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" Slaves cannot breathe in England ; if their lungs Receive our air, that moment they are free ; They touch our country, and their shackles fall. "
The Panoplist, Or, the Christian's Armory - Pągina 382
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Poems, Volum 1

William Cowper - 1786 - 756 pągines
...ferried o'er the wave • That parts us, are emancipate and loos'd. Slaves cannot breathe in England ; if their lungs Receive our air, that moment they are free, They touch our country and their fhackles fall. That's noble, and befpeaks a nation proud And jealous of the blefling. Spread it then,...
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The New annual register, or General repository of history, politics, and ...

1786 - 828 pągines
...ferried o'er the wave, That parts us, arc emancipate and loos'd. Slaves cannot breathe in England ; if their lungs Receive our air, that moment they are free, They touch our country, and their fliackles fall. That's noble, and befpeaks a nation proud And jealous of the bleffing. Spread it then,...
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Poems, Volum 2

William Cowper - 1787 - 346 pągines
...once ferried o'er the wave That parts us, are emancipate and loos'd. Slaves cannot breathe in England; if their lungs Receive our air, that moment they are free, They touch our country and their fhackles fall. That's noble, andbefpeaksa nation proud And jealous of the bleffing. Spread it then,...
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The Task: A Poem. In Six Books. To which is Added, Tirocinium: Or, A Review ...

William Cowper - 1787 - 230 pągines
...the wave That parts us, are emancipate and loos'd. Slaves cannot breathe in England; if their lungt Receive our air, that moment they are free, They touch our country and their fhackles fall. That's noble, and befpeaks a nation proud And jealous of the bleffing. Spread it then,...
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Poems, Volum 2

William Cowper - 1788 - 376 pągines
...once ferried o'er the wave That part us, are emancipate and loos'd. Slaves cannot breathe in England; if their lungs Receive our air, that moment they are free, They touch our country and their fhackles fall. That's noble, and. befpeaks a nation proud And jealous of the bleffing. Spread it then,...
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Poems: By William Cowper, ... In Two Volumes. ...

William Cowper - 1790 - 300 pągines
...us, are emancipate and loos'd. Slaves cannot breathe in England ; if their lungs THE TIME-PIECE. 35 Receive our air, that moment they are free, They touch our country and their fhackles fall. That's noble, and befpeaks a nation proud And jealous of the bleffing. Spread it then,...
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Poems: By William Cowper, of the Inner Temple Esq. In Two Volumes ...

William Cowper - 1793 - 384 pągines
...once ferried o'er the wave That parts us, are emancipate and loos'd. Slaves cannot breathe in England; if their lungS Receive our air, that moment they are free; They touch our country, and their fhackles falL That's noble, and befpeaks a nation proud And jealous of the blefiing. Spread it then,...
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Poems: By William Cowper, ... In Two Volumes. ...

William Cowper - 1795 - 410 pągines
...once ferried o'er the wave That parts us, are emancipate and loos'd. Slaves cannot breathe in England; if their lungs Receive our air, that moment they are free; They touch our country, and their fhackles fait That's noble, and befpeaks a nation proud And jealous of the bleffing. Spread it then,...
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The Bee: A Selection of Poetry

1796 - 218 pągines
...parts us, are emancipate and loos'c.. Slaves cannot breathe in England, if their lungs Receive the air, that moment they are free, They touch our country, and their fhakles fait That's noble, and befpeaks a nation proud And jc;il:ins of the blefling. Spread it then,...
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Medical Extracts: On the Nature of Health, with Practical ..., Volum 4

1797 - 332 pągines
...ferried o'er the wave that parts us, are emancipate and loos'd. Slaves cannot breathe in LNGLAND ; if their lungs receive our air, that moment they are free ; — they touch our country, and their fhackles fall. That's noble, and bcfpcaks a nation proud and jealous of the blefiing. Spread it then,...
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