

STUNNERS, feelings of great astonishment; "it put the STUNNERS ON me," i.e., it confounded me.

STUNNING, first-rate, very good. "STUNNING pears," shouts the coster, "only eight a penny."-Vide Athenæum, 26th March 1859. Sometimes amplified to STUNNING JOE BANKS! when the expression is supposed to be in its most intense form. JOE BANKS was a noted character in the last generation. He was the proprietor of a publichouse in Dyott Street, Seven Dials, and afterwards, on the demolition of the Rookery, of another in Cranbourne Alley. His houses became well-known from their being the resort of the worst characters, at the same time that the strictest decorum was always maintained in them. JOE BANKS also acquired a remarkable notoriety by acting as a medium betwixt thieves and their victims. Upon the proper payment to Joe, a watch or a snuff-box would at any time be restored to its lawful owner- 66 no questions in any case being asked.' The most daring depredators in London placed the fullest confidence in Joe, and it is believed (although the Biographie Universelle is quiet upon this point) that he never, in any instance, "sold" them. He was of the middle height, stout, and strongly made, and was always noted for a STRIP-BUSH, a fellow who steals clothes put out to dry after washing.

showy pin, and a remarkably STUNNING neck-tie. It was this peculiarity in the costume of Mr Banks, coupled with those true and tried qualities as a friend, for which, as I have just remarked, he was famous, that led his customers to proclaim him as STUNNING JOE BANKS! The Marquis of Douro, Colonel Chatterley, and men of their stamp, were accustomed to resort to a private room at his house, when too late or too early to gain admittance to the clubs or more aristocratic establishments.

SUB, a subaltern officer in the army.

SUB, all.-Anglo-Indian.


SUCK, a parasite, flatterer of the "nobs.”—University.
SUCK, to pump, or draw information from a person.
SUCK-CASA, a public-house.-Lingua Franca.

"SUCK THE MONKEY," to rob a cask of liquor by inserting a straw through a gimlet hole, and sucking a portion of the contents. Captain Marryatt, however, describes this as rum inserted into cocoa nuts, in place of the milk, for the private use of the sailors. See TAP-THE


SUCK UP, "to SUCK UP to a person," to insinuate one's-self into his good graces.

SUDDEN DEATH, the first toss in a bet, to be decided by SKYING a copper.

SUFFERER, a tailor; the loser at any game.

SUGAR, money.

SUICIDE, four horses driven in a line.-See HARUM-SCARUM.

SUIT, a watch and seals.

SULKY, a one-horse chaise, having only room for one person.
SUMSY, an action of assumpsit.—Legal Slang.

"SUN IN THE EYES," to have too much drink.-Dickens.
SUP, abbreviation of "supernumerary."-Theatrical.
SURAT, an adulterated article of inferior quality. This word affords a
remarkable instance of the manner in which Šlang phrases are coined.
In the report of an action for libel in the Times, May 8, 1863, it is
stated "that, since the American civil war, it has been not unusual for
manufacturers to mix American cotton with Surat, and, the latter
being an inferior article, the people in Lancashire have begun to apply
the term SURAT to any article of inferior or adulterated quality. The
plaintiffs were brewers, and the action was brought to recover special
damages resulting from the publication of an advertisement in these
"STUNNED ON SKILLY," to be sent to prison and compelled to eat SKILLY,


STURABAN, a prison. Gipsy, DISTARABIN.

SUPER, a watch; SUPER-SCREWING, stealing watches.

words: All in want of beerhouses must beware of Beaumont & White, the SURAT brewers.""

SURF, an actor who frequently pursues another calling.-Theatrical.

SWAB, an epaulet.-Sea.

SWACK-UP, a falsehood.

SWADDLER, a Wesleyan Methodist; a name originally given to members of that body by the Irish mob; said to have originated with an ignorant Romanist, to whom the words of the English Bible were a novelty, and who, hearing one of John Wesley's preachers mention the swaddling clothes of the Holy Infant, in a sermon on Christmas-day at Dublin, shouted out in derision, "A SWADDLER! a SWADDLER!" as if the whole story were the preacher's invention.-Southey's Life of Wesley, vol. ii., p. 109.

SWADDY, or COOLIE, a soldier. The former was originally applied to a discharged soldier, and perhaps came from SHODDY, which is made from soldiers' and worn-out policemen's coats.-See that term.

SWAG, a lot or plenty of anything, a portion or division of property. In
Australia the term is used for the luggage carried by diggers. Scotch,
SWEG, or SWACK; German, SWEIG, a flock. Old Cant for a shop.
SWAG-SHOP, a warehouse where "Brummagem" and general wares are
sold, fancy trinkets, plated goods, &c.
Jews are the general pro-
prietors, and the goods are very low-priced, trashy, and showy. SWAG-
SHOPS were formerly plunder depôts.-Old Cant.

SWANKEY, cheap beer.-West.

SWAP, to exchange. Grose says it is Irish Cant, but the term is now included in most dictionaries as an allowed vulgarism.

SWATCHEL-COVE, the master of a Punch-and-Judy exhibition who "fakes the slum," and does the necessary squeak for the amusement of the bystanders.-See SCHWASSLE BOX. The orthography of many of these colloquial expressions differs. It was thought best to give the various renderings as collected.

SWEAT, to extract money from a person, to "bleed." Also, to squander riches.-Bulwer.

SWEATER, common term for a "cutting" or "grinding" employer,-one who SWEATS his work-people.

SWEEP, a contemptuous term for a low or shabby man.

SWEET, loving or fond; "how SWEET he was upon the moll," i.e., what marked attention he paid the girl.

SWEETENER, a person who runs up the prices of articles at an auction. -See JOLLYING, BONNET, &c.

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SWELL, a man of importance; a person with a showy, jaunty exterior, 'a rank SWELL," a very "flashy" dressed person, a man who by excessive dress apes a higher position than he actually occupies. SWAG, booty, or plundered property; "collar the SWAG," seize the booty. SWAGSMAN, one who carries the booty after a burglary.

Anything is said to be SWELL or SWELLISH that looks showy, or is many coloured, or is of a desirable quality. Dickens and Wilkie Collins are termed great SWELLS in literature; so indeed are the first persons in the learned professions.

SWELL-FENCER, a street salesman of needles.

"SWELL HUNG IN CHAINS," said of a showy man in the habit of wearing much jewellery.

SWELL STREET, the West end of London.

SWIG, a hearty drink.

SWIG, to drink. Saxon, SWIGAN.

SWILL, to drink. SWILL, hog-wash.—Norfolk.

SWINDLER, although a recognised word in standard dictionaries, com. menced service as a Slang term. It was used as such by the poor Londoners against the German Jews who set up in London about the year 1762, also by our soldiers in the German war about that time. SCHWINDEL, in German, signifies to cheat.

SWING, to be hanged; "if you don't accede to my desires, I'll SWING for you," i.e., take your life-a common threat in low neighbourhoods. SWINGING, large, huge.

SWIPES, sour or small beer. SWIPE, to drink.-Sea.

SWIPEY, (from SWIPES,) intoxicated.

SWISH, to flog, derived no doubt from the sound.

SWISHED, or SWITCHED, married.

SWIVEL-EYE, a squint.

SWIZZLE, small beer, drink.

SWOT, mathematics; also a mathematician; as a verb, to work hard for an examination, to be diligent in one's studies.-Army.

This word originated at the great Slang manufactory for the army, the Royal Military College, Sandhurst, in the broad Scotch pronunciation of Dr Wallace, one of the Professors, of the word sweat.-See Notes and Queries, vol. i., p. 369.

SYCE, a groom.-Anglo-Indian.

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"to suit to a T," to fit to a nicety.-Old. Perhaps from the T-square of carpenters, by which the accuracy of work is tested.

TABOOED, forbidden. This word, now very common, is derived from a custom of the South-Sea Islanders, first noticed in "Cook's Voyages." TACK, a taste foreign to what was intended; a barrel may get a TACK upon it, either permanently mouldy, sour, or otherwise. TACKLE, clothes.-Sea. Also to encounter a person in argument.

SWIM, a good SWIM," a good run of luck, a long time out of the police man's clutches.-Thieves' term. A correspondent says this is really a piscatorial term-"a good SWIM" is a good pitch for a part where fish are plentiful. Thus one who is in luck, or doing a good business, is said to be in a good SWIM.

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