CONTENTS Wisdom juftified of her Children, from the Ignorance and Calumny of H. Hallywell, in his Book, called, England's Prefent Intereft confidered, with Honour to the Prince, and Safety to the People, in Answer to this one Question, What is moft fit, eafy, and fafe, at this Juncture of Affairs, to be done, for quieting of Differences, allaying the Heat of con- trary Interefts, and making them fubfervient to the A Letter to the Princefs and Countess at Hertford, in Germany Page 267 A Summons or Call to Chriftendom: in an earnest Expoftulation with her to prepare for that notable Day of the Lord, that is at the Door Page 289 Tender Advice and Counfel, by Way of Epistle, to all those who are fenfible of the Day of their Vifitation, and who have received the Call of the Lord, by the Light and Spirit of his Son in their Hearts, to partake of the great Salvation, wherever scattered throughout the World Travels in Holland and Germany Page 313 Page 373 THE |