every singularity, seems necessary to account for his having forgotten that Swift was a wit. As the Seasons appeared during the susceptible part of Johnson's life, his admiration of Thompson prevailed over that ludicrous prejudice which he professed against Scotland, perhaps because it was a Presbyterian country. His insensibility to the higher order of poetry, his dislike of a Whig university, and his scorn of a fantastic character, combined to produce that monstrous example of critical injustice which he entitles the Life of Gray. Such is the character which may be bestowed on Johnson by those who feel a profound reverence for his virtues, and a respect approaching to admiration for his intellectual powers, without adopting his prejudices, or being insensible to his defects. (Memoirs of Sir James Mackintosh, 1835, vol. ii. p. 166.) 698. Johnson's Epitaph on Mr. Thrale. Of his departed friend (says Dr. Anderson), Johnson has given a true character in a Latin epitaph, inscribed on his monument in Streatham church. Besides the example of affecting gratitude which it records, it is preserved here as an instance of the facility with which the heart of a friend finds topics of praise, to endear a worthy man to posterity, without falsehood or adulation. The morality of the conclusion is striking and instructive: "In the same tomb lie interred his father, Ralph Thrale, a man of vigour and activity, and his only son, Henry, who died before his father, aged ten years. Thus a happy and opulent family, raised by the grandfather, and augmented by the father, became extinguished with the grandson. Go, reader; and, reflecting on the vicissitudes of all human affairs, meditate on Hic conditur quod reliquum est Qui res seu civiles, seu domesticas, ita egit, Ita sacras, Ut quam brevem esset habiturus præscire videretur; Elaboratum. In senatu, regi patriæque Vulgi obstrepentis contemptor animosus, Consortes tumuli habet Rodolphum patrem, strenuum Domus felix et opulenta, quam erexit Abi Viator! Et vicibus rerum humanarum perspectis, 699. Johnson's Epitaph on his Father, Mother, and Brother. A few days before his death Johnson composed the following epitaph for his father, mother, and brother; and wrote to Mr. Green, of Lichfield, desiring that it might be engraved on a stone, deep, massy, and 66 hard," laid on the exact place of interment, in the middle aisle of St. Michael's church; and hoped "it might be done while he was yet alive." (1) H. S. E. MICHAEL JOHNSON, Vir impavidus, constans, animosus, periculorum immemor, laborum patientissimus; fiducia christiana fortis, fervidusque, pater-familias apprime strenuus; bibliopola admodum peritus; mente et libris et negotiis exculta; animo ita firmo, ut, rebus adversis diu conflicatus, nec sibi nec suis defuerit: lingua sic temperata, ut ei nihil quod aures, vel pias, vel castas læsisset, aut dolor, vel voluptas unquam expresserit. Natus Cubleiæ, in agro Derbiensi, Anno 1656. Apposita est SARA, conjux. Antiqua FORDORUM gente oriunda; quam domi sedulam, for paucis notam; nulli molestam, mentis acumine et judicii subtilitate præcellentem; aliis multum, sibi parum indulgentem : Æternitati semper attentam, omne fere virtutis nomen commendavit. Nata Nortoniæ Regis, in agro Varvicensi, Anno 1669; Cum NATHANAELE illorum filio, qui natus 1712, cum vires et animi, et corporis multa pollicerentur, Anno 1737, vitam brevem pia morte finivit. 700. Busts of Johnson and Garrick in Lichfield Cathedral. In the Dean's consistory court, adjoining the south transept of the cathedral church of Lichfield, a bust has been erected, with the following inscription : (1) [See antè, Vol. VIII. p. 391.] The Friends of SAMUEL JOHNSON, LL.D., As a tribute of respect to the memory of A distinguished moral writer, and a sincere Christian. Near it is a similar bust of Garrick, erected by his relict, after a design of the same artists, Wyatt, architect, and Westmacott, sculptor, with the following inscription, combining the desiderium chari conjugis, with Johnson's emphatic eulogy on the dramatic talents of his deceased friend : EVA MARIA, relict of DAVID GARRICK, Esq. caused this monument to be erected to the memory of her beloved husband; who died the 20th of January, 1779, aged 63 years. He had not only the amiable qualities of private life, but such astonishing dramatic talents, as too well verified the observation of his friend, "His death eclipsed the gaiety of nations, and impoverished the public stock of harmless pleasure." 701. Further Anecdotes of Johnson's Parents. Of Michael Johnson little is generally known, beyond the fact that he was a tradesman at Lichfield; and no attempt has hitherto been made to bring into one point the few particulars concerning him that lie scattered through various volumes. Yet this would appear to be a mark of respect due, if not to his own merit, to that of his admirable son; and in the hope that it may incite some one to undertake a more finished composition, the subjoined outline of a memoir has been compiled. He was a native of Derbyshire; but of origin so obscure, that Dr. Johnson once said to Boswell, "I have great merit in being zealous for the honours of birth, for I can hardly tell who was my grandfather." He married, at a somewhat advanced age, one Sarah Ford, by whom he had two sons; but the period of his settling at Lichfield is doubtful, though it certainly was some time prior to the close of the seventeenth century, as I find his name anno 1687, in a list of subscribers to a fund for recasting the bells of the Cathedral, towards which he contributed 10s. In 1709 he was sheriff of the city; and in the same year was born his celebrated son, whose baptism is thus recorded in the Register of St. Michael's Church : "Sept. 17. 1709, Samuel, son of Michael Johnson, Gent. baptized." One of his godfathers was Dr. Swinfen, a physician of the city. Three years after, the baptism of his brother is thus entered in the same Register: "Oct. 14. 1712, Nathaniel, son of Mr. Michael Johnson, baptized." The circumstances of Michael Johnson appear to have been for many years extremely narrow; but by untiring industry, he at length acquired some little property, which he lost by speculating in the manufacture of parchment, and became a bankrupt in 1731, while his son Samuel was at Oxford. The generous assistance which on this occasion he received from various quarters, seems to prove that his character was held in great esteem. Dr. Johnson told Sir John Hawkins that, amongst others, Mr. Innys, bookseller of St. Paul's Church-yard, was a material friend; "and this," said he, "I consider as an obligation on me to be grateful to his descendants," to whom he accordingly bequeathed 200l. Soon after his insolvency took place, Michael died, and the sum of 20l. was all that his son received from the produce of his effects. It is a fact but little known, and which escaped the |