Besides these, eight of his friends or admirers clubbed for two more carriages, in one of which I had a seat. But the executor, Sir John Hawkins, did not manage things well, for there was no anthem or choir service performed - no lesson - but merely what is read over every old woman that is buried by the parish. Surely, surely, my dear Sir, this was wrong, very wrong. Dr. Taylor read the service-but so-so. (1) He lies nearly under Shakspeare's monument, with Garrick at his right hand, just opposite the monument erected not long ago for Goldsmith by him and some of his friends." 515. Parr on Johnson's Churchmanship. "It is dangerous to be of no church," said Dr. Johnson who believed and revered his Bible, and who saw through all the proud and shallow pretences of that which calls itself liberality, and of that which is not genuine philosophy. 516. Parr on Johnson's Death. He was a writer, in whom religion and learning have lost one of their brightest ornaments, and whom it is not an act of adulation or presumption to represent as summoned to that reward, which the noblest talents, exercised uniformly for the most useful purposes, cannot fail to attain. 517. Greek Accents. (2) Dr. Johnson, in his conversation with Dr. Parr, repeatedly and earnestly avowed his opinion, that accents (1) [Dr. Parr, in a letter to Dr. Charles Burney, written in Nov. 1789, says, “Did you go to Sir Joshua Reynolds's funeral? I hope he had a complete service, not mutilated and dimidiated, as it was for poor Johnson at the Abbey, which is a great reproach to the lazy cattle who loll in the stalls there."ר (2) [Communicated by Dr. John Johnstone.] ought not to be omitted by any editor of Greek authors, or any modern writers of Greek verse, or Greek prose. 518. Bishop Pearce. (1) That Dr. Parr obtained, at an early period, a place in the good opinion of Dr. Johnson, appears from the circumstance, that to his powerful recommendation Dr. Parr was chiefly indebted for his appointment to the mastership of the Norwich Grammar School. Indeed, he has often been heard to speak of their friendly interviews, even before that time; of which one instance occurs to me. This was in 1777, when Bishop Pearce's "Commentary, with Notes, on the Four Gospels" was published, to which the well-known "Dedication," written by Dr. Johnson, was prefixed. Calling soon afterwards upon him, Dr. Parr mentioned that he had been reading, with great delight, his dedication to the king. "My dedication!" exclaimed Dr. Johnson, "how do you know it is mine?" "For two reasons," replied Dr. Parr: "the first, because it is worthy of you; the second, because you only could write it." 519. Johnson's Monument. When it was determined to erect a monument of Johnson in St. Paul's Cathedral, the task of composing the inscription was assigned, by the public wish and voice, to Dr. Parr; who, however, on its first proposal, shrank with awe from the arduous undertaking. In writing to a friend, he thus expresses himself : - "I must leave this mighty task to some hardier and some abler hand. The variety and the splendour of Johnson's attainments, the peculiarity of his character, his private virtues, and his literary publications, fill me with confusion and dismay, when I reflect on the confined (1) [Nos. 518. and 519. from "Field's Memoirs of Dr. and difficult species of composition, in which alone they can be expressed on his monument." On another occasion, speaking on the same subject " I once intended to write Johnson's Life; and I had read through three shelves of books to prepare myself for it. It would have contained a view of the literature of Europe: and," - making an apology for the proud consciousness which he felt of his own ability -" if I had written it," continued he, "it would have been the third most learned work that has ever yet appeared." To explain himself, he afterwards added, “The most learned work ever written, I consider Bentley 'On the Epistles of Phalaris; the next, Salmasius 'On the Hellenistic Language.'" On a third occasion, describing the nature of his intended work, and alluding to Boswell, he said, " Mine should have been, not the drippings of his lips, but the history of his mind." 520. Imitations of Juvenal. (1) Dr. Parr spoke with unbounded favour of Johnson's imitations of Juvenal. The lines in the third satire, "Tanti tibi non sit opaci, Omnis arena Tagi, quodque in mare volvitur aurum, he was fond of quoting, with Johnson's amplification of the sentiment: "But thou, should tempting villany present All Marlborough hoarded, or all Villiers spent, (1) [This and the two next articles are from "Recollections New of Dr. Parr, by a Pupil" (the late Charles Marsh). Monthly Mag. vol. xvii.] 521. Preface to Shakspeare. The Preface to Shakspeare Dr. Parr considered Johnson's most eloquent prose composition; and he delighted in quoting that fine passage, where Johnson, at the close of his attack upon the doctrine of the Unities, says, "But when I think of the great authorities that are ranged on the other side, I am almost tempted to retire from the contest; as Æneas withdrew from the siege of Troy, when he saw Neptune shaking the walls, and Juno heading the besiegers." 522. Music. Talking once with Dr. Parr on the subject of dedications, in a friend's library, he desired me to take down the first volume of Burney's History of Music, and to read to him the dedication of that work to the queen. "There," said he, "there is the true refinement of compliment, without adulation. In the short compass of a few lines are comprised no small degree of the force, and nearly all the graces and the harmonies, of the English language. But Burney did not write it: Johnson wrote it; and on this, as on other occasions, showed himself an accomplished courtier. Jemmy Boswell ought to have known that Johnson wrote it. I had it from good authority; besides, it is Johnson's internally. How truly Johnsonian is the following passage: - "The science of musical sounds has been depreciated as appealing only to the ear, and affording nothing more than a fugitive and temporary delight; but it may justly be considered as the art which unites corporal with intellectual pleasure, by a species of enjoyment which gratifies sense, without weakening reason; and which, therefore, the great may cultivate without debasement, and the good may enjoy without deprav523. Adventurer, No. 87. (1) The following observations were dictated to me by Dr. Parr, as he was one evening calmly smoking his pipe in my study. I was telling him, that two of our common friends had decided from internal evidence, that No. 87. in that work was not written by Warton, as the signature Z. indicated, but by Johnson. "Reach your 'Adventurer' from the shelves," said the Doctor, " and read the paper to me." When I had done so he said, "Now sit down, and write on the blank leaf of the volume what I shall dictate to you; and remember never to part with that book, nor suffer the leaf, which you have written, to be torn out, but preserve it as a memorial of your cordial and sincere friend, when I shall be numbered with the dead." What the Doctor dictated is as follows: "May 19. 1808. Number 87. of the Adventurer' was written by Johnson, not by Dr. Warton. It has internal evidence sufficient to show who was, and who was not, the writer. Instead of T. the signature of Johnson, Z., the signature of Warton, was by an error of the press inserted in the earlier editions, and has since continued. Boswell, when collecting Johnson's papers in the Adventurer,' looked only to the signature T.; and not finding it to No. 87., he did not assign that paper to Johnson. Warton was more likely to keep a good account than Johnson. Dr. Wooll, in his Life of Warton, does not include No. 87. among the papers written by Warton. Dr. Parr, who gave me this information in May 1808, was quite satisfied with the internal evidence as supplied by the style and the matter. Boswell's silence proves nothing except his want of vigilance, or his want of acuteness; but Wooll's silence is decisive, more especially as Boswell has left the paper open to a claim from Dr. Warton, who hap (1) [From "Parriana," by E. H. Barker, Esq., vol. i. p. 472.] |