Ballantine, George, ii. 126. Balloons, viii, 359. 362. Ballow, Thomas, vi, 139, 139 п. Baltic, Johnson's proposed voyage to, vi. 269, 269 n.
Bankes, Mr., of Dorsetshire, i. 161. Banks, Sir Joseph, iii. 168. 172, 172 п. 173.; v. 74.; vii. 230.235. John- son's motto for his goat, iii. 168. Baptism, vi. 90.
Barbauld, Mr., vi. 28.; viii. 291, 291 n. Barbauld, Letitia. See Aikin.
Barber, Francis, Johnson's negro ser- vant, i. 278. 281. 285. 287.; ii. 111.; iii. 15 n. 54. 128. 170.; v. 193 n.; vii. 234.; viii. 376. 405, 405 n.; ix. 163, 164.
Barclay, his 'Ship of Fooles,' ii. 25. Barclay, Mr., the young author, his defence of Johnson's Shakspeare against Kenrick, ii. 500.; iv. 305. Barclay, Robert, of Ury, his 'Apo- logy for the Quakers,' vi. 89. Barclay, Robert, one of Mr. Thrale's successors, viii. 96, 96 n.; x. 122. Baretti, Joseph, ii. 6. 28. 55, 55 n. 95. 128. 138. 150.; iii. 48. 59. 95. 98, 98 п., 99 п. 127. 241.; v. 222. 331.; vi. 24, 24 п. 79. 121. 135. 169, 169 n. 222.; vi. 303. 316. 379.; ix.158. Johnson's letters to, ii. 128. 138. 150. His trial for murder, iii. 98, 98 n. 99 п. His 'Travels,' iii. 48. 127. The first who received copy-money in Italy, vi. 303. His strictures on Mrs. Piozzi's marriage, vi. 169. His Anecdotes of Johnson, x. 35. Bark, Peruvian, viii. 296. Barker, Dr. Edmund, i. 219 n.; ii. Barnard, Rev. Dr., Bishop of Killaloe,
19 n, 20. 60. Johnson's letter of in- structions to, on the formation of the king's library, iii. 60. Barnes, Rev. Joshua, v. 124.; vii. 366. Barnwall, Nicholas, Lord Trimles-
Baron Hill, the seat of Lord Bulkeley, v. 108 n.
Barretier, John Philip, Johnson's Life of, i. 164. 167. Barrington, Hon. Daines, iii. 289.; vii. 164; viii. 90. 250. His 'Essay on the Emigration of Birds,' iii. 289. His 'Observations on the Statutes,' vii. 164.
Barrow, Dr Isaac, his sermon against
foolish talking and jesting, viii. 83 n. Barrowby, Dr., anecdote of, viii. 294. Barry, Sir Edward, his notion that pulsation occasions death by at- trition, vi. 152.
Barry, Spranger, the actor, i. 227 n. Barry, James, the painter, viii. 192. 218, 218 п.; x. 249. Johnson's let- ter to, viii. 192. Barter, Mr., iii. 196. 'Bas Bleu,' Hannah More's poem of, viii. 86.; ix. 123. x. 118.
Bashfulness, viii. 316.
Bastard, Savage's poem of the, i. 191.
Bat, formation of the, vii. 202. Bateman, Edmund, of Pembroke Col-
lege, his Lectures, i. 78. Bath, Johnson's visit to, v. 164. Baths, Johnson's opinion of medi- cated, iii. 104.
Batheaston vase, Horace Walpole's pleasant account of, v. 277. Bathurst, Allen, first Earl, vii. 208.
277, 278.; 285 n.; viii. 20.; ix. 11. Bathurst, Captain, i. 285. Bathurst, Dr. Richard, i. 212. 219. 278. 288. 300. 305.; ii. 152. 276.; iii. 228. 255.; vii. 375. 380.
i. 110 n.; vi. 208, 208 n.; vii. 68, 68 n.; viii. 93, 93 n.; ix. 215. Al- tercation between Johnson and, on the question, whether a man can improve after the age of forty-five, viii. 93, 93 n.; ix. 215. His plea-Batrachomyomachia,' first edition sant verses thereon, ix. 216.
Barnard, Dr., provost of Eaton, ix. 9. Barnard, Frederick, afterwards Sir Frederick, king's librarian, iii. 19.
'Battle of the Pigmies and Cranes,' ix. 143.
Baxter, Richard, iii. 296.; iv. 90.; viii. | Behaviour, ix. 7.
Behmen, Jacob, iii. 137, 137 п.
Baxter, Richard, viii. 232.; ix. 141. 321. His 'Reasons of the Christian
Bell, John, of Antermony, his 'Tra-
vels in Russia, iii. 46, 46 n.
Religion' recommended by John-Bell, John, of Hertfordshire, iii. 165.
Bellamy, George Anne, actress, ii. 82.; viii. 239.
Baxter, William, his 'Anacreon,' v. Bell, John, his edition of the British
'Bayes,' character of, iii. 200, 200 п. Bayle, M., his Dictionary, ii. 208.; v. 12.
Beatniffe, Richard, Johnson's letter to, respecting Levett, x. 258. Beaton, Cardinal, his murder, ii. 60, 60 n.
Beattie, Dr. James, i. 245 n.; iii. 163. 165. 169. 173, 173 n. 232. 235. 302. 310.; ν. 105. 328.; vi. 205.; vii. 336.; viii. 79. 352. His letter to Boswell, iii. 173. Johnson's letter to, vii. 336. His Essay on Truth, ix. 64. His Hermit,' viii. 117.
Beauclerk, Topham, i. 102. 296, 297.; ii. 122. 214. 271. 283.; iii. 17. 272.; iv. 76. 112.; ν. 34. 65. 225. 232. 287. 304.; vi. 25. 120. 135.; vii. 121. 216. 258. 265. 310, 310 n. 321. 357. 358. 374.; viii. 50. 82. 170.; ix. 66. 69. Beauclerk, Lady Diana, iii. 284. 287, 287 n.; viii. 74.
'Bellerophon' of Euripides, ii. 25. Belsham, Mr., his 'Essay on Dra- matic Poetry' quoted, ii. 161. Benedictine monks, vi. 17.; viii. 201.; ix. 36.
Benevolence, an excuse for drinking, vii. 181. 187.
Benevolence, Johnson's, vi. 256.; ix. 81. 41. 150. 176. 220. Benevolence, human, vi. 168. Benserade, M. de, à son lit,' ix. 25. Bensley, Mr., actor, iii. 35. Benson, Mr., auditor, his monument to Milton, i. 268.
Bentham, Dr., canon of Christchurch, vi. 75.
Beauclerk, Lady Sydney, v. 23.
Beaumaris Castle, v. 208.
Beaumont, Sir George, i. 13 n.; vii. Berkeley, Dr. George, Bishop of
Beaumont and Fletcher, v. 275.
'Beauties of Johnson, i. 250.; viii. Berwick, Duke of, his ' Memoirs,' vii.
Blacklock, Dr. Thomas, the blind poet, ii. 91. 256, 256 n.; iv. 39, 39 n. Bolingbroke, Henry St. John, first
Beauty, iii. 197.; viii. 112.
Becket, Thomas, bookseller, v. 227.
Beckford, Alderman, vii. 21.
Bedford, John, fourth Duke of, viii.
bed recommendation to read, ix. 179.
Bibliotheca Harleiana, Johnson's account of, i. 175.
'Bibliotheca Literaria,' v. 206, 206 π. 'Bibliothèque,' Johnson's scheme for opening a, ii. 34. Bickerstaff, Isaac, iii. 84 n. Bicknell, Mr., ii. 70.
Bidder, George, the calculating boy, vi. 65 n.
Bindley, James, i. 180. 196 n.; vii.
176 n.; viii. 171 n. 212 n. Binning, Charles, Lord, iii. 223, 223 n.; vii. 186.
Biographer, duties of a, vi. 294.; ix. 138.
Biographia Britannica, vi. 317, 318 n.; viii. 22.
Biography, iii. 198.; iv. 78.; vi. 76. 193.294.; vii. 113, 113 n.; viii. 23.; ix. 138.; x. 119.
Biography, literary, of England, John- son recommended by George III. to undertake, iii. 26.
Birch, Rev. Dr. Thomas, i. 152. 173. 214.; iv. 281. Johnson's Greek epi- gram to, i. 155. Letters from John- son to, i. 184. 267.; ii. 36. His letter to Johnson, on receiving his Dic- tionary, ii. 36.
Birds, migration of, iii. 289. Birkenhead, Sir John, iv. 53 п. Birmingham, vi. 86.; vii. 31. Biron, Marshal Duc de, vi. 16 n. Births, extraordinary, i. 316. • Bishop,' a beverage so called, i. 299. Bishops, in the House of Lords, iii. 204. Requisites in, iv. 79. Great decorum required from, viii. 49.64.
Blackfriars' Bridge, ii. 116. Black-letter books, iii. 135. 'Black Dog,' vii. 301, 301 n.; x. 266. Black men, cause of their being so, ii. 175.
His letter on a passage in Johnson's 'Journey,' iv. 313.
Blackmore, Sir Richard, iii. 117.; ıx 142. Johnson's Life of, vii. 237 viii. 25.
Blackstone, Sir William, his 'Com- mentaries, v. 55 n.; vii. 193 п.
Blackwall, Anthony, i. 87. Blagden, Dr., afterwards Sir Charles
vi. 19.; vii. 377, 377 n. Blainville, M., his 'Travels, v. 289. Blair, Rev. Dr. Hugh, ii. 126. 168.; iv. 33. 64. ; ν. 149, 149 n., 150. 182, 182 п. 186. 229.; vi. 171. 222. 239, His 'Sermons, vi. 222. 232. 309.: vii. 33. 197, 197 n.; viii. 75. His imitation of Johnson's style, vi. 315. His letter concerning Pope's 'Essay on Man, vii. 284.
Blair, Rev. Robert, his poem of 'The Grave, vi. 167, 167 п. Blake, Admiral, Johnson's Life of,
Blaney, Elizabeth, i. 32.; viii. 378. Blank verse, Johnson's dislike of, ii.
212.; iii. 139.; vii. 367. Excellence of rhyme over, viii. 11.
Blasphemy, literary property in, iv. 45.
Bleeding, Johnson's objection to pe- riodical, vi. 292.
Blenheim, v. 33. 214.; vi. 81. Blind, notion that they can distin- guish colours by the touch, iii. 226. 'Blockhead, Johnson's application of the word, iii. 207.; vi. 87. Blue-stocking clubs, origin of, viii. 86.
Boarding-schools, ix. 52. Bocage, Madame du, vi. 3. 22, 22 п. Her Columbiade, viii. 333. Boerhaave, Johnson's Life of, i. 154. Boece, Hector, the historian, viii. 250.
Boethius, 'de Consolatione Philoso- phiæ, i. 153.; iii. 142.
Boileau, i. 129, 130 n.; vii. 208.; ix. 103.
Baxter, Richard, iii. 296. ; iv. 90.; viii. 175. 219.; ix. 141. 321.
Behaviour, ix. 7. Behmen, Jacob, iii. 137, 137 п. Bell, John, of Antermony, his 'Tra- vels in Russia, iii. 46, 46 n.
Baxter, Richard, viii. 232.; ix. 141. 321. His 'Reasons of the Christian Religion' recommended by John-Bell, John, of Hertfordshire, iii. 165.
Baxter, William, his 'Anacreon,' v. Bell, John, his edition of the British
'Bayes,' character of, iii. 200, 200 п. Bayle, M., his Dictionary, ii. 208.; v. 12.
Beatniffe, Richard, Johnson's letter to, respecting Levett, x. 258. Beaton, Cardinal, his murder, ii. 60, 60 n.
Beattie, Dr. James, i. 245 n.; iii. 163. 165. 169. 173, 173 n. 232. 235. 302. 310.; ν. 105. 328. ; vi. 205.; vii. 336.; viii. 79. 352. His letter to Boswell, iii. 173. Johnson's letter to, vii. 336. His Essay on Truth, ix. 64. His Hermit,' viii. 117.
Beauclerk, Topham, i. 102. 296, 297.; ii. 122. 214. 271. 283.; iii. 17. 272.; iv. 76. 112.; v. 34. 65. 225. 232. 287. 304.; vi. 25. 120. 135.; vii. 121. 216. 258. 265. 310, 310 n. 321. 357. 358. 374.; viii. 50. 82. 170.; ix. 66. 69. Beauclerk, Lady Diana, iii. 284. 287, 287 n.; viii. 74.
Beauclerk, Lady Sydney, v. 23.
Beaumaris Castle, v. 208.
Bellamy, George Anne, actress, ii. 82.; viii. 239.
'Bellerophon' of Euripides, ii. 25. Belsham, Mr., his 'Essay on Dra- matic Poetry' quoted, ii. 161.
Benedictine monks, vi. 17.; viii. 201.; ix. 36.
Benevolence, an excuse for drinking, vii. 181. 187.
Benevolence, Johnson's, vi. 256.; ix. 81. 41. 150. 176. 220. Benevolence, human, vi. 168. Benserade, M. de, à son lit,' ix. 25. Bensley, Mr., actor, iii. 35.
Benson, Mr., auditor, his monument to Milton, i. 268.
Benthara, Dr., canon of Christchurch, vi. 75.
Beaumont, Sir George, i. 13 n.; vii. Berkeley, Dr. George, Bishop of
Beaumont and Fletcher, v. 275.
'Beauties of Johnson, i. 250.; viii. Berwick, Duke of, his ' Memoirs,' vii.
bed recommendation to read, ix. 179.
Bibliotheca Harleiana, Johnson's account of, i. 175.
'Bibliotheca Literaria, v. 206, 206 п. 'Bibliothèque, Johnson's scheme for opening a, ii. 34. Bickerstaff, Isaac, iii. 84 n. Bicknell, Mr., ii. 70.
Bidder, George, the calculating boy, vi. 65 n.
Bindley, James, i. 180. 196 n.; vii.
176 n.; viii. 171 п. 212 n. Binning, Charles, Lord, iii. 223, 223 n.; vii. 186.
Biographer, duties of a, vi. 294. ; ix. 138.
'Biographia Britannica, vi. 317, 318 n.; viii. 22.
Biography, iii. 198.; iv. 78.; vi. 76. 193.294.; vii. 113, 113 n.; viii. 23.; ix. 138.; x. 119.
Biography, literary, of England, John- son recommended by George III. to undertake, iii. 26.
Birch, Rev. Dr. Thomas, i. 152. 173. 214.; iv. 281. Johnson's Greek epi- gram to, i. 155. Letters from John- son to, i. 184. 267.; ii. 36. His letter to Johnson, on receiving his Dic- tionary, ii. 36.
Birds, migration of, iii. 289. Birkenhead, Sir John, iv. 53 п. Birmingham, vi. 86.; vii. 31. Biron, Marshal Duc de, vi. 16 n. Births, extraordinary, i. 316.
* Bishop,' a beverage so called, i. 299. Bishops, in the House of Lords, iii. 204. Requisites in, iv. 79. Great decorum required from, viii. 49. 64. 298.
Blackfriars' Bridge, ii. 116. Black-letter books, iii. 135. 'Black Dog,' vii. 301, 301 n.; x. 266. Black men, cause of their being so, ii. 175.
His letter on a passage in Johnson's 'Journey,' iv. 313.
Blackmore, Sir Richard, iii. 117.; ıx 142. Johnson's Life of, vii. 237 viii. 25.
Blackstone, Sir William, his 'Com- mentaries, v. 55 n.; vii. 193 п.
Blackwall, Anthony, i. 87. Blagden, Dr., afterwards Sir Charles
vi. 19.; vii. 377, 377 п. Blainville, M., his 'Travels, v. 289. Blair, Rev. Dr. Hugh, ii. 126. 168.; iv. 33. 64. ; ν. 149, 149 π., 150. 182, 182 п. 186. 229.; vi. 171. 222.239. His 'Sermons, vi. 222. 232. 309.; vii. 33. 197, 197 n.; viii. 75. His imitation of Johnson's style, vi. 315. His letter concerning Pope's 'Essay on Man, vii. 284.
Blair, Rev. Robert, his poem of 'The Grave, vi. 167, 167 п. Blake, Admiral, Johnson's Life of,
Blaney, Elizabeth, i. 32.; viii. 378. Blank verse, Johnson's dislike of, ii.
212.; iii. 139.; vii. 367. Excellence of rhyme over, viii. 11.
Blasphemy, literary property in, iv.
Bleeding, Johnson's objection to pe- riodical, vi. 292.
Blenheim, v. 33. 214.; vi. 81. Blind, notion that they can distin- guish colours by the touch, iii. 226. 'Blockhead, Johnson's application of the word, iii. 207.; vi. 87. Blue-stocking clubs, origin of, viii.
Boarding-schools, ix. 52.
Bocage, Madame du, vi. 3. 22, 22 п.
Her 'Columbiade, viii. 333. Boerhaave, Johnson's Life of, i. 154. Boece, Hector, the historian, viii.
Boethius, 'de Consolatione Philoso- phiæ, i. 153.; iii. 142.
Boileau, i. 129, 130 n.; vii. 208.; ix. 103.
Bolingbroke, Henry St. John, first
Blacklock, Dr. Thomas, the blind poet, ii. 91. 256, 256 n.; iv. 39, 39 n.
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