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to see and serve you; and their tongues do, thanks for those gracious expressions,*] "That upon all occasions, express it, and in so doing his majesty would ever find both parliament they are (according to the nature of Parlia- and people to be full of loyalty and obedience ments) the true representative of the whole unto his majesty; as his majesty was of grace nation; for they but do that in a more con- and goodness towards them." [And then he tracted and regular way, which the generality went on with his Speech relating to those of the people of the land, from one end of it Orders and Proceedings of parliament; and to the other, do in a more confused and disor- said,] "These are some testimonies of their derly manner, yet as heartily and as affection- | love and affection unto your majesty, such as ately, all degrees, and ages, and sexes, high and can as yet be expressed by them, which are low, rich and poor (as I may say) men, women, but as a picture in little, of a great and large and children, join in sending up this prayer to Heaven, God bless king Charles! long live * "The King was at this time thirty years 'king Charles! So as our English air is not of age, and, as might have been supposed, past susceptible of any other sound, and echoes out the levities of youth and the extravagance of nothing else; our bells, bonfires, peals of ord-pleasure. He had a very good understandnance, vollies of shot, the shouts and acclama-ing. He knew well the affairs of state tions of the people, bear no other moral, have both at home and abroad. He had a softness no other signification but to triumph, in the of temper that charmed all who came near him, triumphs of our king in the hearts of his peo- till they found how little they could depend on ple. Your majesty cannot imagine nor cau good looks, kind words, and fair promises; in any man conceive it but he who was pre- which he was liberal to excess, because he insent to see and hear it, with what joy, what tended nothing by them but to get rid of imchearfulness, what lettings out of the soul, portunities and to silence all farther pressing what expressions of transported minds, a stu- upon him. He seemed to have no sense of pendous concourse of people attended the Pro- Religion: both at prayers and sacrament he, claiming of your majesty, in your cities of Lon- as it were, took care to satisfy people, that don and Westminster, to be our most potent, he was in no sort concerned in that about mighty, and undoubted king: the oldest man which he was employed. So that he was very living never saw the like before, nor is it pro- far from being an hypocrite, unless his assisting bable, scarce possible, that he who hath longest at those performances was a sort of hypocrisy, to live will ever see the like again, especially (as no doubt it was :) but he was sure not to (and God forbid he should) upon such an occaencrease that by any the least appearance of sion, for we wish and heartily pray that your Religion. He said once to myself, he was no majesty may be the last of men of the gene- atheist, but he could not think God would ration now in being, who shall leave his place make a man miserable only for taking a little to a successor.-We have here the Procla- pleasure out of the way. He said often, he mation itself to present unto your majesty and thought government was a much safer and the Order of the two houses enjoining it to be easier thing where the authority was believed proclaimed throughout England, Ireland, and infallible, and the faith and submission of the your dominions of Wales; and, likewise, their people was implicit about which I had once Orders for all Ministers in their public Prayers much discourse with him. He was affable and to pray for your majesty, and for the illustrious easy, and loved to be made so by all about. Prince the duke of York your majesty's brother, him. The great art of keeping him long, was and for the rest of the royal progeny; and the being easy, and the making every thing another Order of theirs for taking down every easy to him. He had made such observations where the assumed Arms of the late pretended on the French government, that he thought a Commonwealth, and setting up the arms of king who might be checked, or have his miyour majesty in their stead."-[Here he ten-nisters called to account by a parliament, was dered the Proclamation and the several Orders unto his majesty, offered to read them, but then said, he thought that his majesty had already received them from the Lords, and that, therefore, it would be but a trouble to his majesty to hear them again. To which his majesty answering, that he had received them, was pleased further to enlarge himself in some discourse to this effect; expressing his sense of the miseries which his people had suffered under those unlawful governors which had ruled over them, and of his gladness for their returning unto him, with those good affections, which they now shewed towards him; adding, that he had always made it his study, and ever would, to make them as happy as himself; which was the sum and substance of what his majesty said,-To which was replied, with humble

but a king in name. He had a great compass of knowledge, though he was never capable of much application or study. He understood the mechanics and physic; and was a good chymist, and much set on several preparations of mercury, chiefly the fixing it. He understood navigation well; but, above all, he knew the architecture of ships so perfectly, that in that respect he was exact rather more than became a prince. His apprehension was quick, and his memory good. He was an everlasting talker. He told his stories with a good grace; but they came in his way too often. He hated business, and could not be easily brought to mind any: but when it was necessary, and he was set to it, he would stay as long as his ministers had work for him." Burnet, vol. 1. p. 93.

body, which far exceeds in its true and natural dimensions, the whole compass of a small piece of cloth, on which, notwithstanding, it is drawn and represented to the life.-And may it please your majesty to give us leave to say, that as the affection, so your subjects expectations of you are high, and their longings after you great and vehement. And both expectations and longings have increased by the long | time that your majesty hath been kept from them.-Hope deferred makes the heart sick; and the sickness still augments till the thing hoped for be obtained.-Yon who are the light of their eyes, and the breath of their nostrils, their delight and all their hope, to have been so long banished from them into a strange land, it is no wonder that the news of your return should put a new life into them: what then will it be when their eyes shall be blessed with the sight of your royal person? And, therefore, are we commanded humbly to acquaint your majesty with the earnest desire of both houses for your speedy return unto your parliament, and the exercise of your Kingly Office; and that, in order to it, they have given directions to general Montagu, one of the generals at sea, and to the other officers at sea, to observe such commands, as your majesty shall please to give them for the disposal of the Fleet and we have it in our Instructions further to beseech your majesty to let your parliament know when, and where, your majesty purposeth to take shipping, and where to land; and after your coming on shore, whether to come all the way to London by Land, or by water from Gravesend; and which of your houses your majesty intends to make use of at your coming to London; that, accordingly, provision may be made for your majesty's reception: for then, and, not till then, will be the completing of your subjects rejoicing.--True it is (as your majesty was pleased just now to touch upon it) that, in your absence, other lords have had dominion over them, have reigned and ruled over their bodies, and estates; but their better part, their hearts and minds and souls were free, and did abhor such rulers, and still continued faithful and loyal to your majesty, their rightful lord and sovereign; and with you, and under you, they now expect to re-enter into the possession of their antient Rights and Privileges, to enjoy again their laws, and liberties: and, which is above all, their religion in purity, and truth; of all which those lords (who called themselves so, and made themselves so, that is, to be so called, but in truth were not so, for they were nothing less) those kind of lords, I say, had so long deprived them. This is our expectation from your majesty, and we are more than confident, we shall not be deceived in it, but that your majesty will answer and go beyond all that can be expected from you: a king of so many vows, and of so many prayers, cannot but crown the desires of his people. Sir, to tell you what men think, and say, and wish, and even are assured of in relation to your majesty and the happiness which your

government will produce, would seem a description of the Golden Age, that poets fancy. Truly we dare not undertake it, in your majesty's presence, lest we should be thought to flatter, and should offend the sacred modesty of your ears, and of your princely mind. Though it would all be but a real truth; yet looking like that, which you do not like, we fear you would dislike it for the look's sake; great princes will not be flattered, but really and truly served, and we desire to serve your majesty in your own way.-Your majesty hath been pleased to declare your royal intentions unto your parliament, in your gracious Letters to either house, and the two houses have seve rally given unto your majesty a faithful account of that grateful sense, wherewith they have received them, and of their humble submission unto and compliance with, all your majesty's desires, which by their Letters, in answer unto your majesty's, they make bold to signify. That from the house of peers hath been already presented, and we who are before your majesty, are intrasted by the house of commons with the delivery of theirs; an honour not more conferred upon us beyond our deservings, than embraced and received by us, with an excess of joy, and with all due respect, which is the errand upon which we are now come. That Letter and the Proclamation and the several Orders, together with ourselves, our lives and fortunes, and the vows and services of those who sent us, we do with all humbleness lay at your majesty's feet, lifting up our hearts and hands to the God of heaven, for your majesty's long and happy reign over us, and speedy return unto us."

This day, the commons voted the sum of 5000l. for the duke of York, and the same sum to the duke of Gloucester, for their present supply and accommodation; but afterwards, that of the duke of York's was made 10,000l.

Necessaries to be provided for the King's Household.] Mr. Annesley reported, from the Committee appointed to consider of the Manner of the King's Return and Reception, and of Preparations requisite to those ends, three Lists of Things necessary to be provided for his majesty's Service, viz.

I. Things necessary to be provided for his Majesty's Service, and his Brothers, the Dukes of York and Gloucester. "A rich Bed, to be of velvet, either embroidered with gold or laced, and lined with cloth of silver or sattin, as shall be best approved of; with a high chair of state, two high stools, one foot-stool, and two cushions, all suitable to the bed. Two great quilts or mattresses of sattin, suitable to the lining of the bed. Two thick fustian quilts, to lie under the sattin quilts; one down bolster, one pair of fustian blankets, and one pair of Spanish blankets. One close-stool suitable to the bed. Six pair of Holland sheets, having 24 ells of Holland in a pair, at 10, 11, or 12s. the ell. Two beds more for the king's majesty, to be removing beds, either of scarlet cloth or of

and a choice noise of trumpets. Singleton's Music."

Resolved, That this house doth agree with the Committee, that the Particulars, contained in the three Lists now presented, be forthwith provided and furnished for the Service and Accommodation of his majesty. Ordered, That it be referred to the Council of State, to cause the same to be provided and furnished accordingly; and that they are impowered to charge any part of the public revenue, for raising of monies to pay for the same.

velvet, all lined with sattin; and all neces saries to each bed as to the former bed, except sheets. And for the present, two beds, of the like goodness, to be made for the duke of York and the duke of Gloucester, with all particulars as the others, and 6 pair of sheets for each of the duke's beds. For the present 20 large pallet beds, with bolsters, 20 large tapestry | counterpains, 20 pair of good large blankets, 40 pair of good Holland sheets, of 18 ells in each pair, being of Holland of 3s. 6d. per ell for those beds. 20 good double yellow ground carpets, of Turkey making, and 6 hides, 6 cart canvasses. There must be provided also tenterLooks, hammers, tacks, and such like necessaries for the wardrobe. For Table Linen for his majesty, 12 damask table-cloths for his majesty's own table, as many towels, and 6 napkins for every table cloth. The like for eachCourt of Justice, erected by an Act of the duke, if they eat asunder; but if they eat together, half the proportion. For other diets for the great lords, though table linen was allowed them, yet they used their own linen. Inferior diets had Holland or flaxen table-cloths, but no napkins. A rich Coach also, the inside crimson velvet, richly laced and fringed; Liveries for two coachmen and two postillions suitable. The footmen should have liveries and coats suitable.

An Act of General Pardon, Indemnity, and Oblivion, was this day read a 2nd time in the house, and some Votes in the Journal of Dec. 12, 1650, concerning the Trial of the late king, were also read, as also a record, intituled, A 'Journal of the Proceedings of the High

Commons of England, for the trying and judging of Charles Stuart, King of England,' was read. After which, divers members of the house, then present, who were named commissioners in the said Act, stood up in their places, and did severally express how far they were concerned in the said proceedings, and their sense thereupon.

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Mr. Lenthall severely reprimanded by the Speaker.] One Mr. Lenthall, a member of II. A Particular of what is at present ne- the house, happening to speak in the debate cessary to be provided for his Majes-on the Bill of Indemnity, said, He that drew ty's Service, humbly offered to the couhis sword against the King committed as high sideration of this Honourable Board. an offence as he that cut off the King's Head.' "Two Coaches, the one for travelling, the Exception was taken at these words, and Mr. other to be a rich one. Two sets of coach Lenthall was ordered to the bar; when the horses. Liveries for 2 coachmen, 2 postillions, Speaker, by order of the house, gave him the 6 grooms, and 10 footmen. Two rich saddles following Reprimand: "Mr. Lenthall, The for the great horse: 6 pad-saddles: 4 sumpter- house hath taken very great offence at some horses and cloaths to them. 2 horses for the words you have let fall, upon debate of this great saddle. Provisions of all sorts to be business of the Bill of Indemnity; which, in laid into the Mews against his majesty's comthe judgment of this house, hath as high a reflection on the justice and proceedings ing. of the lords and commons, in the last par

III. "A Memorial of Flags, &c. for the liament, in their actings before 1648, as



A Standard,

A Jack,

An Ensign

could be expressed. They apprehend there is much of poison in the words, and that Silk, they were spoken out of design to set this house on fire; they tending to render them that drew the sword to bring delinquents to condign punishment, and to vindicate their A rich Barge, of the same Dimension as this we have, of 33 feet, just liberties, into balance with them that cut

A Suit of Pendants

Waist Clothes,



with a Standard.




A Suit of good Kersey
Waist Clothes.

In most of the Frigates there will need the
King's Arms, either carved or in painted cloth.
Carvers, painters, and a glazier, for every flag
ship will be necessary. The general's cabbin
to be new glazed with square glass. Ward-
robe men and upholsterers to be brought down.
Mr. Kennersley will be very useful to confer
with about what is necessary herein. Beal's
Galley, and a Standard. Beale and Simpson,

*The celebrated Andrew Marvell, who was a member of the Convention Parliament, alludes to these resolutions in the following

lines :

"Of a tall stature, and of sable hue,
Much like the son of Kish, that lofty Jew;
Twelve years compleat he suffer'd in exile,
And kept his father's asses all the while.
At length, by wonderful impulse of fate,
The people call him home to help the state:
And what is more, they send him money too,
And cloath him all, from head to foot, anew:
Nor did he such small favours then disdain,
Who in his thirtieth year began his reign:"

Marvell's Works, vol. iii. p. 330.

off the king's head; of which act they express their abhorrence and detestation, appealing to God, and their conscience hearing them witness, that they had no thoughts against his person, much less against his life. Therefore I am commanded to let you know, That had these words fallen out at any other time but in this parliament, or at any time in this parliament but when they had considerations of mercy, pardon, and indemnity, you might have expected a sharper and severer sentence than I am now to pronounce: but the disposition of his majesty is to mercy; he hath invited his people to accept it, and it is the disposition of the body of this house to be healers of breaches, and to hold forth mercy to men of all conditions, so far as may stand with justice, and the justification of themselves before God and man. I am therefore commanded to let you know, that that being their disposition, and the present subject of this day's debate being mercy, you shall therefore taste of mercy; yet I am to give you a sharp reprehension; and I do as sharply and severely as I can (for so I am commanded) reprehend you for it."

May 14. The house of commons began at this time to question the Regicides, and an Order was made, That all those persons, who sat in Judgment upon the late King's majesty, when the Sentence was pronounced for his condemnation, should be forthwith secured: also that Mr. John Cooke, Andrew Broughton, John Phelpes, and Edward Dendy; those two persons who were employed for the Execution of his majesty, and one Matthew, who boasted that he was an instrument in the said Execution, and had a reward of 3001, for it: likewise Cornet Joice, who seized upon the person of his late majesty at Holmby, should be all secured.-A List of the Names of those who sat in Judgment on the late King, was ordered to be delivered to the serjeant at arms attending this house; and all officers both civil and military, were required to be assistants to the serjeant, or his deputies, in securing those persons, or such others as are named above. The house being informed that Mr. John Cooke was in custody in Ireland, they ordered him to be sent over hither with all speed. Resolved, on the question, That the number of seven, of those who sat in the Judgment, when Sentence was given upon the late King, shall be excepted, for life and estate, out of the Act for General Pardon and Oblivion. The commons ordered secretary Thurloe to be secured by the serjeant at arms, on a charge of High Treason exhibited against him; and appointed a committee to take his Examination that afternoon.

Ordered, "That sir Henry Mildmay, Mr. Cornelius Holland, and Mr. Nicholas Love, do attend the Committee for the King's Reception; to give an account what was become of the crowns, robes, sceptres, and jewels, be

*See vol. iii. p. 589.


longing to his majesty; and that such other robes, or sceptres, as have been provided at the public charge, be forthwith brought to the said committee, by such persons as have them in their custody." It is probable these Regalia were not easily found: for the commons, this day, appointed Thomas Langhorn, citizen and skinner, of London, to provide new Robes of Ermines for his majesty; and alderman Vy ner to provide a crown and sceptre, the estimate of which amounted to about 900/. To which the lords also agreed.

The commons next resumed the debate upon the Bill for a General Pardon, Indemnity, and Oblivion: and, after some time spent therein, it was resolved, "That John Bradshaw, deceased, late serjeant at law, Oliver Cromwell, deceased, Henry Ireton, deceased, and Thomas Pride, deceased, be some of those who shall be attainted, by act of parliament, for the Murder of the late king's majesty: and that their attainders shall take place from the 1st of Jan. 1648."

The late King's Statue, now at Charing Cross, discovered.] May 16. The lords were informed, that the earl of Portland had lately discovered where a Brass Horse, with his late majesty's Figure upon it, was hid; which, in justice, the earl supposes belongs to him; and there being no courts of justice now open, wherein he can sue for it, doth humbly desire the lords to order it to be removed from the place where it now is; not defaced nor otherways disposed of, till the title be determined at law to whom it belongs. The lords ordered accordingly. This was the famous Statue since set up at Charing-Cross.

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open any doors and locks for the more effectual execution of this service. Also, that the Records, Books, Papers, and other writings, relating to the public, in the hands of Mr. John Phelpes, be forthwith secured by Mr. Prynne and col. Bowyer, members of this house, and such as have been removed and secured, in whose bands soever they may be found. An Order was made likewise, That all the Books and Papers belonging to the Library of the abp. of Canterbury, and now, or lately, in the hands of Hugh Peters, be forthwith secured.

Charge on the Revenue by the Council ofState.] Mr. Annesley, lord president of the Council of State, reported, from them, a Particular of the Summs of Money charged by Order and Warrants of the Council of State upon the several Treasuries therein named, from Feb. 25th, 1659, to May 15th, 1660, which was as follows: A PARTICULAR of the Sums of Money, charged by Orders and Warrants from the Council of State, upon the several Treasuries after-named, from Feb. 25, 1659, to May 15, 1660, viz.

Charged on the Receipt of the public Ex

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1. s. d. 20,000 0 0

19,006 8 10


[blocks in formation]

For Mr. Martin Noell, to enable him to strike a tally, for so much paid by him, on Orders of the former Council of State, to Gen. Montagu, and for the Commissioners Plenipotentiaries of this Commonwealth at the Sound

- -7,252 6 2

For Alderman Tho. Vyner and Ald. Christ. Packe, treasurers for the Collection-Money for Piedmont and Poland, for so much ordered from them by the late parliament, into the Exche

quer, none of which is paid - 7,978 8 9 And for so much deposited in the Exchequer, of clipp'd Brass Money, part of the said Collection-Money

For the earl and countess of Nottingham, on Pensions from his late majesty, and confirmed by Parliament, viz.

475 19 10

To the said earl, all unpaid- 300 0 0 To the said countess, all un


For the Gentleman Porter,

Warders, and Gunners at the

Tower, for two quarters ended

200 0 0

March 25, 1660, no part paid 1,160 44

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For Bills of Exchange from public Ministers abroad` For Repair of Garrisons


To lady Inchequin, not paid To Ann Hopkins, not paid To col. Stretter, to pay off Gun

For the Arners, &c. not pd To It. col. Peppar, for Fire and Candle at Bury St. Edmond's To sir J. Grenville, by so much borrow'd of Mr. Forth

By Order of the present Parliament,

To gen. Edw. Montagu, not paid

So the Total charged on the Council's Contingencies is,

By Warrants charged on Mr.


1,901 17 3

710 0 0

1,438 15 0

1,132 0 4

1,650 10 3

1,700 0 0 800 0 0

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19,065 10 11

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1,000 0 0

12,865 0 0

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