Imatges de pàgina

"Principios de Cirugia así en la Prác tica como en la Teórica; compuestos por D. RAMONDO FERNANDEZ," &c. Rudiments of Surgery, both Theoretical and Practical, by D. R. Fernandez, &c. &c.

"Trat do Médico-Chirurgico de las Enfermedades de las Vias de la Orina, en el que fe manifieftan los mas bellos V mas modernos defcubrimientos: por D. JUAN NUVAL, medico de familia de S. M. 2 tomos en so." A Medico-Chirurgical Treatife on the Infirmitics of the Urinary Paffages, wherein are explained the finest and most recent Difcoveries; by D. Juan Nuval, Phyfician to the Royal Family, &c. 2 vols. Svo. The author gives a full and fatisfactory account of all the remedies which have hitherto been difcovered for the ufe of fuch difcafes as affect the urinary paffages.


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"Sumario de la Hiftoria Eclefiaftica en Verfo heroyco, por el P. ISLA, hafta la mitad del siglo paffado, a adida hafta 1780, y de la Particular de Efpaa del mifmo Autor," &c. A Synopfis of the Ecclefiaftical History in heroic verfe, by Father Ifla, up to the middle of laft Century, and from that time down to the year 1-80, with the particular Ecclefiaftical Hiftory of Spain by the fame author, &c.

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Compendio Cronológico de la Hiftoria y Estado actual de Ruffia, en que fe da Conocimiento de aquel Imperio," &c. un tomo en 4to. A chronological Sunnnary or Abridgment of the History and prefent State of Ruffia, in which an Account is given of that Empire, &c. I vol. 4to, This work is divided into two parts, the first of which contains a brief expofition of the hiftory of Ruffia from the ninth century down to our prefent time, and the fecond a defcription of the prefent ftate of that vaft empire from accounts which the author collected during his refidence in the Ruffian dominions. In this fecond part he delineates the national character and manners of the Ruffians, their religion, government, political and military conftitution, the fate of the fciences and

arts, of the public finances, and trade, both active and paffive, and points out the articles which Spain may draw from Ruffia and export to that country.

"Diccionario Histórico Portátil de las Ordenes Religiofas y Militares, y de las Congregaciones Regulares y Seculares. que han exiftido en varias Partes d Mundo," &c. A Hiftorical Pocket Dictionary of the Religious and MilitaryOrders, and of the Congregations, both Ecclefiaf tical and Secular, which have exifted in the different parts of the globe, &c.

“Historia del Antiquiffimo Santuario de nueftra Señora de Valvanera en la Provincia de la Rioja; Hallazgo de la Imágen de Maria Santiffima en los Montes Difter cios, y fu Culto y Veneracion in la Orden. de S. Benito, compuesta y ordenada de las Memorias, que fe confervan en el Archivo del Santuario: un tomo en 8vo." Hiftory of the most antient Sanctuary of our Lady of Valvanera, in the Province of Rioja, of the manner in which the Image of the Moft Holy Mary was found in the Diftercios Mountains, and the Worship and Veneration paid to it by the order of St. Benedict, compofed and arranged after the Memoirs, which are preserved in the A chives of the Sanctuary, 1 vol. 8vo. The title of this extraordinary compo fition, which is publifhed at the expence of the convent of Valvanera, and fold in the veftry of that convent, we have given at full length for the information of our readers, and more they will probably not expect


"La Lógica, á el Orden natural de Raciocínio: primer Tomo de los Opufculos de D. SIMON. DE VI GAS," &c. Logic, or the natural Order of Reafoning, being the firft Volume of the Works of D. Simon de Viegas, &c.

"Auales de Hiftoria Natural, Núm.2","/ &c. Annals of Natural History, Number the fecond, &c. This number contains the genera Goudenia, Scævola, Tectaria. and Cleandra; a difcourfe on the different combinations of carbonic acid in the mine. ral kingdom; a defcription and analyfis of the menilibrum of Klaproth; an account of the difcovery of two new fub. ftances in the mineral kingdom; an extra of a letter from Baron Humboldt to Baron de Fonck; an account of the phas phoric ftone of Eftremadura and the faltpetre of Madrid; the natural history of the domeftic pigeons of Spain, and efpec ally of thofe of Valencia,


POLITICAL ECONOMY. "Memoria elemental fobre los nuevo Pefos y Medidas Decimales fundados en Ja Naturaleza, por D. GABRIEL CISCAR, Capitan de la Real Armada, Miembro de la Comition de Pefos y Medidas del Inftituto Nacional de Francia por parte de S. M. Católica." An Elementary Memoir on the New Weights, and Decimal Meafures, founded in Nature, by Dr G.Cifcar, Capt. of the Royal Navy, and Member of the Committee of Weights and Mcafures of the National Inftitute of France on the part of his Catholic Majefty. The celebrated author of this matterly compofition, who is one of the ableft officers of the Spanith navy, and ranks among the moft profound mathematicians of our age, explains the chief imperfections of the units of the weights and meafures which have hitherto been in ute, fhows the advantages of the new metric fyftem, deduced from nature, and illuftrates that fyftem, fubftituing a Spanish nomenclature in the room of the Græco-Latin adopted by the French. He then proceeds to expofe the reafons why the extenfion of the quadrant of the terreftrial meridian has been laid down as the balis of natural meafures, and not the length of the pendulum, which vibrates feconds; and terminates with fhowing the relation between natural units and thofe of lines, weights and meatures ufed in Spain.

Efpiritu de Maquiavelo, efto es, Reflexiones de D. Antonio Eximeno fobre el Elogio de Nicolas Maquiavelo, dicho en la Academia Florentina por el Sr. JUAN BAUTISTA BALDELIO, afo de 1794," &c. &c. The Spirit of Machiavel, that 1s, Remarks on the Eulogy of Nicholas, Machiavel, pronounced by Baptift Baldelio in the year 1794, before the Society of Flerence, by Anthony Eximeno. &c. The author has prefaced his remarks on the eulogy under confideration, by a historical difcourfe, in which he confiders the fyftem of Machiavel relatively to the political conjectures of Lis time; and has added two diCertations, one in defence of the Chrif tian religion, which Machiavel accufes of having rooted out all military valor among the nations by which it is profeffed, and the other on the verfion of Ariftoteles, which St. Thomas made ufe of to comment on the treatife on politics.

"Reflexiones económico-politicas de D. Francifco de Paula del Rey, Abogado de los Reales Centejas y de los Tribunales de Caftilla y de Navarra fobre los Capitulos 7y 38 del Libro 2 de la Obra intituJada Ciencia de la Legiilacion, efcrita en


Itali, ano por Filangieri y traducido por D. FAYE RUBIO, un tomo en 10" Econs mico-political Reflections on the 7th and 38th chapters of the 2d book of the Work entitled The Science of Legiflation, written in the Italian language by Filangier, and tranflated into Spanish by D. J. Rubio. MATHEMATICS.

"Tratado completo de Aritmetica { Metodo para aprender á contar por Prin cipios; por D. JUAN GERARD, Prefbtero Ex-Catedrático de Matematicas an Paris." A complete Treatife on Arithmutic, or Elementary Method of studying the Science of Numbers, by Dr. John Gerard, Prefbyter and late Profeffor of Mathematics in Paris. This ufeful com pendium of arithmetic, written in a plan and luminous ftyle, is divided into three parts, the first of which contains the rules of addition, fubtraction, &c.; the second, the rules of fractions and compound numbers; and the third, the rule of three fimple and compound, that of intereft, &c. The author has added a table of most of the current coins of the principal states of Europe, and their relative value, compared with that of the Spanish coins.



"Difcurfo fobre las Variaciones de la Literatura in las principales Naciones de Europa: un tomo, en 8°." A Difcourfe on the Revolutions of Literature among the principal Nations of Europe; one vol. 8vo. A brief sketch of the various viciffitudes, which literature has expetienced in the principal countries of Europe, fince the first dawn of the sciences and arts down to our prefent time,


"Pocfias de D. FRANCISCO SAFZ DE PARAYUELO," &c. Poems by Dn. Francis Sacz de Paravuelo &c. one volume in 8vo. Thefe pocas do infinite credit to the inventive powers and correctness of the tate of the author, whofe imagination is rich without morbid luxuriancy, and his diction elegant without affe&tation.

"Pocfias de M. GONZALEZ, de la Orden de St. Aguftin, un tomo en 8°, que contiene todas las Obras fueltas de efte grande ingenio. Poems by Mr. Gonzalez of the order of St. Auguftine, one volume 8vo. which contains all the fugitive compofi tions of that eminent genius. By the unanimous opinion of the most enlightened literati of Spain, Gonzalez holds a diftinguished rank among the modern Spanih poets. He was brother to the cele prated ecclefiaftic, Luis de Leon, whoan be


equals in erudition, and perhaps furpaffes in the force and richness of poetical powers. "Poemas Chriftianos, en que fe exponen con Sencillez las Verdades mas importantes de la Religion, por el Autor del Evangelio en Triunfo, publicados por un Amigo del Autor," &c. Chriftian Poems, in which the most important Religious Truths are explained in a fimple and eafy method, by the Author of the Gofpel Triumphant; published by a Friend of the Author, &c,


of Sculpture, Painting and Architecture, and alfo for the Improvement of the Tafte and Judgment of Connoiffeurs and Friends of Drawing; one vol. 8vo.

Tratado de Hilar, Devinar, Doblar y Torcer las Sedas, fegun el Método de Vaucanfon, por D. LAPAYESE; con una Differtacion fobre la Ventaja de dicho Método refpecto del antiguo; por el D. D. FRANCISCO ORTELLO Y GOMBAU, Prefbitero: publicado para que fe propague la Perfeccion de la Hilaza de la Seda, en Beneficio de las Fábricas Nacio

2 tomos en 80. Fables in Verse by Dn.nales, conforme á las Reales Intenciones." J. A. Ibuñez de la Renteria.

"Salmos de David, traducidos ó parafrafeados en Verfo Caftellano en varios Metros, dedicados al Rey, N. S. Obra póftuma de D. PEDRO ANTONIO PEREZ DE CASTRO", &c. The Pfalms of David, tranflated or paraphrafed in Spanish Verfe in various metres; dedicated to his Catholic Majefty: a pofthumous work of D. P. A. Perez de Caftro, &c.

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ARTS AND MANUFACTURES. Stenografia, ó Arte de Efcribir Abreviado &c. &c. por D. FRANCISCO DE PAULA-MARTI." Stenography, or the Art of Short-hand Writing, &c. &c by D. F. de Paula-Marti. This is profeffor Taylor's fyftem of fhort-hand writing, which was introduced in France by Cit. Bertin and has now been adapted by our author to the Spanish tongue.

"Cartilla de Principios de Dibuxo fegun los mejores Originales, que tiene en fus Salas de Eftudio la Real Academia de las Tres Nobles Artes de Madrid: por D. JOSEPH LOPEZ DE ENGUINADOS &c. Quaderno 5 The Elements of Drawing illuftrated by the beft Originals, in the poffeffion of the Royal Academy of the Three Noble Arts of Madrid, by Dr. J. Lopez de Engvinados &c. Number the Fifth. The prefent number of this interefting collection, the editor of which is profeffor of the art of painting, and member of the above Royal Academy, contains fix heads, copied from thofe which the late celebrated Raphael Mengs drew in Rome after the defigns of Raphael, engraved by Cunego.

"Converfaciones fobre la Efcultura: Compendio histórico, teórico y practico, para la mayor Ilustracion de los Jóvenes dedicados á las Bellas Artes de Efcultura, Pintura y Arquitectura, y para Luz de los Aficionodos y Demos individuos del Dibuxo: un tomo en 8°." Lectures on Sculpture, being a hiftorical, theoretical and practical Synopfis for the better Inftruction of Youth deftined for the Fine Arts

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A Treatise on the Spinning, Winding Doubling and Throwing of Silk, according to Vaucanfon's Method, by D. Lapayefe; with a Differtation on the Advantages of the faid Method, compared with the antient, by D. F. Ortello y Gombau, prefbyter; pub lifhed with a view of extending the Perfection of the fpinning of Silk, for the benefit of the National Manufactories, in conformity with the Intentions of his Majefty. The above Lapayefe eftablished this method by order of his Catholic Majefty, and under his royal protection, in Vinalefa, in the vicinity of Valencia, in favor of thofe country people who wish to learn and follow it, on account of the great advantages attending this method, in point of the quality of the filk, as well as with regard to the faving of labor. The inftruction is given at the expence of the King, and the ncceffary implements and tools are alfo diftributed gratis.


"Vida de Gonzalo Fernandez de Aguilas y Córdoba, lamado el Gran Capitan, par D. IGNACIO LOPEZ DE AYALA: un tomito en 8" The Life of G. F. de Aguilas y Córdoba, called the Great Captain, by Don J. Lopez de Ayala; a fmall vol. in svo.

"Vida Histórica de S. Fernando el III. Rey de Caftilla y Leon, Protector de la Real Brigada de Carabineros; efcrita por D. ALONSO NUNEZ DE CASTRO, &C. un tomo en 4°." Hiftorical Memoirs of the Life of St. Ferdinand III. King of Caftile and Leon, Protector of the Royal Brigade of Carabineers, written by Don Alonzo Nunez de Castro, &c.

AGRICULTURE AND HUSBANDRY. "Obfervaciones Prácticas fobre el Ca cahnete ó Mani de America : fu' Produce" cion en España, Bondad del Fruto y fus varios Ufos, particularmente para la Extraction de Aceyte; modo de cultivarle y bencficiarle para Bien de la Nacion: por D. FRANCISCO TAVARES DE ULLOA, Canonigo Prebendado de Valencia," &c.


Practical Obfervations on the Groundnut, or American Earth-nut, (Arachis hypogæa, Brown.); on its Production in Spain, and Goodness of this Fruit; on the various Purposes to which it may be applied, especially on its Ufe for the Extraction of Oil; on the Method of culti waring and Improving it for the Benefit of the Nation; by D. Francis Tavares de Ullon, Prebendary of Valencia. The American earth-nuts grow wild in the fouthern parts of America and Afia; Great quantities of them are confumed by the Negroes, and many Europeans confider then as exquisite dainties. The author of the pamphlet before us endeavours to fhow the beneficial results likely to arife from an extenfive culture of this plant in Spain, and has in our opinion very ably acquitted himself of his task.

"Tres Difcurfos de Economia Politica y Rural fobre la Organizacion de la Sociedad Cantábrica y fus Imprefas de Prados Artificiales y Cria de la Seda; por el Da. D. JOSEPH FERNANDEZ VALLEJO," &c &c. Three Politico-economical and Agricultural Difcourfes on the Organization of the Society of Cabuerniga, and its Endeavours to introduce artificial Meadows and improve the Management and Production of Silk, by the Rev. J. F. Vallejo," &c. The author of this performance, who is curate of Ijas, in the diocefe of Santander, and member of the Society, whofe Organization he describes, has done juftice to the meritorious exertions of the Society for Improving artificial Meadows, and increafing, not only the Production of Silk, but alfo its value, by a more careful Management of the Silk-worms.

Cartilla Rústica, ó Prontuario para Inftruccion de Labradores, Hortelanos, Jardineros y Dueños de Cafas de Campo; c. con Reflexiones para defpreocupar á la Gente del Campo de algunas Vulgaridades y Superfticiones harto arraigadas," & The Agricultural Almanack, or Promptuary for the Inftruction of Hulbandmen, Farmers, Gardeners, and Proprietors of Country-Seats, &r with Obfervations, tending to root out fome vulgar Prejudices and fuperftitious Opinions, which prevail among the Country People. This is a well-meant and well-executed attempt to enlighten the country people and farmers in Spain, to whom the author points out in a clear and luminous ftyle what they have to do, and what to omit, for rendering their fields and other grounds under culture, as productive as the nature of the foil will admit.


Syftema Botanicum Linnæano-anomalifticum five de Ano napis Plantarum que in Syftemate Linnæo obfervantur; auctore VINCENTIO ALPHONSO LORE TE," &c. The Anomalistic Linnæan Syftem, being a Treatife on the Anomalies of Plants obfervable in the System of Linnæus. The learned author of this ufeful compofition, who is professor of botany in Valencia, explains all the anomalics of the fpecies of plants of the Linnæan Syftem, which greatly perplex young be ginners in the ftudy of botany, who are frequently at a lofs to difcern the claffes, orders, and genera to which they be long; and points out to them the eafieft means of attaining their purpose. He has given an additional value to this work, by an accurate defcription of the generic character of the dwarf palm, or palmetto (Chamærops humilis, L.), and of the date palm-tree (Phoenix dactylifera, L.), which toed in need of being accurately defcribed by a diligent and careful ob ferver, who has had an opportunity of examining both plants on their native. fpots.

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"Mapa Topográfico de la Ciudad de Granada, dado á luz por D. FRANCISCO DALMAN," &c. A Topographic Map of the City of Granada, published by Don F. Dalinan. We have no hesitation in faying, that this is one of the best executed topographic maps which have ever come under our confideration; and reprefents, with equal exactness and minuteness, one of the most interefting cities of Spain, in point of fituation and antiquities.


"El Viajero univerfal, ó Noticia del Mundo antiguo y nuevo; &c. Por D. PEDRO ESTALA, Prefbitero, &c." The Univerfal Traveller, or Knowledge of the World, both Antient and Modern, &c. by Dn. P. Eftala, Prefbyter. The numbers 84 to 92 published this year of this voluminous compofition, which comprises already 28 volumes, contain the continuation and end of the defcription of Ruffia, an account of Norway and Iceland, and the beginning of the defeription of Sweden.



"La Milantropia y el Arrepentimiento: Drama en 5 actos, en Profa, del Teatro Aleman de Kot-büe; refundido y arreglado á la Efcena por la Ciudadana Molé, Actriz del Teatro Frances, ; y traducido fielmente en Profa Caftellana, por D. A. G. A." Milanthropy and Repentance, a Drama in five acts, in Profe, of the German Theatre of Kotzebue; altered and adjusted for the Stage, by the female Citizen Molé, an Actress of the French Theatre, and faithfully tranflated into Spanish Profe, by D. A. G. A.

The fame play of Kotzebue has been tranflated into Spanish verfe by DIONISIO SOLIS, and in this form reprefented in Madrid.

"Hamlet, Tragedia efcrita en Ingles, por Guillermo Shakespeare; traducida illustrada con la Vida del Autor y Notas Criticas par INARRO CELENIO," &c. Hamlet, a Tragedy written in Englith by William Shakespeare, tranflated and illuftrated with the Life of the Author, and Critical Notes, by Inarro Celenio, &c.

"Examen de la Tragedia intitulada, Hamlet, efcrita en Ingles, por Guillermo Shakespeare, y traducido al Caftellano por INARRO CELENIO, &c. efcribialo D. C. C." A Critical Inquiry into the Tragedy entitled Hamlet, written in English by W. Shakespeare, and tranflated into Spanish by J. Celenio. This performance contains a variety of critical strictures on the original play, on the Spanish tranflation, on the English and Spanish idioms, and alfo on the French language, into which it was firft tranflated.

EDUCATION AND MORALS. "Plan y Método de Educacion que D. MANUEL LAMEYRO Y GARCIA, Preceptor de Nobles educandos en la Ciudad de Santiago, tiene eftablecido y obferva en fu Cafa con algunos Niños de diftincion del Reyno de Galicia, &c." Plan and Method of Education, introduced and obferved by D. M. Lameyro y Garcia, Inftructor of young Noblemen, to be educated in Santiago in his House with regard to fome Children of Distinction of the Kingdom of Galicia, &c. The author has prefaced the account of his plan and method of inftruction by an introductory difcourfe on the utility and importance of the education of the nobility, and on the origin and prefent ftate


of the Seminary, which has been under his direction fince the year 1790; and has deservedly obtained the approbation of the Supreme Council of Castile, because it unites the advantages of public and private education, and prevents the inconveniences attending on either of them. MISCELLANIES.

"Semanario de Agricultura y Artes: tomo 60" &c. Weekly Account of Agriculture and the Arts, vol. 6, &c.

The prefent volume of this useful compilation, which enjoys the peculiar protection of the Spanish government, contains a Treatife on the most useful plants for forming artificial meadows, and the mode of cultivating them; on the culture of rice; on the art of making all forts of glass, cryftal, and artificial precious ftones; on the art of preparing platina, gold and filver for painting on crystal, &c. &c. the natural history of the wolf; an account of the proceedings of the agricultural fociety of Cabuerniga, and concludes with feveral interefting notices relative to agriculture, rural and domeftic economy, and the arts.

"Carta critica al Autor de las Notas de D. Quixote: en la que fe defcubre el verdadero Autor de fu famofa Hiftoria, á quien Cervantes da el Nombre de Cido Hamete Bén-engeli; por D. I. E. P. C." A Critical Letter to the Author of the Notes of D. Quixote, in which is difcovered the true Author of his famous Hiftory, to which Cervantes gives the Name of Cido Hamete Bén-engeli, by D. I. E. P. C.


"Mifcelanea inftructiva, ó Anales de Literatura, &c. No. 24.' The prefent number of this very ufeful and inftructive periodical publication, which completes the eighth volume of the work, contains an account of the Confervatory of the fine and mechanical arts at Paris; a letter from Citizen Gilbert, written in Madrid, on bull-baiting; extracts of Stedman's voyage to Surinam; obfervations on the means of perfecting the inland navigation; a treatife on Spanish sheep; an account of the fine wool which has been exported from, Spain within the last five years; rewards offered by the fociety of Havannah; account of the skeleton of an elephant found in New Spain; defcription of a new machine for fpinning wool; remarks on the best means of fupplying the want of fresh water atfea, &c. &c.

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